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President to address ps students?!

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"Students can record any questions they have while he is speaking and then discuss them after the speech."


Okay... "record questions any they have"... I think it's a stretch to suggest that this conveys encouraging students to challenge the President, if that's what you're suggesting. A question might be any number of things.

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Geeze, if this were Bush speaking to a bunch of school kids I know that many if not all of the conservatives woulda' been ALL OVER IT and talking about how great it is.



Just because it's Obama doesn't mean that it is some liberal conspiracy. :glare:


No, but the fact that he has appointed self-described socialist czars, supports policies with a potentially socialist bent, and is now directly addressing school children in a manner totally consistent with socialist propaganda kinda makes you think.

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No, but the fact that he has appointed self-described socialist czars, supports policies with a potentially socialist bent, and is now directly addressing school children in a manner totally consistent with socialist propaganda kinda makes you think.



Our president is not a socialist and if you want to talk about propaganda... do you even remember the last 8 years??




I am not a Bush fan, but I am a fan of the Presidency of the United States. I have *never* questioned a President directly addressing our students. I am astonished that this is a big deal and I am saddened that Politics has taken on such a fear agenda in this country. It used to be we could disagree with one another and still appreciate the others' point of view and still respect the highest office. I had respect for President Bush even when I thought he was dead wrong. Obama has never showed himself to be dishonorable and until he does, I trust him to give a speech to children in public schools.



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Our president is not a socialist and if you want to talk about propaganda... do you even remember the last 8 years??



I am not a Bush fan, but I am a fan of the Presidency of the United States. I have *never* questioned a President directly addressing our students. I am astonished that this is a big deal and I am saddened that Politics has taken on such a fear agenda in this country. It used to be we could disagree with one another and still appreciate the others' point of view and still respect the highest office. I had respect for President Bush even when I thought he was dead wrong. Obama has never showed himself to be dishonorable and until he does, I trust him to give a speech to children in public schools.





I have been voting for 30 years and I do not recall the level of vitriol that is seen in of the media and elsewhere that we see now. Frankly, it is disheartening that outright lies are being told in some parts of the media about this presidency. It is disheartening to see President Obama being equated with Hitler and communism,etc. in the public sphere which I think is mud slinging. I also believe that such tactics are trying to vilify democrats who are fellow Americans as well. It would be more honorable if those who were against the policies of this administration to voice their arguments against the policies in a rational manner instead of fear mongering and mud slinging.


I have always had an appreciation of both republicans and democrats since my dad is conservative and my mom is a liberal. In our family we have always been able to have an honest debate about regarding politics.


My 2 cents:)

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Our president is not a socialist and if you want to talk about propaganda... do you even remember the last 8 years??




I am not a Bush fan, but I am a fan of the Presidency of the United States. I have *never* questioned a President directly addressing our students. I am astonished that this is a big deal and I am saddened that Politics has taken on such a fear agenda in this country. It used to be we could disagree with one another and still appreciate the others' point of view and still respect the highest office. I had respect for President Bush even when I thought he was dead wrong. Obama has never showed himself to be dishonorable and until he does, I trust him to give a speech to children in public schools.




I do not suspect every President that I do not agree with of being a socialist. I did not like President Clinton, and did not agree with much at all of what he did, but I never thought he was a socialist. When President Obama was elected, I was ready to support him, even though I didn't vote for him. I enjoyed watching his inauguration and was proud to have the first African American president. However, the appointments he has made, the policies he has put forth since then, and the speeches that he has given since then have shown me that he is sympathetic to socialistic ideals and will implement them here if he is able. He is expanding the power of government in ways that go far beyond what it has been, or was ever meant to be. Because of that, when he undertakes a way of reaching directly to children, in a way that no U.S. president has ever done, and children are guided as to what he wants them to do, and how they can "help" him... yeah, the whole thing smacks of Big Brother and socialism to me. I don't like it, and don't agree with it. If what I think is going on really is, I'm not going to stand by and silently watch it happen.

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I have been voting for 30 years and I do not recall the level of vitriol that is seen in of the media and elsewhere that we see now. Frankly, it is disheartening that outright lies are being told in some parts of the media about this presidency. It is disheartening to see President Obama being equated with Hitler and communism,etc. in the public sphere which I think is mud slinging. I also believe that such tactics are trying to vilify democrats who are fellow Americans as well. It would be more honorable if those who were against the policies of this administration to voice their arguments against the policies in a rational manner instead of fear mongering and mud slinging.


I have always had an appreciation of both republicans and democrats since my dad is conservative and my mom is a liberal. In our family we have always been able to have an honest debate about regarding politics.


My 2 cents:)


It is not fearmongering or mudslinging to express a honest opinion. I believe that President Obama, the people he is apppointing, and their views are potentially dangerous to our country. It's not because I don't *like* him, it's because that is my conclusion after watching and listening him for the past 8 months.

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I believe that President Obama, the people he is apppointing, and their views are potentially dangerous to our country. It's not because I don't *like* him, it's because that is my conclusion after watching and listening him for the past 8 months.


And I believe that former President Bush, the people he appointed, and their views have been absolutely dangerous to our country. Also, it was not because I didn't like him, but that was my conclusion after watching and listening (painfully) to him for the past 8 years.


But we some how managed to survive those dark times, although we shall feel the reprecusions for a very long time.


I see those questions as critical thinking as well. Asking students to write down questions for the president is the appropriate avenue for that age. (K-6th right?) Why on earth would you allow a child to argue against the president of the United States. It's simply disrespectful. Even though I was not a fan of Bush, I would be horrified if my child (or any other child) were rude to him. He's giving a speech, not holding an elementary school debate. He is our President, and whether we like him or not or disagree with him or not, he deserves respect.


Edited to add: And for the record, I've not been happy with many of Obama's appointments, and decisions thus far either. But like I said, he's still our President and although I disagree with him I still give him due respect and teach my children to do the same (as I did Bush).

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Our president is not a socialist and if you want to talk about propaganda... do you even remember the last 8 years??



what is a socialist?:confused: It is a buzz word that is offensive... but no one really ever discusses it or clarifies how their candidate or program fits or doesn't fit.


This discussion is popping up in more places than Drudge today. Many feel it is a normal thing for a President of any party to encourage kids to pick goals (exercise, grades, share). NO big deal. But... the tone & wording of this event makes MANY think it is more of a DICTATION or "NOW DO THIS" type of speech and not a suggestion & encourage. IT isn't his speaking to the school kids... it is his philosophy or tone.


Someone said this is not what education is about... but actually, it is what PUBLIC education is all about... huge amts of material on the beginnings of these movements in 1800 (state) & 1900s (fed). It was started to get rid of community or regional identities... to get everyone in AL, MA, & CA thinking ALIKE... thinking like good citizens. It began with states taking over community schools & church schools (slowly with a few dollars at a time & then came the mandates & rules.... and takeover). Now for 80-100 years, the federal mindset has been doing the same thing to the states. Public education was not about SUPERIOR education or the best possible... it was about making those good citizens, everyone thinking like & being taught the same things, and becoming the type of people the community wanted. Not necessarily free thinking... but more compliant.


BTW... please do not assume every post against a leader means that you supported another leader. That isnt' logical but emotional.

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The part that bothers me is that the suggestions for discussion *repeatedly* emphasize what the President is "asking me to do."


Quotes: What is the President trying to tell me?

What is the President asking me to do?

What new ideas and actions is the President asking me to think about?

What specific job is he asking me to do?

What do you think the President wants you to do?

Does the speech make you want to do anything?

Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us?


That aspect sort of makes me uncomfortable. Do Presidents usually address children directly, and ask them to do certain things? Does the Dept. of Education usually guide teachers to help children better understand what the President wants from them? I don't remember in school ever being addressed by President Reagan or President Bush, and feeling an obligation to follow his directions. Admittedly, I do not trust President Obama in areas such as these, and I'm sure that makes me more skeptical about these sorts of things coming from his administration. I would be interested to know what he *is* asking of these students. Hopefully it's just to do well in school and try their best.


:iagree: I think this is unusual, to say the least. Honestly, I don't like it.:glare:

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Are you suggesting this is the first time a president has asked something of the people? That this is the only time any president has spoken of or asked for public service?


President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address:











You can find something similar from speeches from almost every president in the last 100 years.


Yep, but were these broadcast directly to and/or targeted towards elementary-age children?

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No, but the fact that he has appointed self-described socialist czars, supports policies with a potentially socialist bent, and is now directly addressing school children in a manner totally consistent with socialist propaganda kinda makes you think.



Also, isn't this thread supposed to be about Pres. Obama's speech to students? Just wondering, because there seems to be a lot of Bush bashing. It's not really on topic..................

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Though I do not support Pres. Obama's political agenda, I posted this question to gain information on the purpose and content of the speech. I am sorry it has become an uncomfortable political thread.


Moderators, delete the thread if you feel the need. To those who posted/read, please accept my apologies, and I will be more careful in the future.

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And I believe that former President Bush, the people he appointed, and their views have been absolutely dangerous to our country. Also, it was not because I didn't like him, but that was my conclusion after watching and listening (painfully) to him for the past 8 years.




Okay... then I assume you did anything in your power to stop whatever it was that President Bush was doing that you considered to be dangerous to our country. Great. That's what I'm doing now, so I guess you understand where I'm coming from.

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Though I do not support Pres. Obama's political agenda, I posted this question to gain information on the purpose and content of the speech. I am sorry it has become an uncomfortable political thread.


Moderators, delete the thread if you feel the need. To those who posted/read, please accept my apologies, and I will be more careful in the future.


I think there is still much honest, sincere discussion without bashing or cheerleading specific person. However, much of the uncomfortable issues with THIS speech do involve the INTENT or perception of INTENT of the speaker. Not due to his party, race or even personality, but perhaps a pattern of behavior, public observation, differences of political direction, a study of the list of advisors selected, and even from the writings in his book(s) & speeches, etc. (not to mention the writings of many of his closest advisors).


Sometimes it is difficult to discuss an issue without a love of charisma or personality interfering... or the dislike of a drawl or personal image too. But, there can be reasonable discussion regarding patterns of behavior and current vs past models.;) It is wrong to assume that opposition to a BEHAVIOR means opposition to only one person... I think that is why so many can't get off the name/comparison & face the issue only.


It is sad that everytime a current leader is discussed, many dip into complaining about the old leaders. We have had many months of new leadership... I think we can quit looking back for blame and frustration. And some problems go back so many years, you can't put your finger on one to be at fault (eg. banking & poor lending practices)


IMO, legitimate comparisons actually will put most of our more recent past leadership (sev. men) on the same side of dealing with issues... more money tossed at a problem (bailouts, incentives, programs) & more government regulation (laws, mandates, rules) will cure any ill. How is it working? Doesn't matter... they just keep doing it.

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Sometimes it is difficult to discuss an issue without a love of charisma or personality interfering... or the dislike of a drawl or personal image too. But, there can be reasonable discussion regarding patterns of behavior and current vs past models.;) It is wrong to assume that opposition to a BEHAVIOR means opposition to only one person... I think that is why so many can't get off the name/comparison & face the issue only.


I haven't seen opposition to BEHAVIOR in this thread. In fact, this is in the FUTURE, not the past. Therefore, one must logically conclude that the opposition is to the ONE PERSON involved.

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Our president is not a socialist and if you want to talk about propaganda... do you even remember the last 8 years??




I am not a Bush fan, but I am a fan of the Presidency of the United States. I have *never* questioned a President directly addressing our students. I am astonished that this is a big deal and I am saddened that Politics has taken on such a fear agenda in this country. It used to be we could disagree with one another and still appreciate the others' point of view and still respect the highest office. I had respect for President Bush even when I thought he was dead wrong. Obama has never showed himself to be dishonorable and until he does, I trust him to give a speech to children in public schools.





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Well, gotta get them on board for their mandatory ObamaCorps service when they turn 18.


We've already got them singing songs to him and helping administer the census (which has illegally been moved under Rahm Emanuel's control).


"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."


"We're all here for you, it's a circle of love."






Some of the comments on those videos are people calling people "zionist scumbags"


I am really hesitant to watch those videos because I don't watch racist or bigoted materials. Is the video similar to the comments?


They are also calling Democrats, "Nazis." I am not aware of anything on the Democratic platform that recommends gassing Jewish people.



I haven't watched the videos, I am just not sure I want to since the comments are scary.


I am also confused about the lack of consistency. Are Democrats "zionist scumbags" or "Nazis" because I do *not* think you can be both.

Edited by Sis
editing to remove links because non-govermental political linking is against the rules
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The part that bothers me is that the suggestions for discussion *repeatedly* emphasize what the President is "asking me to do."


Quotes: What is the President trying to tell me?

What is the President asking me to do?

What new ideas and actions is the President asking me to think about?

What specific job is he asking me to do?

What do you think the President wants you to do?

Does the speech make you want to do anything?

Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us?


That aspect sort of makes me uncomfortable. Do Presidents usually address children directly, and ask them to do certain things? Does the Dept. of Education usually guide teachers to help children better understand what the President wants from them? I don't remember in school ever being addressed by President Reagan or President Bush, and feeling an obligation to follow his directions. Admittedly, I do not trust President Obama in areas such as these, and I'm sure that makes me more skeptical about these sorts of things coming from his administration. I would be interested to know what he *is* asking of these students. Hopefully it's just to do well in school and try their best.


Good point. I have no problem with the Prez addressing students. But, the questions are just creepy. Sounds like programming.

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"Finally, we need to integrate service into education, so that young Americans are called upon and prepared to be active citizens.


Just as we teach math and writing, arts and athletics, we need to teach young Americans to take citizenship seriously. Study after study shows that students who serve do better in school, are more likely to go to college, and more likely to maintain that service as adults. So when I'm President, I will set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year. This means that by the time you graduate college, you'll have done 17 weeks of service." - Obama


Of course he's addressing the students! That's just what he said he was going to do. It was a frequent theme of his campaigning. He has said what his goal is... he wants Americans of all ages (he uses the term "all ages") to be serving in various capacities. I am sure his speech will be made in the light of his professed goal; motivating school children to serve their government voluntarily. In a group setting in which ideals are presented by a charismatic figure with authority and it is a goal to encourage and facilitate consensus, it's just about impossible for participants to be dissenters... especially children.


I'm not anti-Obama. I'm just sharing that this is no surprise... he said he wants all citizens to serve and regardless to what other Presidents have done or not done, he has said he will take his message to all citizens. He has said that many times.


Editted to remove link to text of Obama's speech that I had quoted above. I did include the link, but I guess this is a board violation. Sorry. The text was just the speech, no commentary.

Edited by Donna T.
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I thought it was against Susan's rules to post political links that didn't come directly from a gov't website. Don't the you tubes violate that?


Oh, I think you are right.


I also removed my link to the Dem party platform since it isn't a "government" link. :) If you could remove it from your quote I would be appreciative. :)

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I haven't seen opposition to BEHAVIOR in this thread. In fact, this is in the FUTURE, not the past. Therefore, one must logically conclude that the opposition is to the ONE PERSON involved.


Opposition to behavior in governing... style, choices, constitutionality, etc. The behavior and choices that leaders make give good indications to what behavior & choices they will be making next. And, MOST of these guys are not very different. Regardless of all the fuss we make about party, race, or smiles. I will say that some are more slow to the actions than others. We have some leaders who want to charge right on through... others seem to be more gradual. Most all carelessly ignore the Constitution and actual responsibilities/charges given to their position.


I think most of the bashing of leaders without facts/issues (on this thread & others) are based on emotion.... b/c by their choices & decisions, they both are very similar. Gov't knows better than you (us).


The alarm of the speech is due to the pattern of behavior, goals communicated (past & present), community organizer style in wording, and concern over current circle of advisors. It is a detailed plan coming from the top... not a loose group of ideas to spark conversation. That makes it different.


Why are TVs in school anyway? We never had one... .I never saw Carter, Reagan or Bush I deliver a speech at school. I only saw the space ship blow up b/c of VHS tapes. We had classes, books, and lessons... we didnt' want the boob tube in school. Where are teachers & books? My nieces' school show Al Gores show... but no other opinions... is that education or propaganda. MY other nieces schools show movies on Fridays... WHY?

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Why are TVs in school anyway? We never had one... .I never saw Carter, Reagan or Bush I deliver a speech at school. I only saw the space ship blow up b/c of VHS tapes. We had classes, books, and lessons... we didnt' want the boob tube in school. Where are teachers & books? My nieces' school show Al Gores show... but no other opinions... is that education or propaganda. MY other nieces schools show movies on Fridays... WHY?


There were TVs in schools I went to. I remember the tv being pulled into the classroom to watch the space shuttle "splash down". I don't agree with "movie days". I do think TV, live and video, can be used appropriately to extend curriculum. Reading a transcript of a debate in high school government is not the same as seeing the candidates. I also know you can teach without any technology at all. In my homeschool I use technology, just as technology was used in my public school classrooms. I really don't see anything wrong with using a tv as long as it's related to instructional goals. Yes, I did see Ford in my 5th grade class. I saw Reagan in my government class. (Now, try to guess my age)


Everyone keeps saying the questions are creepy, but I still think they really aren't much different than scripted lessons in teachers' manuals put out by the large publishers who supply the public schools. Not very many teachers follow those scripted materials closely.

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A true socialist society is one in which the government owns and controls all business from farms to stores to airlines. A classless society. Everyone is completely equal, in every way.


Isnt' this more in the lines of communist? Socialist is a transition between the capitalist & communist in many theories of economics..... but they do believe in gov't regulations and controls in these businesses, perhaps not full ownership. I read up on Wikipedia and plan to read more. Facism even plays into some of these definitions that people toss around as socialist.


By what I read on Wikidpedia... Obama does fit the word socialist. However, so do a HUGE majority of our leadership in many areas. I think the accurate term may be Collectivist for most all of our modern leaders. If gov't is the answer to solve the ills and provide for the needs...


This going into the schools alarms people for many reasons.. not just the speaker... although he may provide a spark in the discussion. Using the schools is common in this country (I mentioned more detail earlier) and is one of several reasons why we homeschool.:glare:


from DonnaT

I am sure his speech will be made in the light of his professed goal; motivating school children to serve their government voluntarily. In a group setting in which ideals are presented by a charismatic figure with authority and it is a goal to encourage and facilitate consensus, it's just about impossible for participants to be dissenters... especially children.




My children are NOT going to serve the goverment. It is here to SERVE them & is employed by them! We are not serfs or subjects of a a crown. This is the crap that gets my feathers ruffled. They are not the little arms of gov't to bring me a census form & tell me it is against the law to not do it.. NOW! They are not going to tell me to recycle my cans or I will destroy the planet b/c the governement told them so. They are not SERVANTS of the GOV't.


OUR USA goverment is supposed to SERVE its citizens... this isn't Cuba or Venezuala or Russia... or England. Serve they neighbor... great & loving! Serve thy God... great & beautiful! Serve they government... NO. That is NOT LIBERTY or any type of freedom of conscience. Why the heck did we fight England in the first place? Why don't we just resurrect the Divine Right of Kings... or bring on a a dictator. Oh, it makes me nuts to read this terminology.

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from Donna

Good point. I have no problem with the Prez addressing students. But, the questions are just creepy. Sounds like programming.



the questions .... I think that is an issue with many who are speaking out in concern and you hit the nail on the head.


From SIS.... Are Democrats "zionist scumbags" or "Nazis" because I do *not* think you can be both.


I think there is NO thinking going on... just inflammatory words used to insult and inflame. Honestly, they don't have a clue what the real definitions are... just sounds good & nasty!


Of course you can! Rush Limbaugh says so!


Really? Or is Rush another buzzword that gets many things lumped together?;)


He often turns words on politicians and gets accused of many things in sound bites. You have to really listen to his entire program (liberal, conservative or any flavor) to know what he said... you can't get quotes. Read the transcripts, listen or read his interview..... just like with leaders & other speakers that get cut & pasted.


From Betty

There were TVs in schools I went to. I remember the tv being pulled into the classroom to watch the space shuttle "splash down".



I talked to DH this afternoon & they had TVs in their classrooms. I guess I am grateful that we went to a "poor school system". We had a few TVs in the library that teachers used to show videos (ex space shuttle)... but tapes & nothing live. We did read Romeo & Juliet & then the teacher in 8th grade rolled in the cart & showed the film. (parents had to signa permission slip for us to watch it too).


I gently disagree about reading or even just hearing a debate. You take all the good looks, smiles on target, and personality out of it in reading or listening only. If you listen or read only... you get the MEAT of the subject and not the gloss or fluff that distracts or lures. We watch some (for ex) Presidential debates, but we also listen only to some to seek this removal of bias based on looks, mannerisms, and style. I realize most is preference... but I do think we are easily fooled by Eye candy (good looks, right smile, perfect camera timing, calmness & no fidgets, etc)

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Some of the comments on those videos are people calling people "zionist scumbags"


I am really hesitant to watch those videos because I don't watch racist or bigoted materials. Is the video similar to the comments?


They are also calling Democrats, "Nazis." I am not aware of anything on the Democratic platform that recommends gassing Jewish people.



I haven't watched the videos, I am just not sure I want to since the comments are scary.


I am also confused about the lack of consistency. Are Democrats "zionist scumbags" or "Nazis" because I do *not* think you can be both.


LOL! The National Socialists didn't rise to power on a "gassing the Jews" platform. They promised economic recovery and a return to Germany's world status in a time when the Germans were desperately poor due to massive inflation and completely demoralized from WWI.


I don't know about the YouTube comments as I don't read them, nor need you. Comments have zero bearing on the substance of an article/video. The videos are a) BHO giving a speech and b) An interview with Rahm Emanuel. You may judge their words for yourself.


In my experience YouTube comments on even the most seemingly benign videos are full of profanity and tend to run about the same intellectual level as MySpace comments.


I don't let anonymous idiots' comments distract me from the real issues.

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If you listen or read only... you get the MEAT of the subject and not the gloss or fluff that distracts or lures. We watch some (for ex) Presidential debates, but we also listen only to some to seek this removal of bias based on looks, mannerisms, and style. I realize most is preference... but I do think we are easily fooled by Eye candy (good looks, right smile, perfect camera timing, calmness & no fidgets, etc)


This is an excellent suggestion and I try to do this whenever possible.

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Care to explain that?


Sure, in this case I am using Rush Limbaugh as a comedic device/catch-all for "right wing talking head of your choice."


Isnt' this more in the lines of communist?


No. Socialists do believe in redistributing private property so that people are more equal but most people would be getting more property. In the case of communism the goal is to get rid of the concept of private property altogether. It is also usually accompanied by a dictatorship while socialist governments tend to be democratic. Communists believe overthrowing and replacing the old government is necessary to their cause, socialists do not. They also see the redistribution of wealth differently. Socialism believes in rewarding the worker while communism seeks to give people only what they need. Socialism is strictly economic, communism is about every part of your life. They are VERY different schools of thought.


Fascism is a WHOLE other ball game. Not only does it centralize the ENTIRE government (no city or state governments making decisions) but it seeks to suppress opposition through fear, terror and censorship. It is also usually accompanied by nationalism and racism.


By what I read on Wikidpedia... Obama does fit the word socialist. However, so do a HUGE majority of our leadership in many areas.
For example?


I gently disagree about reading or even just hearing a debate. You take all the good looks, smiles on target, and personality out of it in reading or listening only. If you listen or read only... you get the MEAT of the subject and not the gloss or fluff that distracts or lures.

I completely disagree. Body language, emphasis-these are things you cannot get from a transcript. Reading the transcripts of the Nixon/Kennedy debates, the Gore/Bush debates and the McCain/Obama debates is much different than watching the actual debates. Body language played a huge part in each of these debates, it had a direct impact on the elections and it's a part of history. Edited by Mrs Mungo
Curse you, typos!
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Students could record important parts of the speech where the president is asking them to do something. Students might think about the following:

What specific job is he asking me to do?

Is he asking anything of anyone else?

Teachers? Principals? Parents? The American people?



If the speech is geared toward students and encouraging them to do well in school, or even to serve, why the last two questions (taken from the suggestions for PK-6 teachers)?



Create a "concept web." Teachers may ask students to think of the following:

Why does President Obama want to speak to us today?

How will he inspire us?

How will he challenge us?

What might he say?

Do you remember any other historic moments when the president spoke to the nation?

What was the impact?

After brainstorming the answers to these questions, students could create a "cause-and-effect" graphic organizer.


If the aim of these questions is to promote critical thinking, then wouldn't better questions than these last two for grades 7-12 students be relating to any president's speech to the nation?


I think that these questions seem "creepy" because they refer specifically to President Obama rather than to our nation and because the word choice seems to be leading. Asking children prior to the speech about how he will "inspire" and "challenge" us seems to set children up to have a positive opinion of the speech. A more balanced question to me would be "What might he say?" After the speech, I think a balanced question would be, "Do you agree or disagree? Why?"


I also wonder about the word choice of some of the questions asking what children can do to help President Obama rather than to help the United States.

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LOL! The National Socialists didn't rise to power on a "gassing the Jews" platform. They promised economic recovery and a return to Germany's world status in a time when the Germans were desperately poor due to massive inflation and completely demoralized from WWI.


There was also an emphasis on hyper patriotism, accusing "non-Germans" as having extra-national loyalties and blaming their defeat in WWI on "lack of patriotism" on the part of the Jews.


I guess you could say, the Nazis started by saying some people didn't "Love Germany" enough.





I don't know about the YouTube comments as I don't read them, nor need you. Comments have zero bearing on the substance of an article/video. The videos are a) BHO giving a speech and b) An interview with Rahm Emanuel. You may judge their words for yourself.


In my experience YouTube comments on even the most seemingly benign videos are full of profanity and tend to run about the same intellectual level as MySpace comments.


I don't let anonymous idiots' comments distract me from the real issues.

It looks like videos are about Rahm Emanuel.


Rahm Emanuel isn't president, nor is his plan what is being implemented.


This thread is about Obama.

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Asking children prior to the speech about how he will "inspire" and "challenge" us seems to set children up to have a positive opinion of the speech. A more balanced question to me would be "What might he say?" After the speech, I think a balanced question would be, "Do you agree or disagree? Why?"


I also wonder about the word choice of some of the questions asking what children can do to help President Obama rather than to help the United States.


Yes. They are feeling/values based rather than factual. It's a dialectical process that occurs. Group think is a powerful force. It is the nature of group dynamics that anxiety increases as opposing opinions are voiced. Facilitators (and professional educators are trained facilitators in today's classrooms) expect the increase in anxiety and lead the group to a state of decreased anxiety through a process whereby collaboration is reached. The collaboration decreases the natural anxiety and the group participants feel better. The questions seem to indicate, to me, that they are intended to lead to values clarification rather than to really think critically about the facts about what he may or may not say.


Let me say again... I am not anti-Obama :001_smile:. It's just the nature of the group and this type of reasoning/questioning.

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It looks like videos are about Rahm Emanuel.


Rahm Emanuel isn't president, nor is his plan what is being implemented.


This thread is about Obama.


Well, we don't know yet what the speech will entail or what the results will be. If it pertains to encouraging students towards national service, then, yes, it will be Emanuel's plan that is implemented. That is his "baby", so to speak. Emanuel is a huge advocate for national service for "all Americans." So, this may very well have alot to do with him. But, we don't know that yet. And, I have no idea about the youtube videos (haven't watched them and don't plan to do so)... I'm just saying that Emanuel has everything to do with Obama's vision of national service for "all Americans"... oh brother, I'm sounding like a broken record.

Edited by Donna T.
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"It's time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American. Under this plan, All Americans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service. ...


Here's how it would work. Young people will know that between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, the nation will enlist them for three months of civilian service. They'll be asked to report for three months of basic civil defense training in their state or community, where they will learn what to do in the event of biochemical, nuclear or conventional attack; how to assist others in an evacuation; how to respond when a levee breaks or we're hit by a natural disaster. These young people will be available to address their communities' most pressing needs." - Emanuel, The Plan: Big Ideas for America



If the young people will know then someone is gonna have to tell them. And, Obama has always said, as far as I know, that he wants citizens to serve voluntarily... that is the point of group think/collaboration building, individuals do things voluntarily that they may never have envisioned themselves doing before.

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I'm not an Obama fan, but I think there's no harm in him talking about pursuing excellence and setting educational goals. However, it seems that he's going beyond that and calling for kids to serve the gov't. Yikes!


I read a book called Eighth Moon, a true story of a young girl in Communist China under Mao. They were also asked to serve and work as part of their school projects. For the record, I'M NOT COMPARING OUR PRES TO MAO, but that's the first thing I thought of when I heard about the president's address.


Now, public service--I'm all for that! I just don't want this to cross over into the creepy factor. I guess it remains to be seen, and I'm not going to get worked up until then. That said, if I had little ones in public school I'd be leary of letting them watch.


My oldest (a high school senior, attending public school) will be listening to the address. I told her about the discussion questions, and what they can personally do to help the president. She said she'd volunteer to send him a book on how to control spending :D

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I know people irl who are keeping their kids home from school on Tuesday so that their kids are not exposed to the president's speech. They have used words like "brainwashing," "Hitler youth," and "thought control" when I have discussed it with them. I find it very odd that people are so afraid of their government that the president addressing school kids is a threat to them. ESPECIALLY since these are people who send their kids to government schools ... :confused:



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I know people irl who are keeping their kids home from school on Tuesday so that their kids are not exposed to the president's speech. They have used words like "brainwashing," "Hitler youth," and "thought control" when I have discussed it with them. I find it very odd that people are so afraid of their government that the president addressing school kids is a threat to them. ESPECIALLY since these are people who send their kids to government schools ... :confused:





Right on. :iagree:

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I'm not an Obama fan, but I think there's no harm in him talking about pursuing excellence and setting educational goals. However, it seems that he's going beyond that and calling for kids to serve the gov't. Yikes!


I read a book called Eighth Moon, a true story of a young girl in Communist China under Mao. They were also asked to serve and work as part of their school projects. For the record, I'M NOT COMPARING OUR PRES TO MAO, but that's the first thing I thought of when I heard about the president's address.


Now, public service--I'm all for that! I just don't want this to cross over into the creepy factor. I guess it remains to be seen, and I'm not going to get worked up until then. That said, if I had little ones in public school I'd be leary of letting them watch.


My oldest (a high school senior, attending public school) will be listening to the address. I told her about the discussion questions, and what they can personally do to help the president. She said she'd volunteer to send him a book on how to control spending :D



Your dd's response is making me feel much better about the whole thing. :D

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