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Would you spend a large amount of money...

Would you spend this kind of money if nothing else had worked?  

  1. 1. Would you spend this kind of money if nothing else had worked?

    • leaning towards yes
    • leaning towards no
    • NO WAY!
    • always present other (please elaborate)

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Okay, so the other day on the bedwetting thread, the Enuresis Center was linked. I called. The consultation is $75 and treatment will probably run a little under $3000. They will do a payment plan.


My son is 14. He has other symptoms of this sleep disorder including adhd dx, falling asleep on a dime, learning/memory problems, apnea, etc. It plays very heavily on his self-esteem and confidence.


According to information available, there is a strong likelihood my ds would be part of the 1/2% of people who do this into adulthood. According to this website, it's at 76% chance of doing so at least til 19.


We don't have a lot of money, but I'm starting to see this as necessary as any treatment for a medical issue. I would never wonder if we should find treatment (mainstream or alternative) for various health or mental conditions. I feel guilty even considering not doing this for half a second. Sometimes we have to sacrifice for our kids right?


And it is a money back guarantee with a program with a 97% success rate!


Whatcha think?

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We've talked to various doctors including the bedwetting specialist at Children's. She did testing and said he's fine.

He's been on medication.

We tried chiropractic care.

We tried eliminating things from his diet.

We tried adding things to his diet.

We've tried waiting it out.

We've tried waking him up.

We've restricted fluids mildly and to an extreme.

We've tried exercise.

We've tried so much I can't even remember what else we've tried! LOL

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Okay, so the other day on the bedwetting thread, the Enuresis Center was linked. I called. The consultation is $75 and treatment will probably run a little under $3000. They will do a payment plan.


My son is 14. He has other symptoms of this sleep disorder including adhd dx, falling asleep on a dime, learning/memory problems, apnea, etc. It plays very heavily on his self-esteem and confidence.


According to information available, there is a strong likelihood my ds would be part of the 1/2% of people who do this into adulthood. According to this website, it's at 76% chance of doing so at least til 19.


We don't have a lot of money, but I'm starting to see this as necessary as any treatment for a medical issue. I would never wonder if we should find treatment (mainstream or alternative) for various health or mental conditions. I feel guilty even considering not doing this for half a second. Sometimes we have to sacrifice for our kids right?


And it is a money back guarantee with a program with a 97% success rate!


Whatcha think?



It*is* a medical issue. What does your insurance company say?

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My six year old has a bedwetting issue and sleep apnea. When he had his sleep study done, they said the apnea has been causing his bedwetting. He is having his tonsils and adenoids removed for the apnea. The ENT and the pediatrician believe that solving the sleep apnea will stop the bedwetting.


I don't know if you have visited an ENT, but I thought I'd throw it out there! Good luck!

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We've talked to various doctors including the bedwetting specialist at Children's. She did testing and said he's fine.

He's been on medication.

We tried chiropractic care.

We tried eliminating things from his diet.

We tried adding things to his diet.

We've tried waiting it out.

We've tried waking him up.

We've restricted fluids mildly and to an extreme.

We've tried exercise.

We've tried so much I can't even remember what else we've tried! LOL


Have you tried treating his apnea? If treating his sleep apnea would fall under insurance, I think I would try that first.


I don't know if I'd try these people. I was at the website the day it was linked, and the fact they don't list any prices on their website bothered me, and it also seemed to me that a lot of their information/facts came from the people who work for them.


I can't honestly say what I'd do,but I think I'd lean towards no. I've got 5 bedwetters, although I think my oldest at 10nextmonth has finally outgrown it. At 14, though, I don't know what I'd do. My mom wet the bed into teenage-hood and she outgrew it.

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The reason they don't list prices is because there is some difference in price based on the individual involved. Treating a 7yo is a bit easier than a 15yo but also certain aspects differ. From what I told them (not a full consultation), they said it'd probably be about $2800-3000.


We actually were looking into seeing an ENT though reg doc sees no real reason her her opinion. Unfortunately, the only one here in town closed down a month or so ago.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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Sleep disorders are medical diagnoses; enuresis, body aches, memory loss, etc, are outward signs. "Bed wetting" may not be covered, but a sleep disorder should be.


I would totally spend the money, and I would submit the bill to my insurance company. Even if they only pay part, it's helpful.

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I would first ask what my insurance might cover, if you could figure out a way to do it for sleep apnea...or something like that. If it has nothing to do with bedwetting, I bet (hope) that you could get more paid for... And, really, anything but bed wetting is more of your problem. I know one person who wet their bed until adult hood (19) and then didn't ever wet the bed again.


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At first I was going to say no way, but then put leaning toward yes after seeing your post. I'd wait until he was 15, though. I have a relative (not a sibling, parent or child or me) who wet the bed until she was 14. If he's still doing it at 15, then I'd lean toward that 1/2 percent and spend the money if it really and truly has a 97 percent success rate.

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Sleep disorders are medical diagnoses; enuresis, body aches, memory loss, etc, are outward signs. "Bed wetting" may not be covered, but a sleep disorder should be.


I would totally spend the money, and I would submit the bill to my insurance company. Even if they only pay part, it's helpful.



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I would definitely get a sleep study and work on the apnea first. That is definitely a medical condition and is covered by most insurance plans. My hubby went in for a sleep study and found that he had sleep apnea. He now uses a CPAP and it has made a world of difference. I would also concurrently see an ENT and see what could be done there then if none of that worked, I would consider this other treatment.

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We've talked to various doctors including the bedwetting specialist at Children's. She did testing and said he's fine.

He's been on medication.

We tried chiropractic care.

We tried eliminating things from his diet.

We tried adding things to his diet.

We've tried waiting it out.

We've tried waking him up.

We've restricted fluids mildly and to an extreme.

We've tried exercise.

We've tried so much I can't even remember what else we've tried! LOL


Have you been to a wholistic MD and had a battery of tests done? Cheaper than what you're looking at. We found trial and error dietary changes were useless. After testing a number of things, an ELISA test turned up a long list of food sensitivities. Some were things we'd eliminated but hadn't seen any significant difference. Doing the whole new diet was helpful. Not for sleep apnea, of course,


Do get the sleep apnea taken care of first. That is a serious problem, moreso than the bedwetting.

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Ty has a doc appt next Friday morning. The website pretty much outlines all our concerns so I feel confident that they'll figure it out. If we solve those problems and still haven't solved the night time wetting, we'll do the other. I don't think we can just continue to wait though. I wish I had outlined things more clearly to y'all before and done THIS much already.



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