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Everything posted by matrips

  1. It’s a stainless steel ball that moves up and down with their tongue. The ball is bigger than the opening, so it can’t fall out. The whole tube is stainless as well, so no plastic cracking. But you may have a much more clever and devoted cat than my dog was to water messes 🙂
  2. It doesn’t pour out when they bop it. It gives a drop. So when they want to drink, it’s a constant action of licking/bopping/swallowing.
  3. When our pup use to splash in her water bowl instead of drink, we went to a hanging water bottle- like the kind for birds/small animals - and attached it to her kennel, but can probably attach it anyway. A dab of peanut butter and she quickly learned out to push the little ball with her tongue to get the water out. Worked liked a charm. edit to add photo of the one we bought
  4. I give that job to my kids. It’s an easy and fast one, and they get get down easier than me. We use damp rags.
  5. Can I ask what supplements she takes? im so glad she’s recovering! What a relief for you all.
  6. Ah, I’m not familiar on how studies were run. Thanks. I had just thought it may provide helpful information to folks treating at home.
  7. I saw this article this morning comparing different treatments, both over the counter and prescription, for effectiveness and risk. Just fyi in case anyones loved one has come down with it and wanted to try something to help that’s accessible. https://c19early.com
  8. Our sibling relationships have changed over time due to distance and families. But we all share good memories so that helps. I can’t say I have anything much in common anymore with my older brother, but we both made efforts to get together, once or twice a year, especially when my kids were younger, and we’d have fun playing games, talking and reminiscing. But we have very different lifestyles and we’re thousands of miles apart. So friendly, but 🤷‍♀️. Now my sister is 10 years younger but we are close. However she lives across the world, 8 hours time difference at the moment. When we get together, we get along great, talk a lot, and have fun. she is married, with two kids, and works. That plus the time difference means we don’t chat frequently. However she will be moving back to the states soon 🙂. I think accepting they are both very different from me, but we share roots and memories, helps. I would like for my three children to live near each other, at least the same state or region. It would be nice to have larger family gatherings. And I’ll be careful what I wish for 😂
  9. I thought there was something out several months ago about the 10 day delay. Was it with delta maybe? That symptoms relapsed/got worse around 10 days. It is a thing.
  10. Does anyone find DO doctors better than MDs in the sense that they are more open to interactions like diet and alternative treatments?
  11. How does that work with insurance? The $1700 covers him, but who covers the specialist referrals and such? Does your insurance honor the referrals he gives?
  12. Is this just a one time thing? It seems wasteful. Some won’t need them at all, and others will need many more. I wonder if it’s 4 swabs or 8 swabs. Usually a Binax box has 2 swabs but is only considered one test… I’ll guess we’ll see. Thanks for posting the information.
  13. Hmm. So maybe he had picked up a little bit of something. Reliable tests would be SO nice. Lol. But at any rate, I’m so thankful he’s feeling better whatever it was.
  14. For location, we keep all our daily supplements/meds in a kitchen drawer. I’m always in the kitchen so it’s easy access. Like this except with our supplements instead of spices. Then I go through the bottles, morning and evening, and put in color coded bowls.
  15. I’m trying to figure out how each test works and how this can happen. I know the PCR is the gold standard and looks for genetic material of covid. What is the rapid test looking at? And why would that give a positive? It was a Binax test I administered, so I know all directions were followed. We’ve used them in the past and always gotten negatives. This time though, the positive result came quickly and strongly, on the first day of symptoms. But then the PCR, taken 2 days later, was negative.
  16. We went today. In and out within 5-10 minutes with only 2 people ahead of us. It’s a walk up, not a drive thru though. And the Bucs game was going on down the street, so I think extra good timing for us with not being a popular time to test. But each day could be different. We’ve just had good luck there overall.
  17. Here are some links to the nigella sativa I mentioned the other day. But as I said, I have no personal experience with it. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34110959/ https://www.nigellasativacenter.com/respiratory-illness.html
  18. How much NAC did you take? We have 600mg pills, but teen Ds has covid, and wondering if to increase dosage.
  19. I’m not very familiar with it, but Nigella Sativa has some studies about being used for asthma, as well as covid. Would Vicks help at all? Otherwise, everyone had good suggestions.
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