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Are there any new curriculums out this year?


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Anything new come on the market this year for curriculums? Seems as if I have seen the same things on the market for a while. I guess I like to drool over new things:D. Okay, and maybe it is time to make a change...;)


Looking in the middle school market.

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Ooooh! Good question. I'm looking mostly in the middle school market too, since there seem to be quite a few more options for my 2nd grader than for my 7th grader. I'll be interested to see what turns up here.


I've put out a science course guide for middle schoolers just in the last few days. It's what I put together for my son this year and friends encouraged me to publish it. www.awakeningwonder.com

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I looked for the recommended age but might have missed it...what age would you recommend the Physical Science?




Hmmm...maybe I need to fiddle with the web site a little more. That's good to know, thanks. :)


It's intended for students working at a 6-8 grade level, but could probably be used by slightly younger students if they are strong readers, or by a highschooler who isn't planning on college.

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Amy, thank you for sharing the link for your science program. Are you coming out with more guides in the future?


I am planning to make more, yes. The rate at which they will come out will depend on what else is going on in my life, and I'll probably have to give priority to whatever my son is going to be working on next, unless I can find other programs for him that I like. We're currently thinking along the lines of a 9th grade level Biology for next year, but I haven't gotten as far as picking materials yet. I'm still working on a CD with the notebook pages for physical science that will have a printable version like the ones in the book, and then a version of most of the same pages that students can type on and print out. (My son has "issues" with handwriting, and I get much better results if I let him type.) But it's also possible that I'll find a Biology course that I like from someone else, in which case I'd probably work on a Life Science for middle schoolers using the Science Explorer book for that, while ds does his high school biology. This is also the first year I'll have both of my kids at home full time, so I'm going to have to see how that plays out before I can figure out how much time I can put into course guides. My family has to take priority, but I am excited about this project.

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Take a look at our Classical enrichment curriculum. You can download a copy here along with the first few worksheets.




We develop this for our local co-op every year. This year we put so much work into it that it seemed a shame to teach it to 18-20 kids and throw it away.


It's an enrichment curriculum. That means you teach your own reading, writing and math. The curriculum covers everything else. It's pitched primarily at 4th-6th graders, but can be adapted up or down, and covers the following topics: American History, World History, Latin, Art Appreciation, Music Appreciation and Biology. It is divided into 36 weekly lessons and assignments.


You can get most of the books at your public library. It works well for individual families and of course it works well for a co-op.


Hope this is useful.




Toni Deveson

The Examined Life

Homeschool Support and Enrichment Group


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I don't think this is new, but it was new to me. It's a U.S. Geography and/or State History Study. I wish I would have known about this last fall, and would have used it for our U.S. State study. As it is, we did a different one this past year, but I still bought this for a State History study this year. I LOVE it! I am totally not an impulse buyer, but bought this on sight, both the regular one and the one for younger grades, to do with DS11 and DS6.


They have one for every state. It is made by a homeschooling mom, and her husband used to be a Abeka rep. Thought that was interesting.



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Take a look at our Classical enrichment curriculum. You can download a copy here along with the first few worksheets.




We develop this for our local co-op every year. This year we put so much work into it that it seemed a shame to teach it to 18-20 kids and throw it away.


It's an enrichment curriculum. That means you teach your own reading, writing and math. The curriculum covers everything else. It's pitched primarily at 4th-6th graders, but can be adapted up or down, and covers the following topics: American History, World History, Latin, Art Appreciation, Music Appreciation and Biology. It is divided into 36 weekly lessons and assignments.


You can get most of the books at your public library. It works well for individual families and of course it works well for a co-op.


Hope this is useful.




Toni Deveson

The Examined Life

Homeschool Support and Enrichment Group



Toni I cannot tell a lie. I have been eyeing your co-op group for 2 years already. :001_smile: I love looking at all you do and one day I just might actually join. lol You are slightly ahead of us in your history rotation and I don't think we will be caught up by the beginning of the year.


Just wanted you to know you had a stalker.

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My Father's World released their second year high school program this spring (it was in pilot stage before that).


MFW also issued a 2nd edition of ECC, and is publishing 2 new books with it. Some of us are excited :)


Several other things seem to have a new addition recently:

- Jonathan Park

- Jeanie Fulbright's notebooks for Apologia Elementary Science (and supposedly another book soon)

- Drive Thru history has 2 more American history DVDs

- Saxon has some teacher DVDs now, I think

- Daughters of the Faith book series came out with one on Phyllis Wheatley, I guess that was earlier this year

- IEW has a lot of new stuff lately

- God's Design science has made a lot of changes

- Progeny Press came out with guides for Crispin & Call of the Wild


Well, I guess that's nothing totally new, eh?!

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I don't think this is new, but it was new to me. It's a U.S. Geography and/or State History Study. I wish I would have known about this last fall, and would have used it for our U.S. State study. As it is, we did a different one this past year, but I still bought this for a State History study this year. I LOVE it! I am totally not an impulse buyer, but bought this on sight, both the regular one and the one for younger grades, to do with DS11 and DS6.


They have one for every state. It is made by a homeschooling mom, and her husband used to be a Abeka rep. Thought that was interesting.




Thank you for sharing this. I have been worried about my son's lack of exposure to US Geography and this study looks like it will be perfect for us. Love these boards!

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I don't think this is new, but it was new to me. It's a U.S. Geography and/or State History Study. I wish I would have known about this last fall, and would have used it for our U.S. State study. As it is, we did a different one this past year, but I still bought this for a State History study this year. I LOVE it! I am totally not an impulse buyer, but bought this on sight, both the regular one and the one for younger grades, to do with DS11 and DS6.


They have one for every state. It is made by a homeschooling mom, and her husband used to be a Abeka rep. Thought that was interesting.




Thanks for this one too. It looks great!! :)

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WinterPromise has a new program American Culture

Delve into our American culture, from the struggle of the Civil War, and how it changed our national identity, to the toppling of the twin towers on September 11th, and how this has changed today’s world. As you journey along, you’ll enjoy the many learning experiences that will help your student get to know our American culture.

And new Science programs that are drool worthy.


Science Logic ~ Science (secular) curriculum for the logic stage from Makita.


loved to death's new Ancient history program is out.




Thanks! The notebook pages could be used at any level, but I don't have separate directions for them yet. The curriculum guide is not for middle school, but geared for K-3. The next level will be geared toward 3-5. There is currently no charge for a download. They will be around $28 each for the year.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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There is a newly published two-year beginning Latin program: The Great Latin Adventure by Classicallegacypress.com. Although it is newly published, it has been tried and proven in a pre-published state for several years by many independent home educators, in a homeschooling co-op, and in a classical Christian school. One may begin using it as early as 3rd grade but many have found it just as profitable to begin using it at the 6th or 7th grade level. I cannot speak more highly of this program after using it for my three students. There are many things I like about this program, but two features I especially like are that it gets the students translating wonderful sentences quite early and it has derivative worksheets, which helps link the Latin words to the rich English language we have. After using this program, each of my students have then been able to slide right into a more advanced Latin program with ease. There is more information and samples at the website, which you will find helpful.

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I have a new American History Unit Study series out...the first one is done and there are 15-20 more in the planning stages. The next one should be out in the next 2-3 weeks I hope (I just got off bedrest and out of the hospital for preterm labor, so my plans for getting it out this last week were wiped out!)


First study is Explorers and next is Native Americans. It's for K-4 and adaptable for younger/older, covers all subjects except math. You can also see sample pages on my site.




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