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Leave TOG? Have I taken leave of my senses??

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I got up this morning and dug into my new Y2 (in print) that finally arrived. I began reading the books that my son will be using, and deciding what questions I would like him to answer on his SAP's. Basically...planning. All of the sudden I thought to myself....WHY?? :confused: Why am I making my life and history so difficult? Why can't I be like thousands of other homeschooler's who are more than happy with a textbook-type history curriculum? I left SL because it did not offer any type of worksheets, quizzes, etc. I went with TOG because it does, and because I just like it better than SL. But, now I am wondering why I can't just use BJU's World Studies (7th grade history) and add in some great historical lit??


BJU's TE makes the teaching of the history VERY easy compared to TOG. Prep time is minimal. BJU has great questions, great activities (mapping, etc.), great tests! One thing BJU does not have is a 4 year history cycle. But, does that really matter in the scheme of things? And BJU does not use lots of history books. Again, does that really matter? :confused: I do not want to make history our hill to die on when there are so many other subjects that need attention (Latin, math, and writing to name three). Ugh.


I am really torn right now. I looked at BJU's history samples online and really liked what I saw. Simple. Straightforward and to the point. Easy to teach. Interesting and easy to understand. My son has always enjoyed BJU's subjects, so why not their history as well? I could then really focus my attention on areas in need.


I have TOG Years 1-3 in print though! Y2 and Y3 brand spanking new! I already have many of the books for Y2, and several for Y3. I have all of the pop quizzes for each year (un-opened), the evaluations, the maps, etc. I'm pretty set.


Have I lost my mind for even considering changing?

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I have no advice to offer. I just want to say that I could have written your post...almost to the letter. I have 2 and 3 new, in print, as well. I am asking all the same questions. AND my dd does not like history! I have been looking at BJU for our next go-round with ancients. I used to think TOG would save me work because it already had all the components I was looking for. Now I think I could add the extras to an already good history program (BJU) without all the pressure and intensity of TOG. No answers...but you aren't alone and you aren't crazy. I'm not a hugger or I'd give you one of these :grouphug:



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yeah, I could have written your post a few months ago... I had just pre-ordered year 2 and 3. I went thru some intense soul searching, talked to dh, who I had convinced to let me pre-order TOG...I canceled the orders, and we are going to be doing SL from now on. I just can't do the planning anymore, and TOG had become an expensive reading list.


I do wish SL had some worksheets for history. I am just typing up a few of the history discussion questions as a worksheet, which actually does not take much time at all, since they are all in one spot.


all that to say, I hear you, and I was where you are at. It's a great curriculum, they did a fabulous, complete job with it, I'm just too scattered, homeschooling 5 kids- high-brow classical that wasn't getting done in a timely manner lost to open and go. I figure I can add in a few more difficult books, and they use STOW at SL which was a big draw.

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I briefly considered SL again (I used it for many years) but there were so many things I disliked about it. I absolutely dislike the TM. I don't think they could possibly make it more cumbersome and confusing to a very visual person as myself. The same with their mapping. Ugh. But, my main objection is that my ds is just not an auditory learner and SL requires a lot of reading aloud. It's one thing to read aloud a literature book, and quite another to read aloud his actual history. Not a good choice for him. They have GREAT book choices on average though, so should I decide to switch to BJU I will most definitely consult SL's catty for Lit choices.


Aiy yi yi. I'm so confused. I told my son that I am thinking of switiching and he did NOT like that idea. He really enjoyed TOG last year. He said that he would look at BJU's samples though and see if he liked what he read. I think he will. He's in the pool now though...apparently swimming is more important than my hair-pulling history frustrations. :glare:


I don't need to make any hasty decisions though, right? Of course, if I want to get a plan underway before summer is over I need to decide something fairly soon. :tongue_smilie:

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I personally couldn't do it but if it works for you... go for it! :D


:lol::lol: Sounds like something I would have said a few days ago! In fact, I have schooled for many years and a constant in my schooling philosophy has been: No history textbook. Ever. HA! Shows how things can change. ;)

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:lol::lol: Sounds like something I would have said a few days ago! In fact, I have schooled for many years and a constant in my schooling philosophy has been: No history textbook. Ever. HA! Shows how things can change. ;)


Believe me there are days that I think about textbooks too! With the book lists I have sitting in front of me all the time and a toddler in the mix it is tempting at times. ;)

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How funny, we'll be using BJU7 hardrive for everything but history next year. We'll be studying med/ren/ref next year with VP, SL, BF, and TQ. I've spent alot of time and money picking and choosing books. Alot of time placing them where they'll fit. I too, feeling overwhelmed just went to BJU website and looked at the World Studies samples. But, I just couldn't do it, I know I would regret it. I think as soon as soon as you start your planning and preparing, you'll feel alot better. I've planned and done a semester of TOG, so I can understand your hesitation. It's alot of work, but so worth it to have everything you need right there for you, I miss that. I think you'd be crazy not to use such a huge blessing.

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We did Sonlight, Galloping the Globe, Tapestry of Grace, and then Sonlight. And then next year my oldest is being mostly "outsourced" and my younger one is using a history textbook with some Progency Press guides. I still have a read-aloud list I want to work through, but no more then 20-30 minutes a day.


I thought we'd never use textbook for history either, but it's the right thing at the right time. At this point I've decided that we can't even continue Sonlight because of the amount of my time involved, and I thought I'd never do that either.:D

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Melissa, I KNOW what you're feeling, because I've been thinking about how we'll handle history with Omnibus when we get there! Like you, I have a bent to like BJU stuff, know they are top notch in the extras department (mapping, etc.), and know sometimes they cover conveniently, in one nice package, things we seem to stress and search all over for when doing them ecclectically (outlining, etc.). I could suggest a couple options.


-use BJU as the spine and correlate it to TOG.

-use BJU straight with the dvd for the history lesson then use all that extra time to do VP Omnibus (hehe, I'm sucking you in...)

-do Omnibus straight (you'll love it, honest-but will your ds?) and read from the supplemental history spine as cited, do mapping, timeline, etc. as you come to things, and stop worrying about the rest.


I don't know, just some options. Not like I know what I'll do. I spit more about history than anything. I was in the For Such a Time as This booth yesterday and thought their history might be sort of a nice compromise (more than a textbook but still practical). But BJU straight sure has its virtues. I STILL remember things I learned from it when we did the 6th-8th gr BJU in a cs, and I am so NOT a history person!


I will warn you, I think this is something you're going to have to get practical on and just decide. Who wouldn't rather read Usborne books and hf than a textbook??? But at some point you have to be practical, meaning he has to just deal with it. Assimilate. It will be fine. :)

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I am of no help. I have been questioning a lot of what we are doing lately, simply because it is so hard to get it all done. I want life to be easier. :D But I still have a pretty good vision of why I use TOG, mostly for me. I like the integration of topics and am enjoying myself. If that ever stops then I will probably jump ship for something easier and at this point given I do want some sort of accountability as well, it would probably be something like BJU.


I will pray you have clarity in this situation.



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I *really* understand your question, here's what I am telling myself...


It's worth the extra effort for the sake of the types of discussions that will naturally occur through a non-textbook approach to learning. It's worth the extra work for the joy of learning that will occur from a less than perfectly planned day/week/month of history.


Personally, I grew up with a textbook style of learning and disliked history until I entered college where we were given living books and suddenly history came alive for me. I think the work of TOG (and other similar programs) are worth the effort. It's not sterile, I won't be able to check each box off neatly when we have completed various lessons. I will even have "worst case scenario weeks planned" for those weeks when we're slushing through winter colds and schooling. These will be the weeks where my children and I simply read and we cut out all the extra map work, activities, and written work. I'm hoping with this balanced perspective we will enjoy our year and in the end learn much more than if we had perfectly followed a textbook approach. It's work for us over the years as we've used other spines and living books, why not with TOG now which is kind enough to lay out all the questions, activities, resources, and questions for us?


HTH. :)

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It's worth the extra effort for the sake of the types of discussions that will naturally occur through a non-textbook approach to learning.


See, this is what I always thought as well. Yet, I looked over every online sample I could find of BJU's history and they gave me PLENTY of discussion material! And all laid out nice and visually neat, unlike TOG's which takes much reading of the TN's and then much deciding what in the TN's is actualy worth discussing. :confused: BJU just seems easier for me, yet just as interesting for my ds, especially if I add in some historical lit.


I. Don't. Know.


I just feel the need to simplify, but I don't know how best to do it.

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Personally, I grew up with a textbook style of learning and disliked history until I entered college where we were given living books and suddenly history came alive for me.


I meant to comment on this in my previous post.


I grew up with textbooks as well. Hated history in school. Hated. It. I would never in a million years make my ds read a typical history text like I had in school. But, BJU's history is not really typical...meaning boring and full of useless fact after fact after fact. I think of Abeka, which my oldest ds used for World History in hs. OMgosh was that a boooooooooring textbook! So full of useless information that no one need know. I had to liven it up considerably. BJU has a reputation for being more interesting than Abeka though. I may be wrong, and if I decide to use it I may find I hate it, or that it is just as factually dull as Abeka. But, from the samples I have seen, it appears quite interesting. At least, my eyes didn't glaze over. ;)

Edited by Melissa in CA
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I'm planning on using BJU as a history spine for my kids from 1-3rd grade. I really like it. However, I'm definitely supplementing with library books and other activities. Texts can be dull, and I admit that I never really learned to love history until I started reading biographies. I totally understand what you're talking about, however, with planning and all that. Homeschooling can absolutely consume a person if they let it. I have no experience with TOG, so I can't comment on what you're leaving, but I do understand why you're doing it.

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Hmm... So glad you posted this. I've always had TOG envy but never could bite the bullet and buy.


Just one comment....I learned history from textbooks and LOVED it! I still do LOVE history. I think whatever you choose, it will be fine!


Why do we always put so much pressure on ourselves? (A question I ask myself so often!) :confused:

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Melissa, I KNOW what you're feeling, because I've been thinking about how we'll handle history with Omnibus when we get there! Like you, I have a bent to like BJU stuff, know they are top notch in the extras department (mapping, etc.), and know sometimes they cover conveniently, in one nice package, things we seem to stress and search all over for when doing them ecclectically (outlining, etc.). I could suggest a couple options.


-use BJU as the spine and correlate it to TOG.

-use BJU straight with the dvd for the history lesson then use all that extra time to do VP Omnibus (hehe, I'm sucking you in...)

-do Omnibus straight (you'll love it, honest-but will your ds?) and read from the supplemental history spine as cited, do mapping, timeline, etc. as you come to things, and stop worrying about the rest.


Yeah, I was thinking I could somehow combine BJU and TOG Y2, but I'm not yet sure how I could do that....or why I would need too. Except for the Lit, BJU has pretty much everything we use with TOG. The BJU activity manual has mapping that relates to the chapters along with other activities. The St. Text seems to cover everything else. Two ways I could use TOG is to follow their Lit and use their Lit SAPs, as well as any supplemental books I might want to add in to our BJU. But I do have CLE's Reading 7 as well that will cover many aspects of a Lit program (analysis, etc.) so I don't really need the Lit SAPs of TOG. As for historical lit, that is pretty easy to come by with other resources (SL catty, TQ, VP). So, I am asking myself...If I choose BJU do I really need to try and use my TOG as well, or just sell it and say goodbye for good as I honestly do not know if I could ever pull off TOG's RH work.


As for VP's Omnibus. I find that too confusing and also way off schedule with our history cycle. I like some of the books they use, but I don't think I could pull off any kind of combo. I'm just too tired to even think about that! :lol:


I will warn you, I think this is something you're going to have to get practical on and just decide. Who wouldn't rather read Usborne books and hf than a textbook??? But at some point you have to be practical, meaning he has to just deal with it. Assimilate. It will be fine. :)


Yep, I know. ;):D I will give my son a say in the matter, but ultimately I will be making the final decision. I just need to be sure I make the right one. :blink:

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There yours, if you need them. I don't order untill my July 9th hotel meeting, so I'm sure when I'll have them in hand, or how much there even worth. I will be sure to let you know though. It sounds like your serious and I don't blame you. There's no way I could ever teach, or have socratic discussions in the dialectic and rhetoric portions of TOG.

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Been there, done that.

Right around Christmas last year I decided I would rather poke my eyes out with toothpicks before planning another TOG unit. I would have been going on my 4th year with TOG, .......I. just. couldn't. do it. The scheduled planner of SL looked oh so good, never mind they have one of the most appealing catalogs I have ever seen.


I decided I was making History to difficult for me. I am a Science and Language person, my dh a Math person and those were easy. But history...I enjoy it more that I did, but not as much as I think I should:)

I wanted everything rolled up into on little package, but I wanted some great readers and read-alouds. That's when the marriage of BJU and SL happened.


I bought BJU History text grade 4 (1769-1903) and SL 3 for my older two( American history from before the Spanish conquistadors through the mid-19th Century). SL will supplement BJU. I got the SL schedule, cheap.


We are doing straight SL 1 for my younger dd. I bought at least 1/2 the read alouds on audio for her.

This year was a snap to plan, put the books on the shelves, in order. Done.:D

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We are doing straight SL 1 for my younger dd. I bought at least 1/2 the read alouds on audio for her.

This year was a snap to plan, put the books on the shelves, in order. Done.


I like how that sounds!:lol:

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We are doing straight SL 1 for my younger dd. I bought at least 1/2 the read alouds on audio for her.

This year was a snap to plan, put the books on the shelves, in order. Done.




I like how that sounds!:lol:


sorry for the double post there, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do quotes...

Edited by Hen Jen
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Been there, done that.

Right around Christmas last year I decided I would rather poke my eyes out with toothpicks before planning another TOG unit. I would have been going on my 4th year with TOG, .......I. just. couldn't. do it. The scheduled planner of SL looked oh so good, never mind they have one of the most appealing catalogs I have ever seen.


I decided I was making History to difficult for me. I am a Science and Language person, my dh a Math person and those were easy. But history...I enjoy it more that I did, but not as much as I think I should:)

I wanted everything rolled up into on little package, but I wanted some great readers and read-alouds. That's when the marriage of BJU and SL happened.


I bought BJU History text grade 4 (1769-1903) and SL 3 for my older two( American history from before the Spanish conquistadors through the mid-19th Century). SL will supplement BJU. I got the SL schedule, cheap.


We are doing straight SL 1 for my younger dd. I bought at least 1/2 the read alouds on audio for her.

This year was a snap to plan, put the books on the shelves, in order. Done.:D



How are you supplementing BJU with SL? Are you just reading BJU chapters and adding in appropriate SL readers/read-alouds? Just curious. :001_smile:

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How are you supplementing BJU with SL? Are you just reading BJU chapters and adding in appropriate SL readers/read-alouds? Just curious. :001_smile:



Exactly! The BJU is so easy to add to. They have color coded Geography,American History, World History, Government, Culture, and Economics. I just pop in the extra readers to flesh it out. I also love the BJU listening CD as well as the timeline snapshots.

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I feel such RELEIF. Every summer, while the kids are swimming I am planning, when we go on vacation, I was bringing stuff to plan. This is the FIRST year I am swimming, going on vacation and there is not a TM insight:D



I honestly don't find TOG difficult to plan. Perhaps that is because I only have one child left at home to school, or because I don't use TOG in it's entirety.


My main disgruntled reason for my "WHY?" this morning was due to my trying to find appropriate questions on the SAPs that I felt my son could actually answer, along with my difficulty in actually finding said answers in the scheduled books. Then searching through the TN's for info, etc. I soon got to wondering if all the effort was worth the outcome.


Also, in reading several weeks worth, I'm not really sure I like the Marshall books TOG Y2 is using, they seem a bit disjointed to me. :confused: I could not seem to follow the history train and got to thinking that my ds was going to get completely lost unless we read those books together...and I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT!..and Latin, and CW, and Math! Argh! I can't do all of them well, KWIM? Something would have to give, and because I love history so much, and math is a definite must, it would end up being Latin or CW...the very two subjects I am determined to accomplish well this next year. So therein began my history dilemma.


I honestly don't know if I will know for sure what I want unless I go ahead and buy the BJU texts and play around with them some. It's going to break my heart if I decide on BJU and sell my TOG though. :sad: But, if I do, it will be because BJU is a better fit, not because BJU is better than TOG. ;)

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I know I am getting into this discussion kinda late....but here is my two cents....


I have been a TOG users on and off for about 5 years now.....And I always remind ladies what TOG was designed for.....


TOG was designed for LARGE families.......So to make the lesson planning easier on mom. So, that EVERYONE could be on the same history topic at once. It was written because Marcia was about to quit homeschooling if she didn't find a different way to teach ALL her children at once. I have heard her speak, and I think I could say that she would not want a homeschool mom to be burdened by TOG. TOG was meant to help shoulder the burden, not make it.....


However, I see more and more folks pick up TOG when they have one or two kids.....And like it has been said on this post, you could easily do BJU and add readers to it.....Or use something like Notgrass when you get to the Rhetoric and it would be just fine.


Ultimately here is what you have to do:

YOU have to do what GOD is calling YOUR family to do.....And sometimes we have to put blinders on when we read the boards....;)


Pray about it and God will lead you to what is right for your family.





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I have not been feeling the love for ToG since starting it. I love the idea - don't love how hard I have found it to be.


I tried to look on BJU's 8th grade history studies page for examples, but it kept saying that the web address had changed and I had it wrong. It did bring up a sample for the text, just not activities or teacher's book. I would really like to look at it.


I was going to merely go along with the flow and do year 3 this year, but my interest is peaked. could you link the examples page? Thanks.

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I have not been feeling the love for ToG since starting it. I love the idea - don't love how hard I have found it to be.


I tried to look on BJU's 8th grade history studies page for examples, but it kept saying that the web address had changed and I had it wrong. It did bring up a sample for the text, just not activities or teacher's book. I would really like to look at it.


I was going to merely go along with the flow and do year 3 this year, but my interest is peaked. could you link the examples page? Thanks.


Shelly, the BJU samples at bjup.com have been working fine for me today. I was just in there once again, and even looked ahead to the 8th grade text. I do know that they do not offer samples of the Activity books, but ChristianBook.com (CBD.com) does. Maybe you can find what you're looking for there.

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I honestly don't find TOG difficult to plan. Perhaps that is because I only have one child left at home to school, or because I don't use TOG in it's entirety.


My main disgruntled reason for my "WHY?" this morning was due to my trying to find appropriate questions on the SAPs that I felt my son could actually answer, along with my difficulty in actually finding said answers in the scheduled books. Then searching through the TN's for info, etc. I soon got to wondering if all the effort was worth the outcome.


Also, in reading several weeks worth, I'm not really sure I like the Marshall books TOG Y2 is using, they seem a bit disjointed to me. :confused: I could not seem to follow the history train and got to thinking that my ds was going to get completely lost unless we read those books together...and I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT!..and Latin, and CW, and Math! Argh! I can't do all of them well, KWIM? Something would have to give, and because I love history so much, and math is a definite must, it would end up being Latin or CW...the very two subjects I am determined to accomplish well this next year. So therein began my history dilemma.


I honestly don't know if I will know for sure what I want unless I go ahead and buy the BJU texts and play around with them some. It's going to break my heart if I decide on BJU and sell my TOG though. :sad: But, if I do, it will be because BJU is a better fit, not because BJU is better than TOG. ;)


I didn't think it was difficult to plan, just time consuming. I was one who read ALL the teachers notes. The copying and reading for LG,UG and D took more time than I really could spend. I also use some pretty teacher intensive curricula like, SWR,IEW and Shurely English.


Personally, I was surprised at how much I liked BJU. It was really a fluke I even saw it. My gf decided to get it, and she left it on her counter. I perused through it, and once I saw the notebook, notes all done out I was drooling. Then she said check out the timeline and listening CD, and I caved. I already had a bunch of the SL books because TOG and SL use many of the same. That's when I thought the only thing that was missing for me was the readers and some read alouds. Once I added that it felt complete. A "spine" with BJU and readers/read alouds from SL. No copying, a great planned out geography program with BJU all done out, I was sold.

It's hard to make such a large financial risk. I hope you find what works for you:)

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Melissa, is there some reason you have to sell your TOG right away? To recoup your money? Maybe you could hold onto it just a bit, till you're really sure about this transition...


Brenda, your distinction between large and small family users of TOG makes sense, thanks!

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Funny, I've been asking the same question this past week. I've used TOG faithfully for 6 years with 6 kids. I even manned a TOG booth for a convention. But, I'm gettin tired of planning etc, not to mention the oldest 2 daughters I have left (grades 7 & 9) don't enjoy it, therefore don't remember what they read. I don't do grammar or geography TOG style anymore, so I wonder, why do I use TOG for just history? I never wanted to use texts, but they sure look tempting with pre-plans and those review/comprehension questions at the end of chapters.


My youngest child (now 7) has been a medical nightmare since birth and now that he's better, I really want to get him caught up by spending time teaching him. I want to be able to put the 3 older kids on autopilot more. I've been drawn to Notgrass for my freshman daughter, but not quite sure what I would do with my 7th daughter and 5th son if I choose to jump ship on TOG.


Oh, the woes of a tire-burned out homeschool mom!!

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A friend has pretty much given up on the WTM approach and is using BJU with her 8th grade DD this year. I'm interested to see how it goes.


I'm happy with what we're using for now, but I'm keeping my options open for doing BJU in high school.


My one big hesitation is that DD has emphatically said she does NOT want a textbook approach to history. But, she's just now entering 6th grade, so I have a few years to decide. What's bad is that I may end up doing BJU for DS and TOG for DD. Now THAT would be insane!

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I was just looking up BJUP Heritage Studies in RR catalog. I am so bummed, it distinctly says "I would not advise using the curriculum if you are Catholic." It must present the worldview from a perspective that Catholics must not agree with. Darn it! I was so hoping to get out of ToG.


I think my son learned alot from ToG, but like someone said, it is so hard to search for the answers, plan, etc. As much as I appreciate the discussion - for me it seems to be an ideal - and one that doesn't seem to get done. It is the one thing that I am not looking forward to for the fall.


I love my Faith; however, I don't need to have something strictly religious in nature. But, of course, I don't want our Faith to be challenged to our children. Any suggestions for the Catholics out here - my sons are in 8th and 4th.

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Hey Melissa -


This is an interesting post for me - right now, TOG is a fabulous fit - with my 5 kiddos, I need need NEED it, and it's working great.


I can see - once I have only 1 or 2 at home - switching to something more straightforward and less Mom-intensive.


But really, here is what struck me.


What are your goals for your DS? I guess if it were me, I would list my top 3-5 goals for the school year. If BJU helped me meet those goals as well as or better than TOG does, for less Mom stress (so I could be involved in ministry, etc), then I would head - nay, run! - in that direction.


But if I felt that TOG would help me to better disciple my kids - and that's where I'm at now - then I'd stay put.



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I've seen lots of posts from you about how much you love TOG so it could be that a Mom break is in order. :001_smile:


I KNOW!! And I was SO excited when my Y2 finally arrived on Monday. I was looking forward to getting it, looking forward to planning. I kinda LIKE planning. It seriously bugs me that this 'problem' has reared it's ugly head. I was quite content! Now, I am not. :glare:



Now I am starting to rethink things even more! :tongue_smilie: For example, I own SL's Core 100, which was our very favorite SL Core. I refused to sell it because I knew I wanted to use at least part of it again. If I use BJU's World Studies this year, I could maybe skip their American Republic in favor of Core 100 for next year, or use a Core 100/BJU combo. That would complete middle school and I could then plan out our high school sequence. I have been very leery and doubtful about TOG for highschool. The RH teacher notes are quite full and very overwhelming looking. And I was not sure how our cover school would do with TOG's history cycle. They have specific requirements of 1 yr Am. History, 1 yr World History, and 1 yr Govt/Economics for highschool. I've basically put my head in the sand about that and I figured I'd cross the bridge when we got to it, but perhaps I won't have a bridge to cross after all. I just don't know. :confused:


Part of me says switch, switch! And part of me says no, no! I'm a tad confused.

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Melissa, is there some reason you have to sell your TOG right away? To recoup your money? Maybe you could hold onto it just a bit, till you're really sure about this transition...


No, no reason besides money. :D I have enough to buy a 50% off set of BJU history. In fact, I've found an unused still in shrinkwrap set for 50% off...so perhaps that's a godsend. ;) A big neon go-ahead-and-switch sign from above, maybe?? :lol:

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I was just looking up BJUP Heritage Studies in RR catalog. I am so bummed, it distinctly says "I would not advise using the curriculum if you are Catholic." It must present the worldview from a perspective that Catholics must not agree with. Darn it! I was so hoping to get out of ToG.


I think my son learned alot from ToG, but like someone said, it is so hard to search for the answers, plan, etc. As much as I appreciate the discussion - for me it seems to be an ideal - and one that doesn't seem to get done. It is the one thing that I am not looking forward to for the fall.


I love my Faith; however, I don't need to have something strictly religious in nature. But, of course, I don't want our Faith to be challenged to our children. Any suggestions for the Catholics out here - my sons are in 8th and 4th.


Not to highjack the thread, but what about K12 History Odyssey? I read very good reviews about it. BJU can't be the only alternative to planned history. Someone gave me BJU's history heritage book. I was not impressed. Boring, and Martin Luther was made out to be a saint IMO. Blech.

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Gosh Melissa, thanks so much for this thread. I am now re-thinking alot of my plans. I think I'll stick with VP this year, for all the great church history. But, next year I'll have a 4th and 8th grader using BJU hardrive again. I'd plan on using VP as my main curriculum, but now I see that the 4th grade history will mesh with SL core 3, which I've been dying to get my hands on forever. And the 8th grade history will mesh with SL core 100. This would make life much easier, as I will then have a kindergardner learning phonics, and a two yr. old running around. This is a huge revelation, thanks again to all who contributed to this thread.

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Is it all done on-line? And can you buy just one piece (say history) and not the whole program?


You don't have to do it online or sign up, you can just buy the book. You can get the book(s) online from Amazon or eBay. They are textbooks, but more like narrative textbooks. Here's a link: http://www.amazon.com/Human-Odyssey-Prehistory-Through-Middle/dp/1931728534/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1246161563&sr=8-1

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Rebecca77, if you like VP MARR, it would be more logical for you to stick with VP and do their american history. The VP cards cite Hakim for readings. You could do it over 2 years with your youngers and combine into one year for your oldest. That way the SL3/4 books (which we're enjoying btw) could plug in for your youngers and the SL100 books for your oldest.

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Thank you for your much respected advice. That was my plan, except I'm not sure how I'd combine 2yrs. of VP for my older. He'll have the oportunity to use any BJU subject we need in a high school co-op here, starting in 9th, which we we'll need to take full advantage of for all the credits he'll need. I just thought he'd have to miss out on most of the 4th yr. in his history cycle. So, any advice on what you would do for my older would be great, since using VP would be great to stick with for my youngers.

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It did go well last year - it was just painful for me - I have planning. So, I am going to integrate VP as well (for my 4th grader) and use the cards for good memorization with my 8th grader as well. Thanks. It felt good to just admit out loud that ToG was hard for me to implement.

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This year my youngest did Calvert 6 and it included the Text A Message of Ancient Days. It is published by Houghton Mifflin Social Studies division and my daughter liked it so much, that I am buying a used copy of the next text in the series to continue with it even though we aren't using Calvert 7. I bought TOG year 1 and got through the first quarter and a bit. It really was too much work for me and to disjointed. I think it works well maybe if you have a less hectic life. Our lives are very hectic what with midyear moves and both of my daughters I schooll with medical problems along with myself. I am not a Catholic but the Houghton Mifflin series should not be objectionable since it isn't written from any religious view point. It is very respectful, though, in discussing religions. THis year, my daughter learned about Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and others. (She didn't need to learn the Christianity).

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Well, my DD loved loved loved World Studies with Mrs. Moon this year, and has on her own gone on tangents. She has responded better to this type of history more than living books.


Now though, your son got irked at the thought - so don't discount that either! LOL!!


I'm looking forward to 8th grade!

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