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R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey and History Odyssey


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Has anyone used REAL Science Odyssey or History Odyssey? They look interesting and History Odyssey uses SOTW which we absolutely love.


I like the Science, but I have been recently frustrated at how many of the HO extra resources books are OOP and 50 bucks on Amazon. I think I will skip it next year.

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For the lower grades, I would just stick with SOTW, or go with a fully scheduled program. The history is no better than the SOTW AG, nothing more is scheduled for you, and the SOTW AG has more activities. JMO


:iagree: We really like REAL Science Odyssey, though (especially my 7yo science-loving dd). :)

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We are on starting our third year. My 9 yo has used life and earth and space, and we are doing chemistry this year. When I told her, last year, that there was no a third year yet but that one was planned, she harassed me regularly to check the website to see when it was available. She's not that eager about anything else even remotely resembling academics, so this is high praise from her. It is not a perfect program (our wind gauge never worked, for instance), and the editor missed some "theres" that should have been "theirs," and vice-versa, but it has been one of our favorite resources.



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We are finishing up Life Science 1 this fall and then doing Earth & Space. I like that it is activity centered, without a ton of scheduled reading. I just supplement with a good science encyclopedia to study each topic in more detail as it suits us. For Life Science I use the DK Nature Encyclopedia, which is a perfect fit, and for Earth & Space I'm using The Usborne Book of the Earth and Rocks and Minerals.

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For elementary, I prefer to use SOTW and the AG. I don't find that HO adds anything. That said, we'll be using HO level 2 (logic stage) Middle Ages this fall. There are things I don't love about it, but having it all planned out is very nice...


I haven't used REAL Science.

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We just started REAL Science - life science, and after 4 weeks I am very happy with it. The lessons have been easy to prepare and easy to teach. Right now we are watching our caterpillars grow and over the next couple weeks we will be finishing up our arthropod caterpillar/butterfly labs. We have also learned about animal classification, made models of plant and animal cells out of fruit and jello, and learned how to identify living objects. It's been a lot of fun!

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We've used both and really like them. I don't like their download policy. Most stores are starting to go with downloads for an unlimited time and have five or ten downloads that you are able to download as you need them. This company doesn't do that. I forgot to back up my HO and ended up having a hard drive self-destruct...and no way to replace HO...so we're not using it any longer, and are choosing not to use them in the future, as one of the reasons I use things that are downloadable is for ease of use and the ability to download when I would like.

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We are using Science Odyssey Chemistry -- all three kids LOVE it! (3rd grade and 5th grade) -- I like it as well.


DD10 is using HO - Middle Ages, Level Two -- she and I are both loving it! We are also using IEW Medieval theme based writing with it. Very independent work done here.


DD8 and dd8 are using HO Middle Ages Level one and I must agree with a post written above -- I am not finding that it adds anything that I could not have found in SOTW and the AG for that time period. If you look at my post from today asking for tweaking help -- HO - Middle Ages, Level One is one area that I will be tweaking and making it more interesting for the twins.


The book suggested by HO MA- Level One -- by laurie carlson (knights and damsels or something like that ) is great, however and the kids and I love it.

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Let me know that you found it when you return from the website. I went to pandia press website and it's there. I downloaded the sample pages....( :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub: free samples), and the kids have loved it from the start.

Oh, I found it! and it feels so familiar after using the other 2 books. ;)


I've already started with RS4K Chemistry, so I guess we'll stick with that. For now. LOL.

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We were going to start with RS4K as well, and then I saw SO and was convinced it was the way we should go. Science Odyssey is one of my few successes for the twins (8) in curriculum choices.:glare:


I am going to use RS4K with SO -- SO is lab work, RS4K provides a bit more substantive material so I think that the two would go well together.

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I like the Science, but I have been recently frustrated at how many of the HO extra resources books are OOP and 50 bucks on Amazon. I think I will skip it next year.


What is OOP? I saw that in the Rainbow Resource catalog but could not figure out what OOP meant.

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Well, that makes sense now! Why put something in the catalog that is out of print?! Anyway, I really appreciate everyone's input. I ordered both programs and can't wait for them to arrive! We have been using SOTW but I wanted more in depth study for 3rd and 4th grade. I have been piecing together the science because I couldn't find what I wanted. I feel confident that this is what I have been looking for. Thanks again!

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I used the first two R.E.A.L. Science programs (bio and earth) and I'm using HO this year for the first time.

Frankly, I wouldn't recommend either of them.

R.E.A.L. Science is okay. It's pretty fun for the kids but the activities take SO long to set up, and the illustrations are just poor. Everything you learn from, aside from extra books, are black and white line-art and are visually unappealing and don't hold much interest. I'm using NOEO this year, where all learning is done from "real books" and it's much more engaging.

As for history, I've said it in other threads and I think HO is just a mess. It's not chronological in the least. History Pockets are fun, though you can buy those separate. I'm going back to SOTW+AG next year, for sure.

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Well, that makes sense now! Why put something in the catalog that is out of print?!


History Odyssey is not a catalog. It has "suggested readings" for each chapter, and I'm hitting OOP books right and left. I don't think I'll both to pay for it next year. I'll come here and ask for "favs on such and such a subject".

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We are new to HO this year, using Level 2 Middle Ages. Overall I like it but I don't love it as much as I thought I was going to after studying the free samples. It is just too much dang work for a 6th grader, and my girl loves history, reading, and writing. It's turning into quite a chore for her. I *do* like a schedule, I like the maps and timelines. What I *don't* like are really vague instructions such as "write a biography of Charlemagne." That is one whole lesson. Another assignment was to "write descriptions" of about 5 or 6 major world religions. When these types of things come up, I am having to modify them for her. If we do every assignment as written, there is no way we will finish in a year. So we will be skipping some. Granted, it's easy to customize, but if I wanted that much work I would have stuck to WTM guidelines for history.


I am considering going back to the WTM way next year, like we did last year. I really do like the timelines (as in, telling her which things to put on her timeline. Her timeline last year was a mess.) and the maps in HO.

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