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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. What about Silver Dollar City/Branson, Missouri? They have vacation packages. Or what about staying on-site at a Schillterbahn? The New Braunfels one is really good.
  2. I think she needs the other manual. I believe Abeka calls it "Curriculum." As in "Homeschool Phonics/Reading/Spelling 1 Curriculum." Those are scripted. It gets a bit away from scripting as the student gets older, but no, there's usually more than Do page 9. Just make sure it says "Homeschool" and "Curriculum." That's a different thing from the "Teacher Edition."
  3. If I were you, I would include my fifth grader in SOTW 1. You can just amp up her work if you want to. The Activity Guide has plenty of map work and additional reading and fun things.
  4. Wouldn't a list of subjects, books, and perhaps how many times a week, do the job? (I'm just guessing on your # of times per week) Phonics/Reading: Alphaphonics, daily, plus leveled readers Spelling: (do you use a book or list from somewhere?), daily Language Arts: (do you use Writing with Ease or something for your copywork and dictation? LLATL? Queen homeschool?), daily This includes Copywork, Mondays, Dictation, Tuesdays, Free Writing, Wednesdays, etc. Penmanship: (do you use Handwriting without Tears? Reason for Handwriting? Something else?), daily Mathematics: MEP, daily Art: Videos about ____, once a week or once a month Geography: Shepherd Science and Videos, weekly Science: Books and Videos about these topics: _______, weekly Literature: Read alouds, daily. Read the following books: ______ History: Studied the following time periods/topics: _________, weekly American Sign Language, two ten-week class sessions Memory Work: Bible verses plus the following poems: ____, daily HTH!
  5. You are not over-reacting. This school is way out of line in so many ways.
  6. It's an expensive ticket, you and your dh are really needed by your children that week, and if you think any focus is going to be on your relationship with your relatives, you are mistaken. The bride and groom will be focused on their wedding, not repairing relationships. I think it's admirable to want to go to repair things, but I don't think the timing is good. And how will you feel if they or others are snarky to you? When you could have saved yourself the money and trouble and just sent a nice card... Just food for thought. ((Hugs)) Not an easy situation.
  7. I don't think you should go. Send a nice card.
  8. But the people are nice! And I can be anywhere, even out to the airport, in no more than 20 minutes. Usually more like 5 or 10. I have three grocery stores within 5 minutes. Oh, and the rush hour traffic... don't get me started. It can extend your trip by a whole 8 minutes. Insane. And we're getting a Schlitterbahn! Just sayin... the end of the world isn't so bad.
  9. I use ARbookfind.com or Scholastic's Book Wizard to determine reading level. Just type in the book title, and look at the different editions that come up. 8.4 would mean 8th grade, 4th month, for instance. HTH!
  10. Beach - we live near and so should actually go some time. Even though I kind of hate it. All that messy sand which gets in my car and my house, even when we take our shoes off before entering and hose down on the front porch. And the salty sea water makes me itch. Plus things are in it, like seaweed and fish. Eww. My goal is once a week. Sigh. Swimming - They are not offering lessons on base this year, and so we probably won't do any lessons. Swimming once a week. Theme Nights - Pinterest inspired me. We're going to decorate around a theme (this Friday, it will be "Frozen"), make themed foods, and watch the movie. I dug out some wintery Christmas decorations and I always have a stash of crepe paper streamers (purple and blue for this theme), plus we'll probably make and hang a bunch of snowflakes out of computer paper. Ah, free fun. For food, we will have cocoa, olaf's noses (carrots), and turkey sandwiches (because Anna and Hans finish each others... sandwiches). I think I will institute a white clothing dress code. Hmm. Should I cut coal buttons out and stick them to us? Plus we will be volunteering at VBS. Then there's a Youth thing the next week called Madness and Mayhem (they do things with slime and paint -- it's a crazy teen mess that I do not attend but wish them well). Then Youth Camp in July. Hopefully we will have a fun summer. It's so darn hot here in the summer. Outside becomes very very bad.
  11. I like CAT because you can do it online and get immediate results. Plus it's just $25 (at Christian Liberty website).
  12. Yeah, we had to do that a few times. "Okay, these are the rules..." Different houses have different rules. Kids can understand that.
  13. Well, if it helps, we have been homeschooling our dd since 2nd grade, and have enrolled her in 8th grade this fall at a private school. We plan on having her there through high school graduation. Here are our reasons: 1. She is an only child and has outgrown the neighbors as playmates (the oldest is 4 years younger). 2. I would love for someone else to teach her science. I hate it, and that's not fair to her. I think she could love science if it was taught by someone with genuine love for the subject. 3. I would love to outsource math, even though it is my strong area. It is not hers, by any means. And it is very difficult to teach her this subject. I would rather be the re-teacher or homework helper. 4. She can participate in any and all sports. The school is small and everyone is welcome in sports. 5. It is a classical school, so they do the 4 year history cycle (with corresponding literature), which is what we do at home. She loves history and literature, and I'm happy to have a school that does it my way (unlike the public school). 5. I really look forward to the formal dances they have every year for the high school students. It's a bit like "cotillion" where the kids are taught formal dance lessons and such. The dresses are so pretty! 6. I'm ready for our family to be part of a larger school-based community. This school really wants parents to volunteer and be a part of things. 7. They include fine arts every year, and my dd is fine artsy. I have minimal training in any of that. Their art teacher is amazing, and they are starting a drama program, too. HTH!
  14. Jules Verne: Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, Around the World in 80 Days, Journey to the Center of the Earth. A couple of those are high school level so you might want to do an abridged or children's version (illustrated classics or some such). If you all do the read-aloud thing, there is a Dover Steampunk coloring book that might coincide nicely with some of those books. (My 7th grader has been enjoying this.)
  15. Mine has changed all again. This summer: Math: Horizons Pre-Algebra and Singapore 3b/4a Literature: Early Modern Times literature from WTM lists Writing with Skill 1 Fall: Private Christian Classical School! Oh my goodness! Which will be teaching: Intro to Algebra (kind of Pre-Algebra. She will take Algebra in 9th grade.) Modern Times - History and Literature Physical Science Informal Logic Bible Choir (semester), Art (semester)
  16. Yes. George Bush spoke at mine. Then the student speaker was a girl from my freshman hall, and she spoke about the mountains being special to her.
  17. If it gets the job done, then say "Would you please." Men have funny feelings about words sometimes. There's a whole section in the "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" book detailing the HUGE difference to a man between the words "would" and "could." Shrug. He's a man. Talk man-speak. Don't be offended. Just speak his language. It's nothing personal.
  18. Could you wear it with a colored tank top? That way you could wear a normal bra (or one that matches the colored tank), and the color of the tank would show through the lace. Your tank top could be in a color coordinating with your skirt.
  19. Would they give you a copy of "Ozzy's Preschool Park Director Manual?" That's from the Weird Animals VBS and has lots of suggestions of things to do. cbd has samples.
  20. It looks a bit like chicken pox to me. Google some images and compare.
  21. OP, it sounds like his learning style is completely different from yours. You need to honor that. He does not learn like you. God made him that way, and you need to figure out the best and most efficient way to reach him. Yelling is not good. Stop it now. I suggest backing off. Read up on visual spatial learners. See if any of this fits him. They are on a completely different timeline developmentally than you. Try Cindy Gaddis' website to find out more about that. You seem to very "left-brained," traditional learner. Your son is not. He is also a child of God and needs you to honor the unique way he has been made to learn. Yelling does not do that. FWIW, my dd does not learn like me. She is in 7th grade now and has only this year been able to write a three sentence paragraph. But she's also begun to write longer things as well. Her development did not look like mine in the area of writing, but it has quickly caught up. Does it matter if she wrote a paragraph in third grade as opposed to now? No. As long as she has the skills she needs by the time she graduates, all is good. Please relax, enjoy your child, and find out the best way he learns. What you are doing now is not working and is harmful. ((Hugs)) It's not easy, but it's worth it.
  22. Okay, this sounds bad: http://www.city-data.com/forum/mississippi/883973-moving-greenville-ms-where-live.html But it does suggest better places to live nearby. What about Lake Village, AR? It looks gorgeous. Just trying to stay positive. If you gotta live near there, you gotta live near there. Best of luck!
  23. Okay, here are some neat-looking things in/around Greenville: (I particularly am intrigued by Birthplace of Kermit the Frog. Big muppet fans here.) http://www.visitgreenville.org/things-to-do/deltas-museum-mile-2/for-kids Some of the parks and wildlife refuges seem neat. http://www.visitgreenville.org/things-to-do/outdoors/bird-watching As for restaurants, it looks like they have most of the chain fast food restaurants, and quite a few mom and pop regular restaurants.
  24. If you don't mind my asking, where are you? We could probably help you find good things about it if we knew :) Gently... As for some of your statistics, yes they sound bad. But some stuff you are just picking on. Shopping carts all over the parking lot? Really? You're really trying to hate it. If this is a necessary situation, you best start looking for the best. Let me try and put a spin on some of the things you mentioned... "The water tastes horrible." The water tastes different. You will either get used to it or get a filter for your sink or refrigerator water dispenser. "High crime rate." You know, I don't know what the crime rate of my area is. You find a place to live in a safe area. Every place has safer areas and less safe areas. Every place. "Schools are really bad." No problem. You homeschool, right? FWIW, There are generally private schools in many locations, too, that are decent. Or a better area with better schools. A lot of people in my town sent their kids to a different school district because their district is not known for good schools, with certain exceptions. You also find out about the exceptions. Charter schools, fine arts schools, etc. You might be surprised. "Flood zone." I live in a flood zone. I've never been flooded. If a hurricane came, I suppose then I might get flooded. But the house would probably be destroyed anyway, so .... Carry flood insurance. It's only about $200-$300 per year. Find good things. Good soil, good rainfall. Do you have seasons? I miss seasons. Are the people friendly? Drive around and find the nicer parts of town. Hey, at least you have two grocery stores and a wally world. My friend has to drive two hours for those. Count the blessings. One state closer to home. More money. A job. That's a big deal. Hugs.
  25. What kind of learners are they? My visual learner did better with things like Vocabulary Cartoons (Scholastic) or Garfield's Vocabulary Escapades. I am also intrigued by Marie's Words, which timberdoodle.com carries, although we haven't gotten it. Queen Homeschool carries some picture based vocabulary books also. We used Super Duper Publications Core Curriculum Vocabulary Cards for awhile. Best of luck!
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