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Custody and hs... I'm shaking!

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Because my ex has spent months pretty much ignoring my requests to discuss homeschooling and a variety of options, an attorney has advised me to take matters into my own hands (while keeping as many doors open as possible).

I just sent my ex an email detailing this decision.


And now I'm dizzy and shaky and nauseated.

There is no appropriate emoticon!

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Because my ex has spent months pretty much ignoring my requests to discuss homeschooling and a variety of options, an attorney has advised me to take matters into my own hands (while keeping as many doors open as possible).

I just sent my ex an email detailing this decision.


And now I'm dizzy and shaky and nauseated.

There is no appropriate emoticon!





Are you scared about something or making the decision was just a huge step in whatever is going on in your life?

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Are you scared about something or making the decision was just a huge step in whatever is going on in your life?


I'm terrified of judges, lol.

If he chooses to take it to court, I know I have plenty of evidence to prove he's been uncooperative for the past 4 years (10 years on other issues!), but I still get this uncontrollable physical response to the very thought of a court room. To the point that I have to choose what I eat carefully, because I will probably be revisiting it soon!


In the meantime, I have to go back over all of my curriculum choices for ds and make my final decisions. But that means I can avoid second guessing everything I already purchased for my dds. ;)

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ex has actually *agreed* to traditional homeschooling!



:lol: Traditional homeschooling??? There's nothing traditional about homeschooling my dear! At least not in our society! (yeah yeah, one can claim homeschooling is the traditional way of learning, I know. But you get the idea...)


Congrats though!

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Well, after an initial freak-out and threats to put ds back in regular public school, ex has actually *agreed* to traditional homeschooling!




No more cyber charter!

Now there's lots of shopping to do. :D


That is wonderful Carrie!!!!!!!!!


Now, get shopping!! :tongue_smilie:

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Well, after an initial freak-out and threats to put ds back in regular public school, ex has actually *agreed* to traditional homeschooling!




No more cyber charter!

Now there's lots of shopping to do. :D


Oh, Carrie! That is wonderful! :grouphug:

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