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So I am thinking about moving to Chile for 4 months...

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So I am thinking about moving to Santiago, Chile for 4 months to help my kids (and me) learn Spanish and do cultural immersion.


My thought process is this:


It would probably not cost me more than what I spend on a ton of extras every month like lessons, gas, etc. for the kids.


I don't want a vacation- since they can cost so much more and want immersion time!


The dollar is 1.50 to 1 Peso.


My husband could come down 1/2 way for the Christmas Holidays 2 weeks.


It is summer when it is cold winter in New England


We could homeschool there just as easy as here!


It is only 16 weeks- we have a strong marriage which could sustain.


Am I crazy?


I could rent an apartment, use public transportation.


I have been there once for two weeks and didn't find it intimidating.


Our religion is strong there- but in Spanish.


I am well travelled- so I am not scared to do it!


I just want a crazy adventure but we are not going to quit, pack up and expat somewhere when we have a good job.


I want my kids to see that not everyone lives like Americans....maybe a humble dose of life for a change!


I wrote my thought process on my blog- http://www.domesticlifestyle.wordpress.com


What do you think?

Edited by Lux Et Veritas Academy
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If I were able, I would do it in a HEARTBEAT!


Can you legally stay that long or would you have to get a visa to stay?


We would have to leave after 90 days, but we would probably go to Argentina for a few days and then come back!


I want to see Argentina anyways! Ideally I want to see Brazil and Paraguay and go back to Machu Picchu and see Equador, but I am not pitching that to the hubby yet........

Edited by Lux Et Veritas Academy
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Very cool. How did you settle on Chile? I'd lean towards Ecuador myself but then I haven't done the research.


Good question- Actually I am extremely interested in Ecuador as well. I am not one hundred percent decided. I had a family member in Chile at one time, and I visited for two weeks- so I guess the familiar thing is pulling me that way. Chile has a European flair to it and plenty of American fav's just in case we can't stand it. I am finding housing high priced though! So I might need to keep shopping a destination!

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What a GREAT idea! I'd do it! Your children will ALWAYS remember the adventure!


When I was 12, my parents went to help someone out for two weeks, and left me with good friends---my mom worked with the lady. This was a Mexican family who spoke only Spanish at home. They did not change that for me, so it was a definite immersion experience! I had to ask for everything in Spanish, and listen carefully to what they said, and watch their body movements to figure out what they were saying to me. I was friends with, and in the same grade as, the daughter, and she was allowed to give me tiny hints only if I got really stuck. The day before I went back home, the mom (the one my mom worked with) came in and said something in Spanish. I totally understood it and answered her back in Spanish! The whole family (extended, as the grandparents and an uncle also lived there) was there, and everybody, even the grandparents, were jumping up and down, all excited that I had learned and was doing so well! The grandparents ordered the mom to make a cake to celebrate! :D


That was such a WONDERFUL experience for me, and one I will always remember---and it was only 2 weeks long! My only wish was that I could've been there longer, so it all would stick with me!


It will be a grand adventure and a beautiful memory! Go, go, GO! Please let us know what you decide, and let me know which room I can stay in when "we" go! :D

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Love the idea! Dh and I considered this when our ds was about three and we went for four weeks to Chile. Santiago was wonderful! Once you get out into the other areas though there is a very strong anti-American vibe. The country is still recovering, at least in the remote parts, from the US interference in the 70's. Beautiful country though. Good luck!!

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That would be sooo cool! You are inspiring me - I am fluent in Spanish, I wonder if I could pull that off. Would you consider putting them in to school and really immersing them? My worry would be that they'd be at home with me and each other and mostly speak English otherwise... Or what would be another good way to get them really speaking to the locals? :bigear:


There's a homeschooler at our German Sat. School who did this but in Germany - rented an apt, put her kids in school there for a while. Her kids speak German really well now.

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That would be sooo cool! You are inspiring me - I am fluent in Spanish, I wonder if I could pull that off. Would you consider putting them in to school and really immersing them? My worry would be that they'd be at home with me and each other and mostly speak English otherwise... Or what would be another good way to get them really speaking to the locals? :bigear:



That is still a question to be considered- I am not sure on that! I would like to fully immerse but are public schools the way to go or private? Or do you homeschool and get out among the people.......many questions

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