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Has anyone else ever had this problem with Amazon?

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Last night I put some items in my cart. I was not able to complete my order last night and when I went back this morning it said my cart was empty. So I put all the same items in my cart again and checked out. When I checked out there was one one order listed with one total. Then I got two emails this morning for two seperate orders with two seperate totals. I never checked out last night or completed that order this morning. None of those items were listed in my cart and that total was not given to me. Now of course, I have duplicate orders. I have contacted the sellers and asked them to cancel the duplicate orders and I have contacted Amazon but I have not heard back from anyone yet. How does this happen? How can I make sure that my cart is in fact empty? How do I make sure an order does not get processed without me checking out. :confused: I am so incredibly frustrated. I have spent hours on this already this morning. I have a headache and because I am so stressed trying to deal with this all of the everyday little things are really grating on my nerves today.

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Call Amazon right away. They might be able to cancel one of the orders at their end if they have processed yet. If they have, see what they can do for you. If it is early enough you might be able to avoid dealing with the sellers. X'ing my fingers for you. Let us know how it goes.


Edited to add: Telephone Amazon...that is about the only way I've ever had much success with them.

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Grrr! They said that if your computer times out that it can submit your order anyhow. They said that I need to check my submitted orders anytime I put items in my basket and don't check out to make sure that the order has not been submitted automatically. I guess this is a warning to not put items in your basket unless you are sure that you are going to check out right away. I could have sworn that lots of people on here said that they keep items in their carts. If you do this, how do you keep it from submitting the order?



Since they were all third party sellers I have to contact each of them individually to cancel the duplicate orders. This does not make me happy. Anyhow, I have contacted them and I am still waiting to hear back from two of them. If they are not cooperative then Amazon says I can just return the book to them, at my expense of course. What a pain!

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I could have sworn that lots of people on here said that they keep items in their carts. If you do this, how do you keep it from submitting the order?


I just use their shopping cart feature to store everything. It's in a list form and then I don't have to worry about anything getting ordered.

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I just use their shopping cart feature to store everything. It's in a list form and then I don't have to worry about anything getting ordered.


Yes, that's what I a talking about the items were just in the shopping cart. I didn't start the check out process but somehow the system automatically created an order of everything that was in my shopping cart.

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Yes, that's what I a talking about the items were just in the shopping cart. I didn't start the check out process but somehow the system automatically created an order of everything that was in my shopping cart.



Sorry, I meant to say "shopping LIST"....stupid me!!


I just make use of all the list options they have, not the cart.

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I had this happen once. My dh and ds were looking at a used video game, but didn't order it. They just told me about it. The next day, I went to look at it, but couldn't find it. I just thought it had been bought by someone else, so I found a similar item and ordered it. Then, just like you, I had two confirmation e-mails, and ended up with duplicate games. It was only one cheap game, so it wasn't worth doing anything about it. At least now I know what happened! And, I'll be careful of that in the future.


This doesn't help you, of course. Sorry.


Thank you for posting, though. This is useful information! I hope it all works out okay for you.

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I keep lots of amazon items in my shopping cart, most are saved for later. However I don't do that with Amazon marketplace items. i know sometimes that seller may only have one of that item and if I place it in my cart I think it will remove it from their inventory. (not sure on that one really, but it would make sense)


Why they are going through as a sale I'm not sure.

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I keep items in my cart all the time, and they have never been ordered "automatically."


Grrr! They said that if your computer times out that it can submit your order anyhow.


I take this to mean if you are in the process of submitting an order and your computer locks up, it can still go through. I don't think it is possible for the items to order themselves, so to speak, just because they are in the cart???

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I take this to mean if you are in the process of submitting an order and your computer locks up, it can still go through. I don't think it is possible for the items to order themselves, so to speak, just because they are in the cart???
Unless you use 1-click.
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I keep lots of amazon items in my shopping cart, most are saved for later. However I don't do that with Amazon marketplace items. i know sometimes that seller may only have one of that item and if I place it in my cart I think it will remove it from their inventory. (not sure on that one really, but it would make sense)

Nope. I've had stuff in my cart on several occasions, and come back later and been told that it was no longer available. Alibris holds things for 12 hrs, but after that, they're put back for other people.


If Amazon really becomes difficult, I would contact your credit card company and say you never made that order.

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I keep items in my cart all the time, and they have never been ordered "automatically."




I take this to mean if you are in the process of submitting an order and your computer locks up, it can still go through. I don't think it is possible for the items to order themselves, so to speak, just because they are in the cart???



Well, he did say that as well but I wasn't in the process of checking out. I had just moved the items from my wish list to my cart and then I verified my cart. I wanted to order more things still but wasn't able to get back to it that day. I do know that if you put items in your cart from third party sellers the items will not remain in your basket for more than 24 hours if you don't complete the order. So when I went back to my cart and it was empty I assumed that they had shortened the window because I reordered three of the exact same items from the exact same sellers.



Also the items are not removed from their inventory until your complete your order because I have had items removed from my cart because someone else bought them before I was able to complete my order.


I don't use one click as listed below but I do have an account with all of my information: cc #, shipping address and such in there and I just have to verify all of this before I checkout so they had all of my info and they just processed all of the items in my cart as an order. Seems like a faulty system to me. But I have talked to a few people who have had this happen and a few that haven't and I am not sure what the variable that makes the difference is.

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Well, I have heard from two of the three sellers that had the duplicate orders and they have cancelled the orders no problem. I have not heard from the third one and that is one of the people that I ordered the exact same items from them twice. I gave them both of the order numbers and explained that they were duplicates and that I only need one of them. I received a confirmation of shipping this morning and it was on the order that I had hoped they would not send so it looks like I might get duplicates of two of the books. They were relatively cheap books and one is pretty rare so I guess that I will just resell them on Amazon and be more careful in the future. Live and learn I guess.

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Wow, Sounds like I need to go empty my shopping cart! It is crazy that a company like Amazon can't fix that little glitch in their system.


Were the items all from Market Place vendors or were any from Amazon itself? I wonder if that is one of the differences? Did the orders that you submitted seem to trigger the other orders? What I mean is did a fake order only get placed for items that you also submitted a real order for? Did you have any items in your cart that were not ordered either way, fake or for real? This is interesting to me, sucks for you and I am sorry, but still something to be aware of with curriculum ordering season being upon us.


I hope all the orders get taken care of for you. I'm sorry to hear you had to waste so much time and energy dealing with it. I had an issue one time with abebooks and I spent many hours fixing a vendors mistake. It took months! for them to get it straightened out. By the end I swore off all 3rd party sellers, because abebooks blamed the seller, the seller blamed abebooks and we went round and round until the seller finally made it right (it was clearly their fault and they knew it). Soooooooooo frustrating!

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Yes, I've had this happen. I contacted Amazon but it was too late. I sent the book back, but they charged me return shipping even though it was NOT my fault. It wasn't enough $$ for me to bother with it any further. But I did not realize until your post that what happened to you is what happened to me. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I didn't order it twice, but there it was!


I keep items in my cart all the time....I guess I need to send them to my wish list instead.

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Wow, Sounds like I need to go empty my shopping cart! It is crazy that a company like Amazon can't fix that little glitch in their system.


Were the items all from Market Place vendors or were any from Amazon itself? I wonder if that is one of the differences? Did the orders that you submitted seem to trigger the other orders? What I mean is did a fake order only get placed for items that you also submitted a real order for? Did you have any items in your cart that were not ordered either way, fake or for real? This is interesting to me, sucks for you and I am sorry, but still something to be aware of with curriculum ordering season being upon us.


I hope all the orders get taken care of for you. I'm sorry to hear you had to waste so much time and energy dealing with it. I had an issue one time with abebooks and I spent many hours fixing a vendors mistake. It took months! for them to get it straightened out. By the end I swore off all 3rd party sellers, because abebooks blamed the seller, the seller blamed abebooks and we went round and round until the seller finally made it right (it was clearly their fault and they knew it). Soooooooooo frustrating!


I placed two different orders of four items each all of which were from Marketplace sellers. Three items in each order were the exact same items from the same sellers for the same price. The fourth item in each order was a different item from different sellers. This made the totals slightly different which is how I knew that it wasn't just that the same order had been duplicated. I have had that happen as well but I don't know if that is the same problem or a different one. I didn't have any items in the cart that didn't get ordered. Amazon says that the first order was processed the night I put the items in the cart, apparently it was the fact that I left the marketplace items in the cart that caused the problem. I am not sure if the same thing would happen if you only put Amazon items in your cart.


In any case I finally heard about the last duplicate order and I think I have it all straightened out. As far as I know, I will only get the items that were placed in the last order and the rest of them have been cancelled. I have learned to only put items in may cart when I absolutely know that I will have time to complete my order quickly though.

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That's absolutely nuts! How is it legal for them to complete a sale for you and still charge return shipping?? Seems like a nice glitch for them!



Actually Amazon would not be getting any money for a Marketplace sale that was returned and as far as I can tell this is only happening with Marketplace sales? And really it is not the sellers fault so they shouldn't have to pay the return shipping either. It is Amazon's fault and since they aren't paying the shipping either they are not motivated to fix the problem. When I had a duplicate order, it was from Amazon and they paid the return shipping. I am still not sure if that was the same problem or a different one. In any case, it certainly seems to me that they have some computer glitches that really need to be fixed. It probably won't happen until enough people complain about though.

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I keep items in my cart all the time, and they have never been ordered "automatically."



I have about 80 items in my cart, most saved for later, but some in my regular cart, so this really concerns me. I have never heard of items "ordering themselves," and I find it convenient to keep items in my cart, because Amazon posts little updates when prices change, and if I think something is too pricey, I put it in my cart and watch for the price to go down.


Has anyone else had anything like this happen?




Edited to add: I just moved everything from my cart to my Saved Items to Buy Later list. I've been leaving things in my cart for years, but since I'll probably never buy most of the items, I thought it would be safer to just move everything. If Amazon ever messed up and ordered things for me, I'd keep calling until someone straightened things out for me -- at Amazon's expense. I have found that some of their reps are very helpful, but others are useless, so any time I've called and the rep didn't do what I felt was right, I called again and spoke with someone else.

Edited by Catwoman
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It is Amazon's fault and since they aren't paying the shipping either they are not motivated to fix the problem.

That's why I'd contact my credit card company. I've seen "duplicate order" on the list of dispute reasons, anyway, so it can't be that rare for companies to double charge. There's always the Better Business Bureau, too.


I've actually had better luck with Amazon than I imagined at least for damaged items. And when phone calls and emails don't work (although they seem to be better now than in the past), I've written a letter to their company headquarters, which worked well. (I also did that with another online retailer -- twice, actually, which is why I'm tired of that particular company. Emailing that company was a nightmare, but an email in one case and a printed letter to a high-ranking executive directly, rather than to generic customer service, got the problem solved immediately, despite customer service's lame suggestions that it couldn't be done, blah blah.) So, if it were me, I'd write a letter.

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That's why I'd contact my credit card company. I've seen "duplicate order" on the list of dispute reasons, anyway, so it can't be that rare for companies to double charge. There's always the Better Business Bureau, too.


I've actually had better luck with Amazon than I imagined at least for damaged items. And when phone calls and emails don't work (although they seem to be better now than in the past), I've written a letter to their company headquarters, which worked well. (I also did that with another online retailer -- twice, actually, which is why I'm tired of that particular company. Emailing that company was a nightmare, but an email in one case and a printed letter to a high-ranking executive directly, rather than to generic customer service, got the problem solved immediately, despite customer service's lame suggestions that it couldn't be done, blah blah.) So, if it were me, I'd write a letter.


Yeah, email is practically worthless for customer service. Honestly, I get back form letters that bare no relation what-so-ever to the original complaint which always leaves me scratching my head and wondering, if they actually read my email. :confused:


Amazon's computer system obviously has a lot of problems but I have always had good luck with their customer service in the past. This is the first time they have ever told me, so sorry, nothing we can do for you. Writing is probably a good idea because really this is not a customer service problem. It is a programming issue but the right people will never find out if it never gets past the customer service people.

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I'm a big believer in writing letters, especially when there is something weird going on. For example, I wanted to return my obviously deficient Target brand children's pain relieving syrup, but the customer service desk was hung up on the lack of a receipt and didn't even get that there is an issue with quality, safety, and the Target generic brand. When I wrote a letter, I got an apology and some coupons.

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