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My dh wants to try Rogaine for hair loss. Have any of your dh's tried this and

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I tried it, didn't work. To be fair, I don't have the male pattern baldness, but general thinning on top. I don't think I have the classic baldness it is supposed to cure.


It did change the hair texture a little, but no more than mousse or gel.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My son-in-law is thinning. My daughter has him taking zinc and using a natural shampoo with tea tree oil. She says she bought it in the cosmetic section of Wal-mart, not the regular hair care section. They claim it has helped, after trying multiple products.

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Unless you make a living off your looks (TV anchor, etc) I consider it a royal waste of money.


If it works, it's not all that expensive, if you buy generic in bulk from Costco, like I did. I want to say it was a 90 day supply for something like thirty bucks.


Of course, it didn't work so yes, royal waste of money in my case. :tongue_smilie:

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If my dh were to start losing a ton of hair and felt bad about it, I would show him pics of sexy bald guys and hand him a razor.


Embrace the hot Picard look.


I figure if there was a real cure for baldness, Donald Trump would not look like such an idiot. Just goes to show that no amount of money can buy emotional security.

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"Not expensive" is not the same as not a waste of money. Or, as an old farmer once told me, it's not what you make, it's what you don't spend.

120$ a year could buy something much more important than not looking your age.


I suppose you could say the same thing about money people spend on exercise videos to try to lose weight, or haircare products, or makeup, or a nice outfit to wear once in awhile.


Maybe it marks me as vain, but I'm not crazy about losing my hair. I suspect if you were losing your hair, you wouldn't be crazy about it either. In the end, I spent a couple of hundred dollars over the course of about 18 months giving the product a try. Made zero difference to my financial situation.


(Again, this didn't work for me, so I'm not actually trying to argue that the product wasn't a waste of money, just that a modest outlay on one's appearance isn't necessarily money wasted.)

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I must say I find bald men or men with very short hair attractive. My dh has lost a great deal of hair over the last 5 years and has just about shaved his head and I think he looks great and confident.


It's the guys that do the "comb-over" and keep it long even though they've got a big bald spot that turn me off.


Great looking bald guys: Bruce Willis, Ari Fleischer (w/ glasses, w/o glasses, not so much:glare:), Mike Chickas, Sean Connery....


I could go on, but I'd need a cool drink...



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I must say I find bald men or men with very short hair attractive. My dh has lost a great deal of hair over the last 5 years and has just about shaved his head and I think he looks great and confident.


It's the guys that do the "comb-over" and keep it long even though they've got a big bald spot that turn me off.


Great looking bald guys: Bruce Willis' date=' Ari Fleischer (w/ glasses, w/o glasses, not so much:glare:), Mike Chickas, Sean Connery....


I could go on, but I'd need a cool drink...




I totally agree. I like bald men, especially those that have the confidence to just buzz cut the rest or shave it altogether. Dh shaved his head and had a beard- wowza!

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If my dh were to start losing a ton of hair and felt bad about it, I would show him pics of sexy bald guys and hand him a razor.


Embrace the hot Picard look.


:iagree:YES! I totally agree.


I figure if there was a real cure for baldness, Donald Trump would not look like such an idiot. Just goes to show that no amount of money can buy emotional security.


LOL! :lol::lol:

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(Again, this didn't work for me, so I'm not actually trying to argue that the product wasn't a waste of money, just that a modest outlay on one's appearance isn't necessarily money wasted.)


Ahhh, to me 120 bucks a year isn't modest. Because of this I don't have cable or a cell phone, etc. etc. etc.


I am rather adamant on presenting a neat appearance, but not pandering to the "got to look young and hot" industry that we USians spend billions on. I do accept the fact I probably care less about my "looks" than most USian women, and don't wear makeup, polish, perfume, jewelery, and don't shave. I do wash, brush, comb, pin up, do my laundry, and apply something under the pits to keep me inoffensive.


And yes, if I lost my hair, I'd be neat about what I had left, and go from that. A friend with a significant "difference" from everyone else said she valued the fact she didn't have to second guess people who "liked" her. It was her they liked, not her grossly misshapen body. And you could really tell the jerks who acted as if she wasn't there.


And KingM, I hope you always have someone to love you JUST AS YOU ARE. (And that you always have 120 bucks to do with as you please. :))

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And KingM, I hope you always have someone to love you JUST AS YOU ARE. (And that you always have 120 bucks to do with as you please. :))


Yes, I do. And the guy she had her eye on right before we met was prematurely bald at 22, so I know she won't kick me to the curb if I lose all my hair. :)


But oh well, I still wish it wasn't thinning. :tongue_smilie:

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There are some studies which say that Nizoral shampoo is supposed to be effective in slowing/stopping hair loss. It's a little more expensive than regular shampoo but a lot cheaper than Rogaine, and you only have to use it a couple of times a week. It might be worth a try. You can buy it at Target, it's near the other dandruff shampoos.

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was it successful? Did they use the name brand or store brand?







My brother has the classic male pattern baldness and tried the name brand Rogaine. It didn't do a thing for him. I think he tried it for about 6 months or something like that, so it's not like he didn't give it a real chance. It just didn't work for him.

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Hmm... well a long time ago at a major university, I worked at a facility that tested Rogaine (for the company) on monkeys. I wasn't part of the actual

research, but they tested on monkeys with some hair loss and on monkeys who had been shaved. Go figure, the shaved monkeys regrew their hair when Rogaine was applied. The monkeys that already had hair loss, showed no hair regrowth. Just thought that might interest some of you.

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