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So I took a bucket of clothes to the Second Hand Store, most of which were rejected.

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It appears that nowadays, after about 2-3 yrs old, brands like Austin & Ashley, April Cornell, Laura Ashley, and Judy Lynn are not desired. So, in order to resell my girls' clothes, I need to dress them like skanks.


Along those same lines, my 8 yr old thinks it's great that she can wear tank tops from the teen department. She knows it's because their skanky (not the exact word, but that they are meant to show taller girls' belly buttons). >SIGH< And DH wonders why I dress like a tomboy: It's cheap, easy and washable (gee, that sorta sounds like me!) :tongue_smilie:

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So that's why they never have anything good at the children's second-hand store! I never bother going anymore, as it's mostly trashy styles that we don't wear. Too bad your daughter is younger than mine--I'd take it all off your hands. ;) Try ebay. I have a friend who dresses her four girls in nothing but April Cornell, and that's where she shops.

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Man, I'd *love* to have those clothes for Princess! Its almost impossible to find nice little girl things.


The only thing I discovered is that the Zellers near me has really fancy party dresses on for $15. I bought her one on a whim, and she adores it. Thinking I'll go back this wk and pick up some more...if there are any left of course! :lol:

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do you resell old clothes to the secondhand shop in America?



here in Australia the clothes are donated. the clothes that the shop doesn't resell, they turn into rags and sell by the garbage bag to mechanics etc.


You can do either. :) You donate to places like Goodwill, or the Salvation Army, or St. Vincent DePaul, but you can sell them to places that will consign them or buy them from you outright at slightly less than 1/2 of what they will sell them for.

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The consignment shops here in Fairfax County Va cannot keep April Cornell, Oilily, Jottum, Keedo, Naajtie or any of the high end (not skanky) labels in their shop for more than about 10 minutes. While one only has to look around to see that certainly the 'bratz' look is certainly being bought and worn, there is, thankfully, a contingent here that will have nothing to do with it. I would try ebay if I were you - it is so difficult here to pick up labels in the consignment shop that cater to a market looking for something more traditional, that I find many of my favorite labels on ebay.

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do you resell old clothes to the secondhand shop in America?



here in Australia the clothes are donated. the clothes that the shop doesn't resell, they turn into rags and sell by the garbage bag to mechanics etc.

You can do both in America. You can donate (which is what we do) or you can sell to consignment shops or secondhand stores.


(I have to admit that while I don't dress my kids "skanky" I don't like any of the styles that were mentioned in the op. While we dress with modesty, I prefer trendier clothing.)

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If you have an active MOPS group near you, their big fall and spring sales are a great way to have those items sold. DH and I have sorted through containers of clothing that we saved and picked up a nice little check from MOPS when our things sold.....which we usually turn around and use to purchase bicycles, etc.

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I think different stores find their niche. The one near me is heavy in Gap, Gymboree, Hannah Anderson...but turned down dressier items or even NWT Benneton items. It wasn't what their clientele bought, so they didn't want to stock it.


On the other side of town there is a dressier second hand store that doesn't carry the more casual styles, but only carries the dressier/designer (not mall bought) styles.


There is a 3rd that is much larger and carries a variety, but also has more low end items so you have to dig more to find good stuff.

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The consignment shops are looking for clean (no stains), newish (no wear marks), and recent season (not accepting styles from several years ago). Size also matters (LOL; what I mean is if you have a size that is overflowing the rack, they will be more picky).


I had several Ralph Lauren boys shirts turned down here because they were colors and styles from 2-3 years ago. They also didn't accept any Walmart, KMart or Target brand labels, unless they were blue jeans (in perfect shape).

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I asked her why the velvet, April Cornell jumpers were rejected. She said that after about 2-3 yrs old, people just don't buy that stuff. She was an older lady, and she shook her head. Classical clothing is not wanted. Skankwear is. :glare:

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IMHO, it depends on the store. My local consignment has a mix of trendy and classic styles. There's lots of Hanna Andersson, Laura Ashley and Mini Boden. Look around for other stores if you really want to sell, or post them on your local hs loop's classifieds or Craigslist. You might find someone who shares your style and has a dd a year younger than you.

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I asked her why the velvet, April Cornell jumpers were rejected. She said that after about 2-3 yrs old, people just don't buy that stuff. She was an older lady, and she shook her head. Classical clothing is not wanted. Skankwear is. :glare:

Our consignment shops don't accept the stuff like you would like to sell either (have you tried ebay?). That doesn't mean that the other stuff is skankwear. There are lots of trendy, cute outfits that aren't skanky. I dress my kids in them. I know they exist. And I know they exist at secondhand stores.

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Go to this site and see if there is a consignment sale about to occur where you live. Most of the ones where I live happen in September for winter clothes and in March/April for spring clothes.


It's sad that there are enough people out there who WANT their daughters to dress like skanks that you can't even put your sweet little girl clothes in a second-hand store!

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Our consignment shops don't accept the stuff like you would like to sell either (have you tried ebay?). That doesn't mean that the other stuff is skankwear. There are lots of trendy, cute outfits that aren't skanky. I dress my kids in them. I know they exist. And I know they exist at secondhand stores.



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