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If you lost a lot of weight, did you get rid of your larger sized clothes?

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I gave mine away. Like you said I felt like keeping them was setting me up to give myself permission to accept any future weight gain. when I recently gained a few pounds and my clothes got tight, it was all the motivation I needed to control my eating again. :D I did NOT want to go buy more clothes in a bigger size. If I shop, I want it to be tiny clothes. lol

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I gave mine away. Like you said I felt like keeping them was setting me up to give myself permission to accept any future weight gain. when I recently gained a few pounds and my clothes got tight, it was all the motivation I needed to control my eating again. :D I did NOT want to go buy more clothes in a bigger size. If I shop, I want it to be tiny clothes. lol


That's exactly how I feel.



Okay, you folks have given me the courage to get rid the things that no longer fit. Actually, it's not a lot because I didn't buy myself much when I gained the weight. I just didn't enjoy clothes shopping then.

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Well I may be in the minority (LOL) but I'm glad I kept mine! I lost 28 lbs, went from a 13/14 to a 9 and then got PREGNANT! LOL! I lived in those clothes for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy and was glad I kept them as I wasn't really big enough for maternity but my new small sizes weren't fitting.. lol Now I'm glad that I'll have them for postpartum!

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I give away the ones that are well used/out of date/stained/never fit/never looked right/didn't care for the color. I usually keep the best in a few sizes. Reality is that something like 90% of people who lose weight put it back on. I don't keept the clothes to sabotage myself, just to save money (and time and annoyance at buying clothes).

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I got rid of them as I lost the weight. I lost 70 pounds and went down 4 sizes. Thankfully for me though a friend of mine was losing just "ahead" of me so often she had things to hand down to me as she lost.





Wow, that's great! May I ask how you did it?


As for as the OP, I lost 50 lbs, gave away my clothes, then gained it back. I refuse to buy new clothes so I'm basically wearing ratty old clothes until I lose it again. Bummer.



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I just went through my closet and got rid of 3 HUGE bags of clothes I'd been saving *just in case* I needed them. I got sick of looking through 14 pairs of jeans to find the 2 pairs that actually fit.


If I need bigger clothes again (hopefully I won't since I think we're done having kids) then I'll go buy new ones.

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I kept them for a year after I lost that size, just to make sure I didn't regain it, and then I got rid of them. In the past three years, I've lost 35 pounds. With the way my body works, I usually lose 10 pounds at a time and then have to 'reset' before I can lose more, so it gives me plenty of time to make sure that nothing comes back. I really cannot imagine keeping it all; I simply don't have the space for all those clothes!

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I lost 40 pounds long time ago and kept the clothes. Sure enough after having my son I was in those close. I never made any effort to lose more weight...I had clothes to wear!


I lost 56 pounds after having both kids and bought new clothes but I put the old ones in a bin in a closet. I had some medical issues that fall, gained the weight back when put on medicine, and went digging for the new clothes rather than get back in WW and get it back off. I never tried to get out of those big clothes.


I am losing now. I have no clothes to go down in to, lol. But the ones I have are too big! I plan to donate these as soon as I buy more. One pair of pants for another.


I can lose weight. I struggle in keeping it off, but I think having the larger clothes to grow back into is bad, bad, bad! Get rid of them as you grow out of them and focus more on staying in the ones you are in or losing :-)

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FWIW, I either gave them away or had them tailored down to my new size (business suits). IMO keeping them will guarantee that you gain the weight back. Having right-sized clothes will warn you when it starts to creep back on -- you'll have better motivation to fix the problem.



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I've lost fifty pounds since the beginning of the year. I'd like to lose 25 more. I've donated everything that's too big, except 1 pair of jeans. I intend to take an 'after' picture in them when I'm at my goal weight. You know, like you see on the magazines, LOL. It's for encouragement. But then, I'm not on a 'diet' or a 'plan' or anything. I just made a change to my lifestyle. So I have no intention of needing the bigger clothes again. You know, just like how you do better as you know better in other areas of your life, I feel I've learned and grown in the area of nutrition, and am smarter now, and make smarter choices.


(I do realize that no everyone who has 'extra' weight just doesn't make good choices; my sister has Lupus and has had two kidney transplants, and the anti-rejection meds made her gain LOTS of weight. But for me, it's purely a knowledge/choice thing.)

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I lost 110 pounds. I gave all the big clothes to Goodwill because I didn't ever want to be that size again.


I kept the weight off for almost 5 years, and then some started slowly creeping back. At least half of it came back. The weight has been stable now for 2 years, but it is higher (by half) than the 'low' weight.


So....mostly I'm glad the clothes are gone. I didn't need that hanging around, although I wish I had kept one large pair of something to say "this was before".


However......my dh had just bought me a really nice, expensive dress coat that I wish I had kept. Even though it would still be waaayyyy to big, it would be nice to have and just wrap it around me, kwim? I can't afford to replace it.


So, maybe consider keeping some large outerwear. Especially if it is nice and expensive.

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Got rid of them - and don't regret it. There have been a few times I've needed the reminder... :glare: and if I'd had the larger, more comfy clothes still lurking in my closet, I definitely wouldn't have been as motivated. :D


I've also bought clothes in the next size down and worn them around the house - it's a great motivator to get the jeans to fit easily! LOL

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I only lost 15 pounds, but that worked out to two sizes different, so I had a good bit that no longer fit. I got rid of the old stuff, and the new barometer of weight trying to sneak back on is when the remaining clothes start to feel snug. I am glad I tossed the old ones because, unless I want to leave the house nekkid, the only option is to up exercise and/or start paying better attention to what I eat. FWIW I don't expect another pregnancy, otherwise I might have been tempted to keep the really nice or expensive items in larger sizes. Truth is, most of my clothes these days are not high end and the things I parted with were either getting worn or out of style anyway.


I'm hoping to toss quite a bit more before the year is out. The goal is to set aside some cash over the winter so I can enjoy shopping for a new spring wardrobe next March or April!

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