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Best tool for vacuuming/cleaning bare floors

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I've been hauling around a shop vac to vacuum bathrooms and hallway/kitchen areas that have ceramic tile.

Yesterday I tried my regular vacuum but it didn't seem to get everything. I could use a regular broom. Or an electric broom?

What does everyone recommend?

AND any favorite cleaning products for tile? I've been using Lysol. Thanks!

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I hate my Dyson....I wish it would break down, LOL. I have been looking for the same thing....something easy, fast, and ready to go. Something I don't have to empty every time I use it....and something that empties very quickly and without having to clean a 'filter' each time, LOL!


The Dyson is so much trouble to 'put together'.....


I guess I am pretty lazy....huh?



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I hate my Dyson....I wish it would break down, LOL. I have been looking for the same thing....something easy, fast, and ready to go. Something I don't have to empty every time I use it....and something that empties very quickly and without having to clean a 'filter' each time, LOL!


The Dyson is so much trouble to 'put together'.....


I guess I am pretty lazy....huh?





A filter?



I didn't know there was a filter. :huh:

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but there is a filter that has to be cleaned....say once every 6 months on the Dyson. I was talking about other quick vacs.....that have the filter inside the dirt receptacle and you have to clean all the 'hair' and 'dirt' off of it each time you empty it.



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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I hate my Dyson....I wish it would break down, LOL.




I SOOOO thought I was the only one who felt this way about a Dyson! Thanks!


A filter?



I didn't know there was a filter. :huh:


Whatever that permanent silver full-of-holes contraption is within the clear barrel-o-filth that I vacuum up... I practically have to sand it down every time I empty the darn thing or the whole "never loses suction" thing is just about the most ridiculous assertion I've ever heard.


To be fair, I have indoor pets and do not have the Animal. Still, I'm about to be vacuum hunting again.


To the OP, sorry but the best thing for bare floors is a broom and a dustpan...which I personally despise. Until I find a broom that was specially made for tall folks, it's back-breaking labor to sweep. All that stooping.


OK, now I sound like a crotchety old lady so I should go. :lol:

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but there is a filter that has to be cleaned....say once every 6 months on the Dyson. I was talking about other quick vacs.....that have the filter inside the dirt receptacle and you have to clean all the 'hair' and 'dirt' off of it each time you empty it.





I was worried.

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We have hardwood floors and for sweeping I use one of those electric brooms. they have to be emptied every so often, though. But it keeps them fairly clean. The kitchen and hallway get spot cleaned with windex and a dishtowel, and mopped with a deck mop and bucket of cleaning water every 2 weeks. The bathrooms are small enough that they get cleaned the old fashioned way. hands and knees, bucket and towel.

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We bought a Kirby about 4 years ago - expensive, but a great vacuum. However, since we ripped up our carpet in the living room, I am seriously thinking of getting it tuned up and selling it, and just getting something else, since the carpets in our bedrooms are not that big.


Anyway, the Kirby does a decent job on hardwood and tile floors if you have it on the right setting or use one of the attachments for wood floors. However, from what some are saying here, sounds like a good electric broom would work well.


We have a floor dusting mop with a microfiber pad on it. I will sweep the floor (all tile in the kitchen, hallway and living room) and then in between sweeping will use the floor dusting mop. I just throw the pad in the washing machine when it gets dirty.


I have heard great things about the Dyson - so I was thinking of getting one for the bedrooms. I had a friend that had a Rainbow vac years ago - it was pretty cool, but I found emptying out the water each time and cleaning it out a hassle. I buy the super duper vacuum bags for the Kirby, and it does a pretty decent job keeping the dust in the bag and out of the air, a problem we had with the regular bags.

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Daily, I use my microfiber "dustmop," but when I want it to be RILLY clean, I use either the attachment for my Electrolux upright, or I use the Electrolux cannister vac (the cannister has an attachment for carpets/rugs, but the upright does it better, so sometimes I just haul the upright downstairs--carpet upstairs, you know, and the upright is better for carpet) (whew).


I bought an electric broom...actually, I've bought two of them over the last 30 years, and didn't really care for either one.


Using the upright with the attachments is good, because then I can also vacuum furniture or take care of cobwebs in corners.

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I use a canister vac for deep cleaning on my hardwood and tile floors. I also have been known to use a toothbrush on the grout, but I wouldn't recommend that. LOL


I clean with Spic & Span on the tile and it works wonderfully. In between cleanings, I have a janitor's dust mop (and I don't mean a wal-mart dust mop...I mean an actual janitors dust mop from a janitorial supply store - the strings are very thin and close knit to pick up and amazing amount of stuff and trap it inside) that is amazing and keeps the floors dust, pet hair, and crumb free in between deep cleanings.

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We have two cats and one dog here, so for our tile and wood floors I use the Rubba Sweeper I got from the FlyLady website. It's amazing for picking up dust bunnies and animal hair. Then I follow with a Swiffer WetJet. Very, very occasionally I fell obliged to plop down on the floor with a rag and a bucket of water and whatever cleaner is in the closet, and do a more thorough job.



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I am lazy, so I bought a Roomba lol. We call her Sally and she cleans the floors so nice every couple of days (we have a dog that sheds ALOT). There is not a spec of carpet in our house, so she just runs around until it is dust free.


Mopping is another matter. I use a big O ceder mop with a washable cloth thingy on it and some organic cleaner that I found at the health food store.


I may have to try the steam mop on the tile, but the hardwood would not like that too much.

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I use the hard floor attachment on my Dyson. Works great.

Yup. We have an Animal and a whole house full of hardwood and two area rugs. Works great. I sweep the kitchen multiple times a day, though.


I hate my Dyson....I wish it would break down, LOL. I have been looking for the same thing....something easy, fast, and ready to go. Something I don't have to empty every time I use it....and something that empties very quickly and without having to clean a 'filter' each time, LOL!


The Dyson is so much trouble to 'put together'.....


I guess I am pretty lazy....huh?



You have to empty it every time because you're disgusting. I don't mean that in an abnormal, freaky, derogatory way. I mean that in the way that I have to empty the thing after every room and am ashamed of how disgusting we are every time I vacuum... for the past 6 or so years since we bought the Dyson. (I cling to the notion that we are not actually as disgusting as indicated, but that it is sucking up the dirt floor from the craw space) :D


We got an extra HEPA filter so we could have a clean one all the time. I remember that in-the-canister job in our previous vacuum, though. What a PITA! I'm with you on that one.

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I have a little Dirt Devil Power Stick vacuum that I love. I love it more than my Dyson for the hard wood floors. It even picks up the kitty litter in the bathroom. I think it was fairly inexpensive and it has been going strong for 4 years.

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I have a cordless Black & Decker handvac on my kitchen counter for quick pick-up jobs, but am thinking that a wet/dry thingy would be better, what with the juice spills, spaghetti messes and so on that my dc litter my floor with daily!


Has anyone ever used a Bissell Flip-it? There was one on sale on our local yard sale website and my interest was piqued (not enough to buy it, though, without research!)



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I've been hauling around a shop vac to vacuum bathrooms and hallway/kitchen areas that have ceramic tile.

Yesterday I tried my regular vacuum but it didn't seem to get everything. I could use a regular broom. Or an electric broom?

What does everyone recommend?

AND any favorite cleaning products for tile? I've been using Lysol. Thanks!

I use a dust mop. I have tried other things but I always go back to the good old dust mop.

That being said all dust mops are not created equil. I buy mine at target, whitish in color, can get new covers for it, I love it and have one for upstairs and one for down stairs.

It is much faster than a broom, picks up the dust bunnies better, just all over good.

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I am contemplating a new method for cleaning my floors. The upstairs is fully carpeted and the downstairs is hard wood. I probably have 1500 sq. ft on each floor and I have one Golden Retriever and four long hair cats. It is a PITA to drag my Dyson up and down the stairs. The Dyson is great for the carpet but a pain for the hard woods. Also because there is so much hard wood it takes forever to sweep, dust mop and then mop. There has got to be an easier way. I would like to leave the Dyson upstairs and find something better for downstairs.

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Thank you so much for all this great info! Due to all the great advice, I have ventured out and ordered the Hoover Flair AND a steam mop. I got a great deal on the steam mop... found a 20% code for Kohl's and a free shipping code (they let you use 2) and then also qualified for $10 Kohl's cash back. I ordered the Bissell. Hope it works well. I was just about to have someone come to clean my tile for $50 so I thought that if I spent $50 on this instead, I could continue to keep it really clean. If it doesn't work as well as I'm hoping, Kohl's in not far away. Thank you everyone!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have hardwood and tile all throughout our house....I've tried MANY things, but honestly, there is nothing better than a good old broom, dustpan, and mop. I have never found a vacuum that cleans to my standards (which I'll admit are super-high, I'm a self-proclaimed clean freak) on bare floors. There is always dust left or sand or dustbunnies or something. Yuck. I sweep everyday - the entire house- and mop almost everyday. I simply can't stand dirty.

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Another vote for ROOMBA on hardwood and tile.


I also like to use the Oreck canister vac because it has a plastic brush and tube thing which is lighter to carry and doesn't nick up the wood furniture feet.


I gave away my Oreck upright. Great informercials but I wasn't crazy about the actual performance and having to order the replacement bags.

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I love the Hoover Flair. It's just what I needed as far as sweeping/vacuuming. The Bissell Steam mop came and was damaged in shipment. I took it back to Kohl's and they had no more in the store. I haven't ordered another one yet. Maybe with the latest comments the Eureka would be a better option to try. I'd like to find an actual store that carries them so I can have the option of returning it if it doesn't work properly.

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