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Has anyone used the Well Planned Day record keeping book?


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If not, then take a look here and tell me what you think. I'm torn between getting it or making my own customized teacher book. So far, I can't find exactly what I want for keeping grades for my one UG age student. This would include weekly lesson planning plus extras.




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My impression from the online sample is that there are too many extras, too much fluff. I know me--I would feel as if weren't getting enough if all I did was use the daily plans. Crafts? Please.


I really like going to a teacher store, getting a big, strange-sized (bigger than 8.5x11--maybe 9x12?) teacher planner, and just working with that It has seven or so subject rows and a week fits on two open pages. AND they cost less than $10.


Teacher planners don't have all the bells and whistles, but they are an efficient, visual way to plan.

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I'd like to think I'd use it. I mean, I'd LIKE to use something like that, and actually, some of the extras were things I liked! I'm just not sure I'd follow up with something like that. :confused: I've had day planners before that fall by the wayside within the fist month or so. I really would hate to spend the money, then not follow through! :tongue_smilie:

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I'd like to think I'd use it. I mean, I'd LIKE to use something like that, and actually, some of the extras were things I liked! I'm just not sure I'd follow up with something like that. :confused: I've had day planners before that fall by the wayside within the fist month or so. I really would hate to spend the money, then not follow through! :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: Me too. I've done that too many times to count.

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I know nothing about the planner, I use HSTP, i'm just butting into the conversation to say, Mama T, you absolutely do not look old enough to have a 23yr. old. As a matter of fact you look about 23 yourself, you look adorable!


Des, you are my new best friend. :001_smile:


I'm 45, BTW.

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and I LOVE it!!!


I actually just placed my order. I've been putting it off, going back and forth and finally decided to just do it. What I'm not sure about though, is the dates of the semesters. We don't begin until September, and the book starts the semester in July. Is there any way around that when using the book as its intended?




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Hello Lucinda! The planner runs from July 2009 through June 2010. I will not start until August 24th, so I just used it as a calander until then. We will end in June anyway so it will work for us. I would think that it would work for anyone no matter when they start. It is a really nice planner. The daily planner has room for up to 4 children, however the writing space for each child is somewhat small. I fit plans for 2 children nicely. I write very detailed plans for each day though, so it could work for 4 children. I hope that you enjoy it!


QUOTE=HSMom2One;1133569]I actually just placed my order. I've been putting it off, going back and forth and finally decided to just do it. What I'm not sure about though, is the dates of the semesters. We don't begin until September, and the book starts the semester in July. Is there any way around that when using the book as its intended?




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Hello Lucinda! The planner runs from July 2009 through June 2010. I will not start until August 24th, so I just used it as a calander until then. We will end in June anyway so it will work for us. I would think that it would work for anyone no matter when they start. It is a really nice planner. The daily planner has room for up to 4 children, however the writing space for each child is somewhat small. I fit plans for 2 children nicely. I write very detailed plans for each day though, so it could work for 4 children. I hope that you enjoy it!



Since I only have one child at home, it should work just fine then. Do you find there is enough room for all of your subjects? I noticed there are main categories (i.e. English), but lines within that category for adding LA subjects (i.e. grammar, spelling, handwriting, etc.) Could a person actually list a total of 10-11 subjects all together?




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I LOVE this planner. I'm using it for 4 kids. I don't write really detailed lesson plans though. For example, the language arts line for my 2nd grader reads, "HWT, ETC, FLL, reading." That's it. He knows he does one page of HWT, 2 ETC and the next FLL lesson with me. If you write detailed plans, I would guess you would only be able to use it for 2 kids since the lines are rather small. I really like having a place to write down our menus for the week, a place to record attendance, a place to record which literature books they're reading, etc., all in one place. I will definitely be using this planner again next year. :-)

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Okay, I got the planner too. Yes, I love it. Its wonderful. On Saturday or Sunday I sit down and write in a weeks worth of assignments. I use to write them on a very boring reproducible grid. But this planner gives me room to reschedule my SL IG. It also looks much more professional. I could easily keep 10 to 12 years worth of school records with this method. It was well worth the money. The ink cartridges alone would have set me back $15 -$20 if I were to print out my own.

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With only one child you could easily work it out. There are 4 lines per subject. So in the Enlish section you could use one line for L/A, one for Spelling, one for Vocab etc... There are 5 sections labled Bible, English , Math, History and Science. There are 4 lines within each subject. There is also one blank section (with 4 lines) that you could label yourself. I think with one child, this planner will definately be what you are looking for. I like the way another poster put it, there is not alot of "fluff". It is pretty and practical.

Since I only have one child at home, it should work just fine then. Do you find there is enough room for all of your subjects? I noticed there are main categories (i.e. English), but lines within that category for adding LA subjects (i.e. grammar, spelling, handwriting, etc.) Could a person actually list a total of 10-11 subjects all together?




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Why is it that people who make planners for Homeschoolers assume that ALL homeschoolers want Bible verses on every page? :( It's not just this one -- EVERY SINGLE ONE I have looked at that is specifically for homeschoolers. Amy Knapp's regular organizer has inspirational quotes from a wide variety of people, but her Homeschool organizer is Bible verses. Even the Homeschool Daily Planner I bought at my teacher supply store has a Bible verse on every page.


I don't understand. It is not like Christians will say "Wow, this is a great organizer, but I can't use it because it doesn't have a Bible verse on every page." And some Christians I know actually prefer to choose their own verses.


And... NOT ALL HOMESCHOOLERS ARE CHRISTIANS. (sorry... I know we aren't supposed to yell here... and it isn't your fault... I'm just irritated that people allow their own stereotypes to dictate the products they create). At least offer a "Bible Version" and a "Everyone Else" version.



Edited by Colleen in SEVA
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Why is it that people who make planners for Homeschoolers assume that ALL homeschoolers want Bible verses on every page? :( It's not just this one -- EVERY SINGLE ONE I have looked at that is specifically for homeschoolers. Amy Knapp's regular organizer has inspirational quotes from a wide variety of people, but her Homeschool organizer is Bible verses. Even the Homeschool Daily Planner I bought at my teacher supply store has a Bible verse on every page.


I don't understand. It is not like Christians will say "Wow, this is a great organizer, but I can't use it because it doesn't have a Bible verse on every page." And some Christians I know actually prefer to choose their own verses.


And... NOT ALL HOMESCHOOLERS ARE CHRISTIANS. (sorry... I know we aren't supposed to yell here... and it isn't your fault... I'm just irritated that people allow their own stereotypes to dictate the products they create). At least offer a "Bible Version" and a "Everyone Else" version.




:lol: I so agree, Colleen.

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Why is it that people who make planners for Homeschoolers assume that ALL homeschoolers want Bible verses on every page? :( It's not just this one -- EVERY SINGLE ONE I have looked at that is specifically for homeschoolers. Amy Knapp's regular organizer has inspirational quotes from a wide variety of people, but her Homeschool organizer is Bible verses. Even the Homeschool Daily Planner I bought at my teacher supply store has a Bible verse on every page.


I don't understand. It is not like Christians will say "Wow, this is a great organizer, but I can't use it because it doesn't have a Bible verse on every page." And some Christians I know actually prefer to choose their own verses.


And... NOT ALL HOMESCHOOLERS ARE CHRISTIANS. (sorry... I know we aren't supposed to yell here... and it isn't your fault... I'm just irritated that people allow their own stereotypes to dictate the products they create). At least offer a "Bible Version" and a "Everyone Else" version.





I am Christian and this (and all the *way* Christian slanted curricula) bugs me, too. I have no problem with mentions of bible stories, a verse here and there, etc at all. It bothers me to see planners and math books and on and on so saturated with it, though.

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I have been lurking for months and this is my very first actual big girl posting! This planner pretty nice.

I just had to defend it a little because someone on the first page commented about the planning for crafts. (I don't know how to cut and paste comments yet!--also, I can understand why someone would tease a planner a little bit for scheduling in a craft time;)) Normally I would not defend a planner:tongue_smilie: BUT! I thought it was interesting because it was actually an article about arts and crafts and how the author was not at all a crafty person and did not like to do crafts so she teaches her kids the fine lost arts like crocheting, quilting, and knitting etc. I can never fit that stuff in but I think it is invaluable to pass those arts on for so many reasons both practical and nostalgic. So often, I do these silly crafts that I think are more time than they are worth (not always, sometimes they really help those hands on learners) and it really made sense to me to spend more time on the lost art projects than what we think of as "crafts". So, that being said, I just had to pipe in here because the "craft" part of the planner was really eye opening to me and insightful--not just someone scheduling in arts and crafts time.


Stacey Hanrahan momma to 4 great kiddos.

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If not, then take a look here and tell me what you think. I'm torn between getting it or making my own customized teacher book. So far, I can't find exactly what I want for keeping grades for my one UG age student. This would include weekly lesson planning plus extras.





Nope. that wouldn't work for me. Too much on the pretty and not enough on the practical and I have 6 kids I'm teaching, not 4.

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Adorable planner....but I'd never use it. I'd try it, but not at $20 plus dollars. That's a bit too rich for me. The only thing I need is a a sheet to hold daily grades. Has anyone made themselves a a simple grade-keeper document they'd like to share? I'm tired of buying grade books and only using a page in them.


I suppose I could take some time and make myself a document...[sigh]:tongue_smilie:


[ETA: Just found a great FREE Grades & Attendance excel program on the Donna Young website. Yeah, someone has done the work FOR me! :)]

Edited by Melissa in CA
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I hadn't seen this before, but it is very similar to the one I've made for myself. Of course, this one is prettier! Usually there are too many sections or boxes that I wouldn't use, but not this one. Nice!


I do see this as more of a planner for me, though, and not my kids. I bought these NIV planners for elementary & middle school for my kids to use for planning their TOG schedules & writing in other assignments.

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I have been lurking for months and this is my very first actual big girl posting! This planner pretty nice.

I just had to defend it a little because someone on the first page commented about the planning for crafts. (I don't know how to cut and paste comments yet!--also, I can understand why someone would tease a planner a little bit for scheduling in a craft time;)) Normally I would not defend a planner:tongue_smilie: BUT! I thought it was interesting because it was actually an article about arts and crafts and how the author was not at all a crafty person and did not like to do crafts so she teaches her kids the fine lost arts like crocheting, quilting, and knitting etc. I can never fit that stuff in but I think it is invaluable to pass those arts on for so many reasons both practical and nostalgic. So often, I do these silly crafts that I think are more time than they are worth (not always, sometimes they really help those hands on learners) and it really made sense to me to spend more time on the lost art projects than what we think of as "crafts". So, that being said, I just had to pipe in here because the "craft" part of the planner was really eye opening to me and insightful--not just someone scheduling in arts and crafts time.


Stacey Hanrahan momma to 4 great kiddos.




You just made my day! I wrote that article on crafts. Thanks. :D

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Here are some fancy spreadsheet type things for garde keeping from Donna Young:



Here are some simpler grade forms from the same site:



We don't do grades, so I can't recommend one over the other. But I wanted to mention that I too loved the WPD: but I made my own!


(We have lots and lots of subjects I want to keep track of.)

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I have this planner, and think it is beautiful! I plan to use it for me, with an outline of school work in it. I also have planners from goodnewsplanners.com for the kids to look at daily and use.


This will be my first year to write it all out like this, and I'm hopeful that it will help keep us better organized! :001_smile:

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They don't assume anything. They are Christians who want to express their faith with their products and there is nothing wrong with that. I think its beautiful, appropriate, and encouraging. Some people like Bible verses, and if you don't, feel free to buy a secular teacher planner or start your own business making a secular Homeschool planner. It's not necessary to criticize.

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I have it and I LOVE it. Of course I am only using it for my daughter this year so there is plenty of room to write the lessons.


I think there is a market out there for a secular homeschooler or company to start creating something very similar with uplifting and encourages quotes as opposed to scripture. Where there is a need, someone ought to step in and fill that need. No point in complaining, it is the fault of secular companies that don't see the need to create a beautiful functional practical planner, not the fault of Christian companies that do.

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Why is it that people who make planners for Homeschoolers assume that ALL homeschoolers want Bible verses on every page? :( It's not just this one -- EVERY SINGLE ONE I have looked at that is specifically for homeschoolers. Amy Knapp's regular organizer has inspirational quotes from a wide variety of people, but her Homeschool organizer is Bible verses. Even the Homeschool Daily Planner I bought at my teacher supply store has a Bible verse on every page.


I don't understand. It is not like Christians will say "Wow, this is a great organizer, but I can't use it because it doesn't have a Bible verse on every page." And some Christians I know actually prefer to choose their own verses.


And... NOT ALL HOMESCHOOLERS ARE CHRISTIANS. (sorry... I know we aren't supposed to yell here... and it isn't your fault... I'm just irritated that people allow their own stereotypes to dictate the products they create). At least offer a "Bible Version" and a "Everyone Else" version.




While I appreciate your frankness and respect your opinion, I have to say that if you'd taken a look at the publishing source of the planner we are discussing before launching into a rant you would notice that it is offered through Family Christian Academy. Christian publishers don't offer two versions of their books because it would not correspond with the teachings of their faith - and I doubt that you'll find secular publishers that would provide two versions of their products. At least I can't think of many products where that would be the case, but lest we digress -- I'm sure there is something out there that is secular that you will enjoy and find useful. Sorry I fueled a frustration for you.




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:D Thank you for not throwing tomatoes... my frustration is not just with this particular company (certainly they are allowed to publish whatever they want!), but with "people" who make products and assume that if it is marketed for Homeschoolers, it MUST have a Bible verse on it.


I used the example of Amy Knapp because I have used and enjoy her day planner -- she offers a regular version, and a Christian version of her regular planner, but for the homeschool planner there is ONLY a Bible verse version (at least there was last year).


I will still consider a product if it has a Bible verse on it (ie we use Calculadders -- though it seems odd to me to have a child read a Bible verse on the bottom of a TIMED math facts page), it just bugs me.

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Why is it that people who make planners for Homeschoolers assume that ALL homeschoolers want Bible verses on every page? :( It's not just this one -- EVERY SINGLE ONE I have looked at that is specifically for homeschoolers. Amy Knapp's regular organizer has inspirational quotes from a wide variety of people, but her Homeschool organizer is Bible verses. Even the Homeschool Daily Planner I bought at my teacher supply store has a Bible verse on every page.


I don't understand. It is not like Christians will say "Wow, this is a great organizer, but I can't use it because it doesn't have a Bible verse on every page." And some Christians I know actually prefer to choose their own verses.


And... NOT ALL HOMESCHOOLERS ARE CHRISTIANS. (sorry... I know we aren't supposed to yell here... and it isn't your fault... I'm just irritated that people allow their own stereotypes to dictate the products they create). At least offer a "Bible Version" and a "Everyone Else" version.





I ordered it and I love it with the verses, but, before I ordered it I paid for and downloaded the planner from Tanglewood Education.com. It is a really great planner for the money I think. It doesn't have Bible verses anywhere, but does have CM style quotes. It does have a spot for "Theology of the Week", but not actual Bible verses. The only reason I ended up buying The Well Planned Day, was because it is an actual day planner and I needed the whole-month view to carry around with me. You might want to check it out. Good luck finding something!



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I bought it though I'm terrible about sticking with things like this. My plan is to use it to record the things we actually do accomplish and keep records that way. I'll use the "month view" and maybe some of the extras but not for "planning" schoolwork.

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It is a pretty nice planner but I couldn't use it. There is too much on it I wouldn't find useful and I'm used to making my own (especially since Edu-Track isn't working well for me these days). I like doing things online and making a spreadsheet allows me to make easy changes and print outs.

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I say that to emphasize that they are not having the shipping problems that they were a while back. I got it about a week after ordering, and I'm in Alaska.


I like the Bible verses. Well, there are a few that I disagree with (I don't think my mother conceived me in sin, for pete's sake), but in general they are nothing bothersome. In fact, I really like this quote: "It is profound ignorance that inspires the dogmatic tone." Hee. We need that on the front page of this forum, don't we?


I just hope I use it. I like the idea of planning a week at a time; I could do that. A whole school year, not so much.




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