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MUS Shipping Question

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Have y'all had reasonable shipping times from them? I ordered a couple of workbooks a week ago Sunday, got an order confirmation the following day, & nothing since.


Shipping was over $10--I know y'all mentioned that it's high. The place fulfilling the order is about an hour from here--iow, not far. W/in the metroplex.


I sent an email on Friday morning, surprised (to be polite) that at THAT RATE, the package hadn't arrived yet. No response.


Today I called & left a mssg--no one answered the phone, & no business hrs were on the recording. I think it's a place that doesn't answer their phone, but simply returns calls, if that makes sense.


What do you think? If it were a $5 USPS thing, it wouldn't be as big of a deal, but the shipping charges (plus tax, plus tax on shipping) kind-of annoyed me to begin w/. Kwim?

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I agree. I really dislike their shipping set-up (that you order through the 'local' person). I was not impressed w/ our local person, who seemed in no hurry to bother to even get the materials to the post office. I waited awhile for ours & was not happy. The local person was not very nice to deal w/ either.


I try to go to the curriculum fairs so I can buy what I need in person.


MUS is great as a program, but they need to change their distribution chain, imo.

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I had a slow shipment from MUS once - after I emailed, I received it pretty promptly though. It was somewhat obvious that the rep had forgotten or misplaced my order. I find it concerning you haven't heard back after emailing but it could be that it will just show up in the next couple days. If so, I'd check the actual postmark and email MUS to let them know you aren't impressed with their CS.

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Thanks, guys. That's good (& disappointing!) to know. I have a neighbor who uses MUS, & we're going to try to order together from now on, to save shipping, but goodness. This is crazy.


I'm embarrassed to take too long sending something to somebody here. I can't imagine running a *business* that way!

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Well it is August and most companies are slower in their shipping than usual.


Sure. But...I guess the shipping cost is my real problem. And I didn't see anywhere on the website that said to expect such a delay.


You know, if you know up front, it's not as bad. But if you've been going out in the triple digit heat 2-3 times a day looking for the UPS man, you're less reasonable. ;)


(Not that I think 1-3+ weeks for order fulfillment is reasonable. Can there really be *that* many people ordering MUS in my area?)

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I have always had mine w/in 2 days and my rep is great. Maybe your rep only ships out once a week or something? Most of these people work out of their homes but for that much shipping cost I expect it to be fast. Sorry, it sounds like your rep is slacking.


Can we request a different rep? Because I think that explains a lot.

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I had slow shipping from my local rep as well. I had ordered in March, so I doubt that it was the busy season. Yeah, it was disappointing. I hated spending that much money to hear nothing until the stuff showed a few weeks later. I've ordered $2 diaper pins from a business and had more contact. I meant to send MUS a note, but I never got around to doing so.

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I would complain to cooperate. Each rep gets a large area and my guess is that they are coveted positions since they are limited.


Ok, I just went to MUS website & wondered if it would go to corporate or my local rep & accidentally sent an email w/ no content.


It went to my rep.


So...anybody know *how* to contact corporate?

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I think it all depends on your local rep.


The last time we ordered from them, (about February), I was chewing nails and spitting tacks. It seemed to take forever!


This time I placed my order at about 7 AM, got the order confirmation minutes later and the shipping notice at roughly 11 AM. That was so impressive I sent them kudos via email.

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Aaaaaah! My rep contacted me. She said that, as a former ps teacher, she KNOWS that it's typical for education companies to be backlogged 6 weeks or more at this time of year.


You know, it would make sense that they would be, but in the time that I've been hs'ing, I haven't noticed hardly any backlog w/ any other companies at all. (Have I just been really, really lucky?)


And she says that they use UPS because (insert reasons that make sense: plenty of people uses UPS)--but I'm not questioning why the rates are so much higher than USPS. MUS is charging DOUBLE what other companies charge for UPS shipping on the same size package. (Shorter distance, too.)


Maybe the extra $5 or so is how they pay their reps, I don't know. But I feel like she thinks I'm stupid for ordering in August (I'm feeling stupid for ordering MUS at all!) or that their shipping fees are fair & reasonable. It's not her fault. (Not necessarily.) It's corporate's policy, right?


If I were her & I were a rep, I'd be glad for a customer to complain to corporate (as long as I didn't lose the sale), because I'd want them to *know* that customers weren't happy about the combined policies of slow order processing (not just in August, their website details a standard 1-3 weeks for this the rest of the year, but in an obscure location on a separate screen) & high shipping.


I think it's unprofessional. Y'all still agree, right?

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I made an order on July 1. On about the third week of July, I still hadn't received my order. So finally I called my rep and received no response. Then I e-mailed on the contact me place of the website. I received a response with a telephone number: 717-548-0178. The gentleman needed to know if I ordered new material or clearance material. Rather than answer the e-mail, I telephoned. He was not very professional, but took my answer and then I told him that I really needed to talk with a person. After nearly 4 weeks, I was expecting my representative to have sent the order. Then later that day, she called and let me know that part of my material had been back ordered and it was being shipped. Apparantely several orders had been shipped that morning. She gave me the UPS routing number and it came within 2 days. However, I do not understand why she couldn't have sent me an e-mail letting me know that part of my order was back ordered and it would be delayed. I was very frustrated. I've been ordering for 4 or 5 years and have never waited longer than a week for an order. Like many of you, when I am paying $10 or so for shipping and handling, I expect prompt service and professionalism in handling my order.

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Aubrey, I'm so sorry it's taking you so long, but MUS is really a great product. My rep is hours away from here and I always receive things promptly. There is a blog at MUS that you could post on and see what kind of answer you get from there I think. Sounds like your rep. just isn't taking good care of you.



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The reason the shipping is so high is that MUS uses those "flat rate" boxes. Once it actually gets shipped it should come fairly quickly. I have noticed other small businesses starting to use those boxes, too. I'm sure it makes things easier for them, but I have to need something pretty badly to pay such high shipping. I think they lose business with those rates.


I paid for MUS shipping this year because my homeschool conference was going to cost over $70 to get in and all I needed to buy there was MUS. So the $10.50 was a steal! :-)

Edited by cam1706
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I think your rep was making excuses.


She says she's been doing this for 13 yrs, so I'm not sure I have much hope for better service in the future, & my blood pressure absolutely cannot handle stuff like this. I know it shouldn't be SUCH a big deal to me, but...I don't let go easily, lol.

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I hope your books come quickly.


No problems here, but besides their high shipping rates, I was surprised by the high cost altogether. I ordered about two weeks ago and had the product about a week later. The quality has gone up. I am still trying to decide if I should order another workbook though, and hope that doesn't take too long if I do.


I am considering Saxon again for one dd. At the end of the last school year, I received a public school set of Saxon Math books FREE; student and teachers manuel, but no workbook or tests pages. By the time I order those and a dive cd, I am paying another $80.00. A MUS workbook would be less, but I don't want to pay another $10.00 shipping fee for one book. She really wants to go back to Saxon.


Just thinking out loud hoping it will help me decide.

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I hope your books come quickly.


No problems here, but besides their high shipping rates, I was surprised by the high cost altogether. I ordered about two weeks ago and had the product about a week later. The quality has gone up. I am still trying to decide if I should order another workbook though, and hope that doesn't take too long if I do.


I am considering Saxon again for one dd. At the end of the last school year, I received a public school set of Saxon Math books FREE; student and teachers manuel, but no workbook or tests pages. By the time I order those and a dive cd, I am paying another $80.00. A MUS workbook would be less, but I don't want to pay another $10.00 shipping fee for one book. She really wants to go back to Saxon.


Just thinking out loud hoping it will help me decide.


Well, you might see if you could order w/ a friend. If we stick w/ MUS, that's what we'll be doing, besides ordering used.

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The representative system MUS uses means service varies widely from region to region. We are experiencing a huge improvement in service from MUS this year. I ordered on Monday morning, and the package arrived Tuesday evening. We received an Email confirming the order, and another informing us the items had been shipped. That was lightning fast, and very professional.


Mosdos Literature has been a sadder tale. I ordered last Tuesday. This Monday I decided "to request a tracking number". (That's my polite way of knocking to see if any body's home!) The Mosdos representative told me they planned to ship it out priority mail "tomorrow". Righ - ight! I was disgusted, but what can I do? Mosdos is a great product. Too bad their service is downright cheesy! Better to pick up Mosdos used when you can, because ordering from the company is like pulling teeth - your own teeth!

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I live in Maine and my MUS rep is in Massachursetts...I *NEVER* order through the MUS website. I call/email her directly.


I've never had a problem with orders taking a long time...EVER. In fact, last spring I ordered and had the package the next day!!! :) She has been wonderful -- she will even do "one-on-one" consultations, take questions, etc.


I would contact MUS directly -- they have a forum and a blog. I'm sure they would want to know that you are receiving POOR customer service.

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