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Frustrated about being overdue (warning female content, TMI)

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All four of my pregnancies that have made it to term have gone past my due date. I'm fine with that, but I'm getting increasingly frustrated (and stressed/worried) with this one.


My first labor started with rupture of membranes on my due date but took 78 hours for her to finally come out. She was a homebirth-transfer due to lack of progress (cervix swelled) My second pregnancy also resulted in a baby being born 3 days late, but we had to break my water for lack of progress after stalling at 9cm for 5 hours. My third pregnancy ended after I was induced 15 days past my due date. I failed the nonstress test for lack of movement and amniotic fluid. I knew he was fine, movement wise as he was VERY active, but they scheduled the nonstress test for his quietest time of the day and no one suggested I wake him up with a nice boost of sugar right before. It was the lack of amniotic fluid that really failed the test. We were given one day to start labor using natural methods. Wit my midwife's oversight, we tried blue and black cohosh, castor oil, MAJOR cervical manipulation, and stripping membranes. None of it worked so I ended up with a pitocin induction in the hospital; we had planned on a natural birth at a free standing birth center.


Now, I'm 4 days past my due date with no sign of imminent labor. Four times this past week, I've woken up in the middle of the night with crampy, regular contractions (11 minutes, 9 minutes, 4 minutes, and 7 minutes apart, respectively) that quit when I get up. I haven't lost my mucus plug. No bloody show. The only positive is that my cervix isn't completely posterior, but isn't anterior either and partially effaced. I don't know if I'm dilated at all as I can't reach and haven't had an exam.


I don't want to end up with another hospital induction! If we haven't had the baby by Tuesday (my 41 week appointment), I'll ask my midwife to do cervical manipulation which she's already offered but I declined because I don't like messing with things that are inducing. I'm just not convinced it will work; it didn't last time.


I'm just frustrated. For once, I'd like a birth to happen like it should...without interventions.

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I'm so sorry.


I used reverse psychology with my last pregnancy. I pretended that I didn't care if she ever came out. I went shopping. I bought chickens and worked all day building a coop for them. I forbade anyone to mention the pregnancy or the baby.


I'm convinced that she finally made an appearance just to get attention.


I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.

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I had three pregnancies make it to term. Two singletons and a set of twins. Both of my singletons were 13-14 days late. My first was induced. With the other singleton, my water broke less than 12 hours before my scheduled induction.


I wish I had some helpful tips, but I'm not sure I'd recommend twins just to get an on-time delivery.;)

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Joanne, I don't know if I would have easy labor/deliveries or if my physical activity helped. The day before my 1st was born I spent on my knees doing some heavy duty scrubbing. He was 3 days past the due date. Labor started the next morning and he was born at 4:30 in the afternoon. The day before my 2nd was born, I spent on my knees planting a stawberry bed. Again, labor started the next morning and she was born about 4:30 in the afternoon. She was 3 days before the due date.

I've heard they don't give routine enemas any longer. I went several hours with the 2nd one, not progressing past 3 cm. They finally gave me an enema and she was almost born in the bathroom! She was born within 15 minutes of that enema.

If there was a sure-fire trick of triggering labor & delivery, women would be shouting it from the mountain tops! Good luck to you.

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I was a week over an induced with my first but with DS and DD2 my waters broke while i was vacuuming the house at 38w and 37w respectively. I go to work nesting, cleaning, do some hard physical work. I also hear that cleary sage is good as is evening primrose oil for ripening the cervix.

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I read somewhere (:confused: online article? medical journal? natural parenting magazine? no idea anymore) after the birth of B that Pitocin use to induce/augment labor can affect future labors. Pitocin is the synthetic form of oxytocin, and as such is just slightly different from the oxytocin produced by our bodies. (That way it can be patented!) Once your oxytocic receptors have "switched" to recognizing Pitocin, it may take them a while (in future labors) to "switch" back. I've read that women who have been previously induced may have frustrating start/stop-type labors for a while before the body re-adjusts & gets going. Could this be part of what's affecting you?


(It'll be interesting to see what happens w/ this next labor. L was my only hospital-born baby; he was 7 wks premature. I was told after I delivered him that some Pitocin had been added to my IV. Made me pretty mad, because of the above, but at that point it was already in my system. :glare:)


I really hope that things progress naturally for you and that you have a good delivery of a healthy little one.

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I'm sorry. I think pregnancy is two semesters, not 3 trimesters.


First semester is conception to 37 weeks. Second semester is 37 weeks to devliery. Second semester is the longest one.


I know the agony of going past due dates. Here's hoping you go into labor tonight and have a speedy delivery :)

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I highly suggest (if you haven't already) spending some time clearing you mind and emotions. Because of your history I can imagine that you keep thinking back on the other births and how they went. This is a different baby and a different birth. I know it may sound a bit freaky but the mind-body connection during pregnancy, labor, and birth is VERY strong and VERY real! I'd gather some affirmations, scripture, favorite quotes, etc. and focus on those. Talk to your baby as well.


It's obvious that your body knows what to do without being induced (as evidenced with your second baby). And your body is busy gearing up.


Part of the prodromal labor you are experiencing could be the baby's position. If the head is ascynclitic or if there is a hand up by the head it can be one reason for causing that. Again, talking to your baby and not stressing about the situation can aid in the baby maneuvering into a better position. And even if the baby stays like that, it doesn't mean labor won't start on its own and progress just fine.


I know it's hard but hang in there! Your body knows what to do!!!




I read somewhere (:confused: online article? medical journal? natural parenting magazine? no idea anymore) after the birth of B that Pitocin use to induce/augment labor can affect future labors. Pitocin is the synthetic form of oxytocin, and as such is just slightly different from the oxytocin produced by our bodies. (That way it can be patented!) Once your oxytocic receptors have "switched" to recognizing Pitocin, it may take them a while (in future labors) to "switch" back. I've read that women who have been previously induced may have frustrating start/stop-type labors for a while before the body re-adjusts & gets going. Could this be part of what's affecting you?

I have read that too. However, the history of cooking babies longer and slow-to-start labor goes prior to the Pitocin induction.


If there was a sure-fire trick of triggering labor & delivery, women would be shouting it from the mountain tops!

And I would be the richest midwife in the world. :tongue_smilie:

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My daughter was 10 days early.


That made how late my son came that much more frustrating. They finally induced, the doctor said that he wouldn't have been able to come out naturally if they had waited one day longer, he was pretty big.


I'll be praying for a baby soon for you.

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I'm still here...still waiting. Tomorrow is my 41 week appointment, though I won't be 41 weeks until Wednesday. My deadline, so to speak, is the 29th as the birth center will only allow you to birth there up to 42 weeks. After that, my only option is the hospital.


To my knowledge, the baby is in good position. I don't know if the midwife can tell head position from just feeling...but the baby likes to hang out with the back somewhat towards the front right side. I get kicked by knees on the left side.


I'm not worried about big babies. All three of my previous ones were big...8lbs 10oz to 9lbs 4oz...and they were easy to push out. It's going past due and labor that takes a long time. Pushing has never taken more than 15 minutes...and that's with a heavy epidural where I couldn't feel a thing.

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I'm really sorry. I know how hard it is. I had to have my last two induced due to being late and having a history of having HUGE, HUGE babies. I almost couldn't deliver my first.


I really hope things go as you're wanting them to.


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Had 41 week appointment today. All tests (blood pressure, urine, etc) are fine. Baby is at -2 station. I'm 50% effaced and 3cm dilated. She could stretch it to 4cm but you can't count that as 4cm dilated.


We did some cervical torture...I mean massage.


The plan is to use evening primrose oil morning and evening. On Friday, if I'm still pregnant, I have to go in for an AFI (amniotic fluid index) which is what I failed with my last pregnancy, requiring induction the next day. After that, I'll go straight to the midwife for a nonstress test and more cervical massage.


She said what I've been experiencing the last week and a half is what they called "monkey labor" and I've been swinging in and out of labor. Every 2-3 days, I've been having uncomfortable (enough to wake me up) and regular contractions in bed. They go away when I'm upright though...which is unusual since it's normally the other way around.

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