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Speaking of Laws...

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I'm a firm believer in recycling, being green, etc. We always try to treat our environment with respect and go out of our way to recycle, etc. Well, we have now received a letter stating that if people do not use the recycle bins provided, they will be charged an additional $6. (I think that's the amount) a mo. on their trash bill.


Today I found myself feeling slightly resentful, growling under my breath. Why? I've always recycled. Nothing is changing. But it doesn't feel the same when you're doing something because you have to. I sound like a little kid whining. :confused: We'll continue to recycle, but now if I miss a couple weeks, I get my hands slapped.


Just venting.



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When we lived in the city limits of Austin, we were charged for trash service based on the size of our trash can. This makes sense to me--use more of a service, pay more for it. There was free recycling, so that was an incentive to recycle. This seems to be only semantically different from what you are describing, but makes a world of difference in attitude (to me, anyway).

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Just because something is helpful, the right thing to do, or even a necessity, doesn't mean you legislate it and/or fine people for not doing so.


I also agree that being threatened would change how I feel, though I would still do it.



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we recycle. The part that gets me is that our city began charging us a fee on our trash bill when they began giving us 3 trash cans, one for recycling, regular trash and one for yard trimmings. I pay extra because they want us to recycle..for the bin..and then the city keeps the money they earn on my recycling. I still recycle, but I grudge the charge on the can, is what I am saying...

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I would be furious! I know some very environmentally conscious people who make extreemly little waste in a week by buying bulk foods and using reusable containers. Would they really be charged for not having plastic containers and cardboard to recycle because they use glass and cloth? Insanity. If you put one item in your bin for the week, does that count as your "quota?" :rolleyes:

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That makes no sense. I recycle. Everything I can. And I did before we had curbside pickup - I made the trek across town to drop my stuff off (and still do for cardboard recycling now). But I probably only put my bin out once a month. Some weeks I may not have any recycling (we don't drink bottled/canned beverages, rarely eat canned food, don't have a newspaper subscription, etc.), so I don't bother to put it out until it's full.


And honestly, I'd rather have recycling be only for people who actually wanted to recycle. It does take a little extra effort to wash out your cans, make sure your plastics are the right kind, etc. so if someone is not committed, they most likely won't take the time, and it will just create more work.


And furthermore, how can you enfore something like that? Are they going to go through everyone's trash to make sure everything that can be recycled is? Because theoretically, you could just put the bin out every week with a single bottle in it, and be fine. (Obviously you wouldn't do that, but still...)



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I'm a firm believer in civil disobedience.


Just because something is legal -- or illegal-- is not necessarily the final word that guides me on whether I should or should not do something.


I do hope that you continue doing what you've always been doing based on your own thought process, and not feel too bad when the city catches up. ;)

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That's just silly. What if you don't have any recycling for the week or you go on vacation? Seriously that is nuts! I would be happy to have recycling available to us, but not if it will go that way.


I should have mentioned it's every other week. Still, the recycle bin they delivered to us is as large as our garbage can. I can't imagine filling it up in a whole month. We did miss last week because we were out of town. Don't know if we get charged if we miss one pick up, or if you miss two.


Still irks me.



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I'm a firm believer in recycling, being green, etc. We always try to treat our environment with respect and go out of our way to recycle, etc. Well, we have now received a letter stating that if people do not use the recycle bins provided, they will be charged an additional $6. (I think that's the amount) a mo. on their trash bill.


Today I found myself feeling slightly resentful, growling under my breath. Why? I've always recycled. Nothing is changing. But it doesn't feel the same when you're doing something because you have to. I sound like a little kid whining. :confused: We'll continue to recycle, but now if I miss a couple weeks, I get my hands slapped.


Just venting.




Are you sure that's what it means? It sounds to me like they're saying if people use containers other than the ones provided, they'll be fined. Could that be it?

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We get a single bin picked up as part of the normal service, but if it's overloaded (if the lid can't close) they don't pick it up, nor do they pick up anything left alongside. That seems reasonable to me: if you don't want to recycle, but you don't produce much rubbish, then that's fine. If you produce a lot of waste, then you need to either recycle or take it to the dump yourself.



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Janet, call your city or waste disposal folks. We generate very little trash and recycling. Our family of four hardly fills the smallest trash can that the city offers, and our neighbors, a couple, fill, weekly, the largest. When there were some changes to our billing, I called and explained the situation, and they looked at our records and agreed we should not have to pay extra if we did not have any items to recycle and our trash bin was tiny.


I know it seems like an arbitrary decision from on high, but there are real people behind those decisions, and, in my case, they were very helpful.

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every once in a while I get these shocks about the rest of this continent. We've had curbside recycling here for over 20 years so all the quibbles have been worked out long ago......& fwiw, I'm guessing the letter was about using a proper bin, not about having to put out recycling weekly....


BUT I wanted to touch on the issue of the resentment you feel at having to do something. Being threatened with consequences.


Because it made me think of homeschooling. And chores. And the many threads I see with punishment, threats etc for kids who aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing. And I thought here's a nice little example of why that often doesn't work very well.


That's all :001_smile:

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I'm a firm believer in recycling, being green, etc. We always try to treat our environment with respect and go out of our way to recycle, etc. Well, we have now received a letter stating that if people do not use the recycle bins provided, they will be charged an additional $6. (I think that's the amount) a mo. on their trash bill.


Today I found myself feeling slightly resentful, growling under my breath. Why? I've always recycled. Nothing is changing. But it doesn't feel the same when you're doing something because you have to. I sound like a little kid whining. :confused: We'll continue to recycle, but now if I miss a couple weeks, I get my hands slapped.


Just venting.



Wait, are they saying that if you don't recycle you'll have to pay $6, or if you don't use their bins you'll have to pay $6 (maybe their bins work better with their automated systems or something)?

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Just because something is helpful, the right thing to do, or even a necessity, doesn't mean you legislate it and/or fine people for not doing so.


I also agree that being threatened would change how I feel, though I would still do it.


:iagree: This is not the constitutional role of government - to micro-manage every aspect of our lives. It is unamerican.

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Are you sure that's what it means? It sounds to me like they're saying if people use containers other than the ones provided, they'll be fined. Could that be it?


I think I used the word 'fine' in my vent. That probably is not correct. The charge for trash pick up without recycling is more than the charge for trash pick up with recycling. If I choose not to recycle, my monthly fee is higher than if I choose to recycle. They will not pick up your trash or your recyclables unless they are in the carts provided.


Oops. I did make a mistake. In the conversation with dh I thought he said $6.00 additional. I just re-read the letter, and the additional charge is actually $4.00 for not recycling. Even being $2.00 less doesn't make it sit right with me.



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I think I used the word 'fine' in my vent. That probably is not correct. The charge for trash pick up without recycling is more than the charge for trash pick up with recycling. If I choose not to recycle, my monthly fee is higher than if I choose to recycle. They will not pick up your trash or your recyclables unless they are in the carts provided.


Oops. I did make a mistake. In the conversation with dh I thought he said $6.00 additional. I just re-read the letter, and the additional charge is actually $4.00 for not recycling. Even being $2.00 less doesn't make it sit right with me.




Well, that is just breathtakingly idiotic :confused: I'm the most obsessive recycler I know, and I think I would be on the phone with every relevant public official I could find about this particular little ray of sunshine. Seriously, I'm at a loss as to how that makes ANY sense.

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