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How upset would you be?

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We had our first coop class today. Last night, another mom who I know pretty well called & asked if I would keep an eye on her 2 oldest, because she herself, was really sick & wouldn't be there.


I knew her dd had been really sick, had pnemonia, and the 2 littles had been sick also. The mom said she was in the ER Sunday night with a high fever, the worst body aches-her words "I would take natural childbirth over this" Get the picture?:eek:


So, her dd who was there was the one who had had pnemonia a few weeks ago, and was fine. Her ds, I wasn't sure about. I finally get a good look at him, and he looks horrible!! It was totally obvious to me that he was sicker than a dog. He was in my dd's class, and I told her not to go near him (:tongue_smilie:). Luckily, the first class was the one I was teaching. After about 10 minutes, he looked even worse, and I finally asked if he was okay. "No." So I took him out, and he said his nose was really runny (I had already observed him wiping it with his hands). So, I get him some kleenex, and have him wash his hands. Then I asked him "Is it just your nose, do you feel okay besides that, or do you feel bad?" "I feel really bad, and I didn't get any sleep last night because my brother was coughing so bad." Hmmm.


I had him lay down in another room, after about 15min checked on him, he still wasn't good, so I asked if he wanted me to call his mom. "Yes!"


So, am I wrong in being upset?? I really like the mom a lot, but if it was me, with the other kids, plus myself being so sick, I wouldn't even think twice-I would have kept him home. There were 3 babies, plus a pregnant mom at the coop. I know sometimes it's hard to tell if they are really sick, but in this case.. I'm just dreading the year already.


Okay, there's my little rant.


What are yours?

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I do the Sunday School music at my church, and write, teach, and direct the children's Christmas service every year. It's held the Sunday before Christmas.


So one year a girl came dragging into the dress rehearsal, the day before the service, obviously a bit under the weather. She did fine for a while, but after 2 hours her face got all bright and her nose started running. I asked her if she was OK, and she said that her cold medicine must have worn off:eek:


Sure enough, half the kids in the Sunday school were sick at Christmas. I myself had a 102 fever and spent the day in bed.


Some people are so selfish. Her parents should never have sent her to rehearsal that day.

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I guess if mom is sick maybe she couldn't see to check on the child? Definitely a huge pet peeve of mine. People bring their sick kids to church and homeschool gatherings all the time and it drives me crazy! It's so inconsiderate to all of the other people there, not to mention the kid is miserable!

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In the OP's case, if the mom is so sick, and there are other sick kids as well, she just may not have realized that he was sick. Although, when I've been that sick, the kids just don't make it to anything because I'm not up to bringing them.:tongue_smilie:


As for people bringing sick kids places.....if it's just a mild cold, no biggie (in my opinion). A sniffle, occasional cough or sneeze is easy to contain. If however, they are obviously not up to snuff, glazed eyes, flushed cheeks, green goo....keep them home. Even if they wind up not being contagious, how much do you think they're going to get out of the activity?


It really annoys me when people take their obviously miserably sick kids out to activities. Let the kid rest and heal, and keep the rest of us from getting it!

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I think the majority of homeschoolers really are more sensitive about bringing sick kids to group activities. Maybe because we are with them all day and see the working dynamics of everyone's attitudes and actions so closely. The ones who aren't sensitive really stand out in the crowd. A few weeks ago my sil said that her dd had been restless through the night because of a sore throat and stuffy nose, but that morning she had insisted on going to her private school because they were having a party! :confused: I just don't get the mindset, but most of the homeschoolers I know seem concerned, not only with their own kids, but those in the group as well. I'm sorry you are going to have to deal with some insensitive (or maybe just clueless) ones. I agree that a written letter of rules for sickness is necessary.

Edited by Blueridge
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Maybe he wasn't sick that morning? A lot of times, illness will come on very suddenly. I can remember taking my little brother to a movie and feeling perfectly fine, and then about halfway through I became violently ill. I am not an advocate of keeping kids home just because other family members are sick.



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Does the co-op have a written policy about sending in sick students? If not, it sounds like you need one.



The funny thing is, I had contacted the coop leader the week before asking about a sick policy, she said they hadn't had one, but maybe they should. But-the first day, there was no mention, or no emails had gone out. I am going to contact her asap to make sure we have something prior to the next class!

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The funny thing is, I had contacted the coop leader the week before asking about a sick policy, she said they hadn't had one, but maybe they should. But-the first day, there was no mention, or no emails had gone out. I am going to contact her asap to make sure we have something prior to the next class!


Also, check to see if there is something about loosing your spot if you miss days. The co-ops and tutorials here are so full that the one my oldest attends has a policy about what happens if you miss more than x number of classes. It would be this type of policy that would cause a parent to send a sick child.




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I agree that a written policy might be required. This is also one of my pet peeves. I really do not understand why some people are so inconsiderate.


I agree, particularly when you know some kids in the group have health problems. I know it was a little cold for your kid, but it put my kid in the hospital.

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The co-op really needs that sick policy. It needs to include who is responsible for referring and then taking temps, criteria for sending home, and who is responsible for arranging the prompt pick-up of the ill child.


I hope no one else gets pneumonia from that family.


I would be upset at the ignorance and ask for a mandatory parent meeting explaining the need for keeping students home and the indicators for doing so.

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Sadly, church and co-op are two of the things I have cut out this fall to lessen our exposure. We play soccer which is in an open, outdoor field. If the sickies get too bad, we will not be doing tae-kwon-do until it clears either. I know that we will eventually be exposed, but I don't want to intentionally dive headfirst into it. :(


I would try not to be too upset with the mom for sending her son. Maybe he felt fine when he left home and just suddenly started feeling poorly. Or, perhaps she was so sick herself that she is having a tough time taking care of both herself and the kids and she truly didn't realize he was that sick. How old is he?

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One of the major diagnostic features of the flu is that it hits the person hard and fast. One hour you are fine, then next you are laying in bed.


I have always worked, so for the past 14 years, I have had at least one kid in daycare. It amazes me how sick a child can be, and the parent will still send them to daycare. It is a huge pet peeve of mine!


But, with the flu...It is entirely possible that she just thought he was tired from the brother's coughing and didn't realize the extent of his illness.




Unless you hear from her that she knew he was sick, assume the best of your friend. Don't assume the worst, especially when you know how sick she is.

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I do get upset when parents send obviously sick kids into group settings, but maybe the mom was too sick to know how bad off the son was?


That's what I was thinking--she hadn't really had a good look at him OR he didn't look so bad first thing in the morning (maybe when she saw him) and it progressed rapidly. That can happen.

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