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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. We had two phases of braces, and some pretty serious tooth extractions in there, too. Like 16 teeth, at 2 different times, under anesthesia. So that chunked on another 1000 onto the initial price.
  2. Mathusee Algebra History of the Ancient World Hoagland Biology English: Seton Grammar, Seton Composition, Memoria Press Greek Myths and Trojan War, Abeka Vocab Galore Park French 1 Abeka Health I don't know what a-g courses are.
  3. It looks like Canada does things very differently than the US, as far as admissions requirements. My suggestion to you would be to look up the admissions requirements of the likely universities/colleges your dc will attend and work backwards to figure out what you need to do for 9th grade. In the US, a yearly schedule that has English, Math, Social Studies (history, geography, government, economics, or some other social science), Science (with labs), and a Foreign Language is pretty typical for each year of high school and won't really shut any doors to university options.
  4. It sounds like this is not working. Even if she were at home, 4 hours in the evening after a full day of dancing is super tough, and not something that many teens would be able to motivate themselves to do. Where do you see her future? Would it be better just to study for the GED and be done so she can pursue her dance? Or is she not really destined to do that, and maybe needs to stop spending so much time on dance? Priorities for her are dance right now, it seems. If education is not important to her, this will never work. The path she is on now is HARD and would be even if you were always there to supervise. The other alternative I can see is to make all her school subjects completely online, where she is accountable totally to a third party. She needs to face the consequences of her actions, and it would probably work best if a third party, say, failed her in a subject, than her step mom. Gently, you are not in a position to supervise her adequately in the current situation. It must change, drastically.
  5. My dd went to private school kinder and for some reason did not like to use the bathroom there much. So as soon as we got to school, I took her to the hall bathroom before taking her to her classroom. Then when I picked her up, we went back to the hall bathroom before we left for the day. I agree that berating a child for such things is the wrong tactic. Kindness is needed.
  6. We're just in 9th grade now, but this is what I'm doing: 9th grade: World History: Ancient 1.0 credit 10th grade: World History: Medieval 1.0 credit American Government 0.5 credit (using Power Basics textbook plus a couple other things) 11th grade: World History: Early Modern 1.0 credit Economics 0.5 credit (using some git'er done textbook) 12th grade: US History 1.0 credit (although I will also include some Modern World History in our actual studies, for a more global perspective of US History)
  7. Science Wiz kits would be good to do with them, and they have clear instructions plus all the supplies. Here's a link: http://www.sciencewiz.com/science_Books_Kits.php
  8. PE? Pick a sport for a certain time frame and focus on that. Basketball, roller skating, swimming, riding a bike, anything. Do it for a month or 6 or 9 weeks, then switch.
  9. Based on the new info, I change my answer to #2. The drop off and pick up thing makes it sound like you will have way more teacher interaction there (should you want or need it). And of course learning another language is great.
  10. I was looking at some random KY community colleges, and some of them want you to list textbooks you used. Going through Power Basics together might be a good git'er done. Also, gently, listing that you have completed a class when you actually haven't done anything at all for that class, is fraud, isn't it? Be nontraditional if you want, but don't do nothing and say you did.
  11. I would choose #1. It sounds wonderful. And close by. And free. I don't like #2 because of drop off and pick up. For some reason, at some schools, it is trendy to just drive up to drop off your kid at the curb. The problem with this is that you never get to talk to the teacher ever. There's a line of cars behind you and no time. You don't get to see the classroom. You don't hear any casual remarks the teacher makes that are actually loaded with meaning, like dc had some problems today with ____. And the pick up where you park and walk in with a crowded parking lot is dangerous for the adults who are navigating all the cars and buses and kids, much less for the kids you have to hold by the hand and keep locked to your side. (Can you tell I've been at a school like this?) #3 sounds questionable. The range of K to 2 is not great, imho. They tell you it's so the kid can work at his ability no matter if it's behind or ahead (by the way, they expect ahead). It's not true. Expect to get your child's education short-changed at such a school.
  12. Duncan Hines is usually dairy free. I think candy topiaries are super cute. You get a cone shaped styrofoam from the dollar store, cover it in frosting, and put conversation hearts all over it. So cute!
  13. First of all, it's your school so you get to decide what the course requirements are. Won't his transcript just say English 9? If I were you, I would go with my gut. If you think what you have listed is sufficient, then it is. Now you will hear that some people consider a high school english credit to be half composition and half literature. I don't necessarily agree with that. I personally include vocab and grammar and spelling in with the somewhat light (adequate, just light) composition and plenty of literature. Your school. You decide. It sounds fine to me.
  14. Lifepacs. Their Geometry looks very good (that's the only one I own some of). I believe they have Lifepacs through PreCal.
  15. History Dudes: Vikings is awesome. Horrible Histories has some wonderful videos, too.
  16. The best gift I got when I was a new mom was one of those bouncer seats. If I didn't have that, I don't know how I would have managed a shower for myself. Also, one of my favorite memories is seeing my baby sitting in her bouncer when she noticed her feet for the first time. Cutest thing ever!
  17. Ooh, fun! I love to list my curriculum! 9th (oops listed grade level wrong) 10th grade dd for 2016-2017: Math: Mathusee Geometry Science: Paleontology: Age of Dinosaurs ("outsourced" to my husband) History: Medieval using Spielvogel Western Civ and DK History of the World Human Odyssey English: Abeka Grammar & Composition IV, Abeka Vocabulary, Spelling & Poetry IV, Abeka English Lit (the Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, and Elizabethan and Renaissance Periods only), plus some Stories from Dante for Children and the medieval parts of Graphic Canon, plus maybe Yoga for the Brain and Figuratively Speaking French 2: Galore Park's So You Really Want to Learn French Book Two plus Skeleton French as needed Government: See How They Run, Power Basics American Government Steck Vaughn American Government workbook Edited to update it as of March 7th. Italicized stuff is new.
  18. Honestly? I would create nontraditional Alg 1 and 2 and Geometry classes. Is your student a reader? For geometry, read some books that talk about Geometry, like String Straightedge and Shadow. Read some "living math" books (there's a website with those. I think it's livingmath.net). Have a book list for each class. Call it good when those books are read. Git er done, but do something, don't just give credit for not even touching the topic. Just touch it in a different way. If your student is more hands on, then find some hand on stuff to require instead. Maybe mess with Zometools for Geometry. Lakeshore Learning Center has lots of hands on stuff that has basic geometry, and that's all you need at this point. Take heart. Tons of kids got through public school barely scraping by in their math classes. I know you want to do better for your kid, and you have. Now we just need a "git er done" approach and let that be that.
  19. I believe they sealed some of my dd's molars before braces, because those metal bands on the back teeth would trap food and whatnot. I'm not opposed to sealants.
  20. Husband takes dd to Driver License Bureau to test for Learner's Permit (check) Shower (umm, not yet) Go to Fleet Feet and pick up husband's shoes Lunch out, either to celebrate or console dd about written Driver's test New light goes up in kitchen (bought new light and bulbs, check. Now dh must install) Homemade burgers and Ore Ida fries for dinner Family Night at Church (maybe) Driving practice in there somewhere (maybe) Laundry in there somewhere
  21. Language Smarts has levels B, C, and D. It's by Critical Thinking Company. http://www.criticalthinking.com/language-smarts.html Grammar Tales is really fun grammar with no grade level. http://www.rainbowresource.com/proddtl.php?id=035303 The Sentence Family is also really fun grammar with no grade level. http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/sku/058940 Writing with Ease has levels that IMO do not correspond to grade level. They do say Level 1, 2, 3, and 4, but absolutely do not correspond. At least for my kid.
  22. If your kids want to homeschool high school, and you can, I would. You can simulate some of the fun stuff you remember from high school at home. A locker was really important to my dd. We bought one. Then we tricked it out big time. It's awesome. Yearbooks? We make one every year for our family through the Shutterfly website. Homecoming mums? Totally can do that at home. Pick your school colors. School mascot? Make one up. Ours is Cats (we have two). Go, Cats! School t-shirts and sweatshirts? We design ours on prepsportswear.com. Letter jacket? Design one and buy it. There are several sites for this. And just make sure to make plenty of opportunities to hang with friends. My homeschooling dd has tons more time than her schooled friends. Consequently, when they want to do something with a day or two notice, she is available. Movies this weekend? Sure! Sleepover? Sure. Hang out? Sure.
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