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List the reasons you've heard why not to homeschool.

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My kids are 20, 16, 15, 10, and 4 (my little charge).


I know you are all thinking 'Wow, her kids are big, she can get some time" And all I can tell you is this: That's a big fat lie.

Huh. I have had my 16 and 14 year old nephews this week and I get a ton more alone time. I can take a shower and they can play a game with the two year old. I can take a nap with the two year old and they will play with the 7 year old. It has been great!
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Don't forget the swirlie! :tongue_smilie:



I have a homeschool acquaintance who has a great answer for the bully one. She just tells people that her husband makes sure to take their son in the bathroom every couple of days to beat him up and take his lunch money. :lol:
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I was at a yard sale a few weeks ago and mentioned that we are homeschooling. One woman who was about my age told me that she was homeschooled. I asked her if she enjoyed it and she said "yeah, but I ain't got no patience for that, so I send my kid to public school."

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Same with my oldest ds. I have had it hinted and somewhat more boldly put that he would not be considered ADHD or bipolar if we has just left him in PS after first grade.


He had problems in K and first also, but some folks (even the teacher) actualyl attributed that to the fact he was not in daycare since infancy, thus he was not "socialized."





Ugh, don't you just hate that?! It makes me feel better that the doctor told me that she thinks hs'ing is the best thing that we could be doing for him. In fact, she thinks that if he had been placed in ps, that she would be seeing a child with more severe symtoms.

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Yup. I am told that my aspie won't be able to learn social norms if he's not in a classroom full of kids. Forget the fact that I'm opposed to some of those "social norms"- this is a kid who has been diagnosed with an INABILITY to "pick up" on social norms!!!!!!!!!!




YES, this is what I hear all the time. We have Aspies, who, by definition, don't naturally pick up on social cues. They have to be TAUGHT social skills directly. Being picked on at school only taught them to be afraid and immobilized them. DUH!!



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I know you are all thinking 'Wow, her kids are big, she can get some time" And all I can tell you is this: That's a big fat lie.


All they want to do is talk talk talk talk talk talk, and, you know, talk.


And they cook. They cook quiche, and cookies, and sauces, and burritos from scratch, and scrambled eggs, and they grill, and they are always in the kitchen. They bring their friends....and they are *always here*.


Chatting. Chatting. Chatting.


OK. I need to go chat. There is a bonfire in my fire pit about to begin.


Your kids are obviously isolated and not socialized. :lol:

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Huh. I have had my 16 and 14 year old nephews this week and I get a ton more alone time. I can take a shower and they can play a game with the two year old. I can take a nap with the two year old and they will play with the 7 year old. It has been great!



Clearly what I need is more people/teens in my home! But make it folks who do not want to chat! I am thinking what it is is this: On my forehead is a stamp that says "Talk to me!" Maybe make it people who also can't read my forehead.

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My older dd had a public high school teacher tell her that homeschooled students don't develop identities separate from their parents (their mothers, specifically) and that they are all victims and puppets for their parents' use.


I am NOT kidding. Boy oh boy did she work to set HIM straight.

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My older dd had a public high school teacher tell her that homeschooled students don't develop identities separate from their parents (their mothers, specifically) and that they are all victims and puppets for their parents' use.


I am NOT kidding. Boy oh boy did she work to set HIM straight.


Now that sounds like the German court system..... scary!

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Exactly! There is simply no activity here. No people who want to discuss the days events, the books they've read, the places they've been. :D


Well of couse not! Don't forget we have our kids in the house with the window treatments drawn. We don't let our kids outside nor do we allow the outside to be brought in! We're homeschoolers! :tongue_smilie:

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Must be nice. I hope DD will leave me alone for an hour by the time she is 11. But I doubt it.


Actually, my dd11 stays with me most every waking moment. She even checks on me when I'm in the bathroom for 2 minutes. She visits me while I'm in the tub. She is the one who volunteers to go on all errands with me. When I want to be alone for a little while, I just tell her and ask her to hang out with her brother or dad. It doesn't hurt her feelings.


Mostly I don't need to be away from her. She and I have lots of fun together. I read a book years ago, maybe Out of Sync, but can't remember for sure. There was a section in the book that really spoke to me about how to perceive my kids behaviors in a more positive light. For example, my dd tries to butt into everyone's business and is pushy to make all the decisions. I believe she will mature into an adult who is driven, dedicated, and a great leader in groups. I picture her in a very busy, social job. That's probably some of the greatest parenting advice I've ever heard. :) I think I'll get that book from the library again.

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The most giggle worthy one was from a blog post I think someone here linked to a month or so ago:

Homeschoolers can't learn to use technology without teachers to teach them :rofl:


Could she please come and explain that to my boys who use:

ship design software

animation software

video editing software

multi media things that I can't work out

and of course imaging software

along with all the normal other office type stuff.


The woman is a loon.


When people ask if I get time to myself I am honest that I don't get much and wish I got more. When they say it must be a lot of work I agree with them... it IS!!

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Actually, my dd11 stays with me most every waking moment. She even checks on me when I'm in the bathroom for 2 minutes. She visits me while I'm in the tub. She is the one who volunteers to go on all errands with me. When I want to be alone for a little while, I just tell her and ask her to hang out with her brother or dad. It doesn't hurt her feelings.
Oh dear. I hope I did not frustrate you. My DD has special needs with a good streak of spoiled brat. She will never sleep by herself, not for 5 minutes. When DH and I need 7 minutes alone (yeah, you know what I mean when I say 7 ;)) she is the one who will scream or knock on our door, etc., not the 2 year old. She is afraid to go to her room to fetch her beach towel, or put a toy away. She is a special case, and on a general board thread I should just keep quiet. I learned that in another thread recently (about discipline) where my comments caused problems.
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The most giggle worthy one was from a blog post I think someone here linked to a month or so ago:

Homeschoolers can't learn to use technology without teachers to teach them :rofl:

Oh, so how in the world did I make the leap from a computer with boot-up disks to a laptop computer? And how did I manage to teach my mom to use a computer? :D

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She is a special case, and on a general board thread I should just keep quiet. I learned that in another thread recently (about discipline) where my comments caused problems.


Yeah, but you're just a natural-born trouble maker, Carmen.


You can't help it. :lol:


That's why we all read all your posts. :lurk5:

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I have had someone say this to me before. Actually she said, "How do you be with them all the time?", as if I shouldn't be able to tolerate being with my kids so much.


I just said that I enjoy being with my kids and I enjoy learning with them. They're not bad kids. We have fun together. (Well, most of the time :D)


A Wal-Mart commercial about summer came on the other night, and one of the lines was, "Our kids are ours again". I just about burst into tears.

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I don't typically get challenged on HSing, there is a HUGE community of HSers here, but when I do it's *always* regarding Dot and how she needs to go to kindergarten so she can learn to not throw tantrums and be bored without getting into trouble. :001_huh:


Yes, a teacher with 18-25 other students is going to be able to teach her those things. :glare:

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Rest time.


That is so cute.


My kids are 20, 16, 15, 10, and 4 (my little charge).


They don't shut up for 5 minutes. Thankfully, some of them have summer jobs. If I could get someone to hire the 10 and 4 yr olds, I'd be golden.


I know you are all thinking 'Wow, her kids are big, she can get some time" And all I can tell you is this: That's a big fat lie.


All they want to do is talk talk talk talk talk talk, and, you know, talk.


And they cook. They cook quiche, and cookies, and sauces, and burritos from scratch, and scrambled eggs, and they grill, and they are always in the kitchen. They bring their friends....and they are *always here*.


Chatting. Chatting. Chatting.


OK. I need to go chat. There is a bonfire in my fire pit about to begin.



:lol::lol::lol:--Sorry, I didn't know if you meant that to be humorous or not, but it had me laughing!

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