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s/o Migraine thread...STILL have it - 7 days now

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I started a thread about a week ago asking for help in relief of a bad migraine...the suggestions were great. I implemented some of them.


However, I have had this $*&(#$* thing (I don't swear...I'm at the end of my rope) off and on since that day. I have been taking around 1200 mg of Motrin (over the course of 24 hours) every day since Tuesday, alternating with Tylenol, using the herbal oils, drinking extra caffeine, staying hydrated with water, resting, high protein diet, etc...


It goes away, and invariably comes back the next day. I am SO CRABBY (I just yelled out the office door at my girls to stop screaming). Unfortunately, DH is not home until late every night due to work requirements so I will have no relief for a couple of hours. Like I stated before, I do not get lock the door, blackout curtains required migraines, but I do get nauseated and achy, dull headache, plus some eye blurriness. I'm on a "down" cycle right now -- it has subsided since this morning -- but I'm afraid I'll wake up sick again tomorrow morning. I had such high hopes for this week, starting back up with Kinder, which I had put off starting in the early summer. I just have no energy to do it.


Should I call the doc tomorrow? I am 99% sure this is hormonal. I just don't want to go onto any HRT (again...I got off of it about a year ago for an ovarian cyst).

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Have you taken anything like Sudafed? Sometimes it helps my migraines when taken in combination with the Excedrin Migraine and ibuprofen. Other than that, if you're not seeing relief after this long (7 days), then I would probably get in to see your doctor.


I hope you get some relief...from one migraine sufferer to another, I can't imagine having that type of pain for that long.

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My migraines are most likely hormone related, as well. Mine will sometimes last on and off for 10 days. I am now taking Relpax when they will not. go.away. Relpax is a triptan drug. It will work for migraines only, not tension or other types of headache pain. It does work for me. However, I do find I have to take one each day for the duration of my migraine episode.


You might want to make an appointment and ask about Relpax or another triptan to have on hand when you have a migraine episode that will not respond to natural or otc remedies.


Fiorinal, which is aspirin, caffeine, and butalbital is another option if you have migraines that are not very frequent, but it can cause rebound headaches if you have to use it too often.


I hope you find relief, I know how horrible it is to suffer with migraine pain.

Edited by Imprimis
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Is your neck sore at all? Maybe you need a massage (from a registered massage therapist not just a 'feel good' place).


My fave treatment for headaches that won't quit (after all the usual stuff you've tried) is methocarbamol - you can get it otc in Robaxacet. Get something with 500mg of the stuff & take 2. Repeat in 4h. My neck really tenses up & the muscle relaxants help a lot.


If not better then step 3 for me


Tylenol 3 + a sleeping pill. I usually find if I can sleep for 10-12h it will finally go away so I need to knock myself out. When I have the headaches I'm not sleeping well either & it turns into a vicious cycle.


Good luck! I'm just coming a series of cluster headaches which I thought finished up last week... and then the thunderstorms and the heat wave hit. We're hitting 90's which I know for those of you in the south isn't much but nobody here has central a/c so we're wilting...... And the heavy humidity isn't helping.

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I would go to the doctor.


My doctor recently prescibed me Cafergot for my migraines. It really does help if I take it as soon as I begin to get a migraine. It also helps because it somehow helps to reduce the blood vessel swelling in the brain that can occur during migraine therefore eliminating the ongoing 'migraine state' that I could live in for days or weeks before I had this medication. Go check it out..... it can't hurt.... and it may help.


All the best.

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The doctor (or ER) has a shot that can knock the headache out almost immediately (though it'll also knock you out for days). That is the short term solution.


From there, I'd look at causes and treatments other than hormonal first. Sometimes a combination is the issue so if you address the "what else" you won't have to do the hormonal if you don't want.

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I get horrible migraines. The longest bout I had lasted on year from Thanksgiving weekend until New Year's Eve. I have tried Imitrix and several other similar meds. While my headaches are usually hommonally triggered, they can also be caused by weather changes (usually in the fall when we start running the heat), illness, physical strain or allergies.


I finally had a dr. tell me that Indocin (indomethacin) is an excellent pain reliever for migraines. It is an arthritis drug. I originally took it as a suppository but now take pills. It is available in generic.


If this is a migraine, it is a vascular headache. Your veins are contracting and expanding causing the pain. This happens with a brain freeze. Any meds you take can make you lightheaded as your veins regulate. I sometime have a drop in blook pressure from the indocin and I just lay down and sleep for about a half hour. But when I wake up the pain is gone.


Good luck. I know it is miserable.

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My daughter had a seven month long headache. The thing that finally broke it was Lexapro. SHe was not depressed but some of the same chemicals (seritonin, others) that are involved in depression are also involved in migraines, particularly hormonal migraines. SHe has since developed PMDD and now takes an extra dose of Lexapro in the time before her period. NOt only did the medication help the PMDD, but even her hormonal migraines almost completely disappeared.

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My daughter had a seven month long headache. The thing that finally broke it was Lexapro. SHe was not depressed but some of the same chemicals (seritonin, others) that are involved in depression are also involved in migraines, particularly hormonal migraines. SHe has since developed PMDD and now takes an extra dose of Lexapro in the time before her period. NOt only did the medication help the PMDD, but even her hormonal migraines almost completely disappeared.


I must say that my migraines have gotten significantly better since I have been taking prozac. It has also helped my PMDD, along with some bioidentical oral progesterone. Prozac is on the $4 list at WalMart.

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