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stranger just photographed my house

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We moved into this house one month ago. Today I just happened to look out our window and saw an unfamiliar car driving slowly passed our house. He didn't actually stop, but he did take a picture of our house as he drove by. Should this concern me? Could this be an assessor?



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Hmm. I don't know about an assessor. Did you buy the house? Wasn't an appraisal done *before* you closed? Hmm.


Maybe he used to live in the house. Maybe he wishes he'd bought the house and wants to find one that looks like it. Maybe he's sending the picture to a friend/relative who used to live there and wants to know if the tree they planted is still in the front yard. Maybe he's trying to pick out the colors to paint his house and he likes the combination on your house.


I wouldn't be concerned unless he gets out and peeks in the windows.



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Could be an assessor. Or could be someone like me wanting to copy a color scheme or landscaping. I've taken pictures of houses lots of times. Of course I am odd. One time I had a couple stop and ask if they could photograph our brick mailbox so they could copy the design. I was flattered.

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This is most likely for an appraisal of ANOTHER house that is in the process of selling. Appraisers need to find "comps" which are comparable homes to the one they are appraising. The only other homes they can use are ones that sold recently. Both times we moved, I noticed photography prowlers doing the same thing and when I asked, this is what we were told. Makes sense, because our appraisals also had comps listed in them (complete with recent photos) to explain the reasoning for the appraisal value of our home. This is, in my opinion, the most likely explanation. :)

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If so, the county often posts a picture with the relevant data about the house (sq. ft., # of bathrooms and bedrooms, etc.). In fact, there's a picture of my house on the net through my county's website. I'd bet, since you just bought your house, they are updating their information on your house and took the picture for that purpose.

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Omg, this happened to me about a month ago. I was walking around the side of our guesthouse and there was this flash in my eyes.. but in my case it was a tourist!!!! Some guy was stading in front of our house, and his friend was taking his picture, lol!!!


I really appreciated how people might feel when tourists poke around taking pictures without asking.


Actually, something similar did happen once when we were visiting Doha. I was outside in a grassy area waiting for dh while my kids were running around. This man (obviously a foreigner) started taking pictures of us from a distance. I'm sure he thought we were an ideal "indigenous peoples" shot, I really wanted to walk up to him and say in my best American accent, "How you doin'?!" lol

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When someone asks for a market analysis of their house a realtor will drive around to houses that have sold recently that are similair and take pictures. last summer we bought a home in maine and about a month later the same thing happened. it freaked me out at the time. i went to talk with one man doing this, and then talked to our realtor...so I wouldn't be concerned. if it happens 8 months from now...then I'd be concerned.

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I guess I see my house as kind of an extension of myself. I'm not really comfortable with people taking my picture without asking, and I feel the same way about things I have, like my kids, my house, my car. I guess I feel odd about it, like what are they wanting to do with the pictures, that they can't just come up and ask me for permission, kwim? It just rubs me the wrong way.

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A few years ago my husband was deployed and one of my sisters was visiting. We are night owls and were getting ready to go to bed at 2 in the morning. We were walking around the house, chatting while I locked up and turned out all the lights. We were standing by my dining room window (which faced the front yard) when a white car pulled up and someone took a picture. It was totally weird. I called the police, they came and drive around the neighborhood a bit but didn't see the car.

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Why? Just curious why anyone would be bothered or frightened or concerned by someone taking a picture of their house from the street? Maybe I should stop doing it. Shrug.


I just get really leery about the safety of my kids...that's all. Besides, I've never lived in a house that I thought was nice enough to want to take a picture of.;)

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A few years ago my husband was deployed and one of my sisters was visiting. We night owls and were getting ready to go to bed at 2 in the morning. We were walking around the ouse, chatting while I locked up and turned out all the lights. We were standing by my dining room window (which faced the front yard) when a white car pulled up and someone took a picture. It was totally weird. I called the police, they came and drive around the neighborhood a bit but didn't see the car.


Ok, that would freak me out too. I've never taken a picture of anyone's house at 2:00 a.m.

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Could be an appraiser getting pictures of comparables (homes similar to the property they are appraising which have recently been sold). I did this for several years, and taking pictures people's houses for use as comparables was one of my least favorite parts of the work. Occasionally someone would ask me what I was up to, and I would explain, but I did feel funny about it. It Was the best paying job I've ever had, though!

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He lives in a nice area and I just love the house designs. So, I take lots of pictures and keep them in my dream home folder.




Could be an assessor. Or could be someone like me wanting to copy a color scheme or landscaping. I've taken pictures of houses lots of times. Of course I am odd. One time I had a couple stop and ask if they could photograph our brick mailbox so they could copy the design. I was flattered.
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We moved into this house one month ago. Today I just happened to look out our window and saw an unfamiliar car driving slowly passed our house. He didn't actually stop, but he did take a picture of our house as he drove by. Should this concern me? Could this be an assessor?




Real estate appraisers are required to submit photos of any recently sold homes they use in their comparable sales analyses. Since you recently moved in, I'm assuming you recently purchased the home, so many appraisers in the area will be using the public record of your sale to help them determine the value of similar homes in the area.


Nothing to be concerned about at all.

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I wasn't especially freaked out by the photographer. Just wanted to make sure I shouldn't be worrying. And of course it doesn't help that my husband happens to be out of town today!

I appreciate everyones response.


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This happened to us one time. A car pulled up in our driveway, and a lady got out and started taking pictures. :eek: I went out to see what she was doing, and she told me she used to live in our town. We have huge rhododendron bushes out front, and she knew the lady who had planted them (like 40 years ago), and happened to be back in town so she wanted to stop by and take a picture of how they had grown.

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We had this happen once. It was a realtor. Later he came back with a "fancy" magnet featuring a picture of our house and how much it would probably sell for, trying to convince us to sell. I was so mad! Apparently it's not too uncommon a tactic. Emphasis on TACky, not to mention rude and presumptuous.

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We had this happen once. It was a realtor. Later he came back with a "fancy" magnet featuring a picture of our house and how much it would probably sell for, trying to convince us to sell. I was so mad! Apparently it's not too uncommon a tactic. Emphasis on TACky, not to mention rude and presumptuous.


Hmmmmm........see that just wouldn't bother me. I think I must be weird.

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I absolutely LOVE taking pics of houses I find attractive. I am often struck by the architecture, the symmetry, the color scheme, or the landscaping of the prospective pics. I have even, on occasion, knocked on a stranger's door to determine whether it was ok to snap :-). I have had a couple of strange looks, but I have never been refused!

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Guest Alana

I used to work as a contractor for mortgage companies performing occupancy inspections. If your house was previously owned by someone who was behind on their payments, the mortgage company could have ordered an "occupancy" inspection. This entails a contractor driving by your home and assessing if the house is occupied and in good condition and they must have a photo of the property to prove they did the inspection.

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