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American Idol Tonight...

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Oh no!! I love Kris! I think he did great tonight. I've been a big fan of Adam's voice since day one, but he's too showman-y for me. I hope it's Kris & Adam. Danny sounds exactly the same no matter what he sings; he bores me now.

Funnny...I feel the exact same way about Adam! He has an amazing voice, for sure, but he always sounds the same to me anymore. The one week I really enjoyed him was when he did Mad World. I love that song, and his is the best version I've ever heard. Other than that, he annoys me (even though his voice is awesome, for sure).


I can't stand looking at Kris. He's a cute young thing, but only one side of his face moves. It's distracting!


I'm pulling for Danny.

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Funnny...I feel the exact same way about Adam! He has an amazing voice, for sure, but he always sounds the same to me anymore. The one week I really enjoyed him was when he did Mad World. I love that song, and his is the best version I've ever heard. Other than that, he annoys me (even though his voice is awesome, for sure).




I think Adam is very talented. But, IMO, One is a classic song that you don't do that to. And the backup singers made Crying sound terrible. I also think he always sounds the same...though I do love that version of Mad World. My 5yo daughter, on the other hand, love him because "He's crazy".


While I am not sure he should have made it past last week, Kris is my favorite mainly because his style is more like the CD's I would buy. I like Danny as well, but he still reminds me a little too much of Taylor Hicks (who I couldn't stand).


It will probably be Adam and Danny in the finale. Though I wouldn't mind a Adam and Kris finale.

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I would be SO happy with a Danny and Kris finale!!!!!!!


I thought Kris nailed both songs. I loved his Apologize! and then the "Heartless" song was awesome. I went and listened to Kanye West's and wow, I agree with Randy - Kris's was better.


But I've loved Danny all along. He is always consistent, never had a bad night, and has never been in the bottom three.


Adam I mute.

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I voted for Danny and Kris, but more votes for Kris. I thought his second song was absolutely wonderful. I like Danny, but he is getting boring.


I don't like hard rock music, so I'm not a fan of Adam's. Also, I've gotten tired of the judges fawning all over him. I think the show is pushing for him to win and that just annoys me.

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Guest janainaz

I can't decide. I liked Danny initially, but I've grown a bit bored with him. Kris has grown on me more than Danny, for some strange reason. I like Adam, he's my favorite, I just wish he was a man's man. It would make his performances more complete. He's had a few that were a little bit flamboyant, and not in a good way. He's just the guy I hate to love.


Any one of them could go home - even Adam. That would still make me really upset.

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I *wish* it would be Danny and Kris. I could not BELIEVE the way Danny blew away "You Are So Beautiful". It's such a familiar song, the fact that he could make it fresh and new and moving was incredible. I'm a huge Kris fan, and thought "Heartless" was wonderful.


I cannot stand the screech Adam puts into all of his high range big notes. He actually performed "One" without that last night and I applauded. Then it was right back again for his second song. B*O*R*I*N*G. I told dh I think it shows egotism for Adam to consistently pull out that one screechy note every single time (I'm so good and I love to do this note, so I am going to do it every time).

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I always feel like I need a showere LOL! He's talented, but I get so tired of the judges pimping him every week. Even last night Simon warned viewers not to take Adam forgranted. Puleaze!


Kris has really grown on me. I had no idea he could play piano and he owns the guitar. Even though I've always pulled for Danny, I think after last night Kris could win. He's more original, has the instrument thing down, and is just so doggone adorable. He proved last night that he belongs in the top three.

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The judges - all of them - were incredibly annoying last night. Kara is really starting to get on my nerves! What I especially can't stand is how they tell you to change the song and make it yours and then when they do, they say, "That's such a classic song you shouldn't mess with it!" :banghead:


And I can't stand the way they fawn over Adam either. Just like they fawned all over Fantasia way back when.

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dd12 has been a major Adam fan since the beginning - I think she sees him as an older version of a Jonas Brother or something. :lol:


Oh my. I was googling as I wrote this, because she (dd12) was asking me last night if "Adam was gay" - I'd heard that rumour, but never really gone looking for info until now... Um.. I think we can do away with the older JB thing. :001_huh: (CAUTION: NOT A KID FRIENDLY WEBSITE.) (I think I'll just tell her that I don't know!)


Kris - I like him. He's quiet & just sorta the average guy, y'know? The way he smiles and stands there with his guitar hanging off him when he's done.. he reminds me of my best friend, actually. Ha, never realized that until now.. no wonder I've had a soft spot for Kris. :D


Danny - I *want* to like him, I really really do. Dunno why, but I just can't be all RAHRAH over him. Odd, because usually the not-quite-the-best vocals and awkward dancing win me over, a la Taylor Hicks. Dorky as all heck, but I really liked Taylor at the time. ;)


All of this chattering and I haven't said who I think will win... cuz I really don't know. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, the judges definitely have an agenda to keep AI popular. They are looking for an Idol that they can plug. Taylor Hicks was a disaster on the charts, Fantasia was a let down. Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood just took off. So did Chris Daughtry and Jennifer Hudson, but they weren't Idol winners! I think the producers are looking for someone already groomed and showy, ready to cut an album and sell some hits. That would be Adam....love him or hate him, everyone knows who he is and talks about him. ;)

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I love Adam...most of time. I agree, he can be a bit "scream-y" and flamboyant at times. However, that does not erase the fact that I love his rendition of "I Just Love You" so much that I downloaded the video, turned the mp3 into a CD and I listen to it in my car almost daily. :) And...gay or not...he is pretty darn nice to look at. His face is gorgeous.


Danny tugs at my heart strings. I think it is knowing the background about his wife....

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Last night, my dd and I decided that we want one contestant with Adam's voice, Danny's personality and Kris' looks.


I think that Danny just might go home tonight. Kris really did well last night and his style is much more geared toward the younger crowd. Adam reminds me of the old 70s/80s rock bands that I loved, but I don't like to watch him sing! Danny's version of "You Are So Beautiful" was really nice, but I think that people are getting bored with him. I don't care too much if he loses now, because I think he's perfect for the Christian pop music scene. Apparently there are lots of Danny-haters out there--they just aren't on this board.

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I couldn't vote last night because I actually think they are all very talented. I think if you go on just straight vocal talent, Adam will win. That boy can SING! (And, he does leave me feeling just a little icky, although I don't think he is arrogant.) Kris is just cute, and I think the most relevant of all the contestants. Danny I have liked from the beginning, but I think he might be the one to go this week. I actually predicted Adam vs Danny in the finals when I saw both of them in the auditions. :-)

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I voted for Danny and Kris, but more votes for Kris. I thought his second song was absolutely wonderful. I like Danny, but he is getting boring.


I don't like hard rock music, so I'm not a fan of Adam's. Also, I've gotten tired of the judges fawning all over him. I think the show is pushing for him to win and that just annoys me.


I agree. I really liked Adam until the judges started acting so biased over him. I just don't like that. I thought it was suppose to be a voting competition.


Also, I felt at first Adam really sang his songs. However, once the judges started commenting on how they liked his range, which comes across as screams to me, he has done nothing else.


I feel Danny and Kris are trying to be more versatile and true. They get my vote.

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I'm not sure if Danny was homeschooled I never asked, but he is from a homeschooling family. His aunt is a good friend of mine and helped me get started homeschooling. She is a homeschooling mom of 7. She got to go to LA to watch the taping of 2 episodes last week. It was so cool for her because with such a big family they never go anywhere!


I don't watch Idol and have never even seen Danny sing, but I love his aunt and all her kids. I'd love to see her nephew win!!

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