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Everything posted by grace'smom

  1. I'm terrible. If something happened to my husband I'd be in big trouble. He is trying to make a file folder to tell me what to do just in case. I just have no interest, and if I know how much money we have in savings I tend to want to spend it, LOL. Better for him to just tell me to stay out of Target. Repeat. Stay out of Target.
  2. I think if you return it he will get the message and he won't try that again. No further discussion is necessary.
  3. If I was that teacher I'd be embarrassed to show my face around town as "the lady that got the kid arrested over a sharpie." Is this going to go on his permanent record? How is he going to explain that on his college applications? Job interviews?
  4. I hope that stays up- that's the funniest thing I've seen in a while. I hope Amazon doesn't take it down.
  5. Congrats!!!! :001_smile: :001_smile: :001_smile:
  6. Maybe you could try to start a "classic literature" book club at your library. The people interested in such a club would be more academic. And if not, maybe you could make friends with the librarians. I bet they are great for intellectual conversations.
  7. That's horrible!!! Life is too short to spend energy being mean to people!
  8. I had dry scalp for years every winter until I did two things: I started taking fish oil which REALLY helped, and I switched shampoos. For some reason Pantene works for me. I have no idea why Pantene works because I am pretty sure it has SLS in it. I agree it can be a SLS allergy.
  9. So which one did you end up using? I love hearing from people who have several programs and can critique them all.
  10. I had success with Webster's and Blend Phonics- both are free programs that you can print out and try out or use from your computer. Always good to give the free ones a whirl to see if they might stick, LOL. If your daughter already knows how to blend you could probably go right to Blend Phonics although you really can't beat the syllable approach used in Webster's. We use I See Sam books for extra practice in reading- those are also free and printable from the internet. I also make up very short (half page) stories about her that I know she can read and print them out. She reads them and colors a picture about them.
  11. So they put the paper over the atlas and trace it? Is it special tracing paper that they can see through? Thanks!
  12. You can print out a copy of Webster's at Don Potters website and get it bound at office max, or just put it in a 3 ring binder (that's what I did).
  13. :001_smile:Wow! What a happy ending! That is wonderful- thank you for letting the board come along for the ride. It sounds like things couldn't have possibly ended any better. :001_smile:
  14. I saw this post and had to laugh because my daughter and I just ate Ben and Jerry's for breakfast... Let me qualify that by saying this is not typical! DH and I stayed up way too late and I had one too many drinks at a Christmas party last night. I heard DD banging around downstairs this morning and I came down so my DH could sleep in- she was sitting on the couch eating ice cream, and I was too tired to do anything but grab a spoon, LOL.
  15. OK- I'm dying to know how this party turned out!!!! I actually logged in to see if the OP had posted an update, LOL!
  16. Is there a way to watch the film and just not watch the violent portion? Is it just at the end?
  17. this makes things very difficult. i don't like how someone enters into a mortgage with one company and then ends up having it sold to one they are trying to avoid. in this case i guess there's nothing to be done (if wachovia is broke then they're broke), but it's difficult to know that when you enter into a mortgage with one company it might get sold to wells fargo even though you don't want to do business with them.
  18. didn't wells fargo just buy wachovia? so your finances/mortgages through wachovia are also through wells fargo?
  19. I was in the store recently and a cashier asked me if my daughter was out of school that day. I said we homeschool and she said "Oh, I can usually recognize the homeschoolers but she doesn't act like one. They have a certain demeanor. I can almost always tell who they are..." I just said "well, she's pretty much always acted the way she does now." I couldn't tell whether she was trying to say that homeschoolers are wierd or my daughter was misbehaving or what. I did not know whether she was saying something positive or negative and I was too flabbergasted to ask for clarification.
  20. I looked at the ones for Virginia (SOLs) and I really don't think the teacher will be able to know if each one of her students can meet ALL of those objectives. I could probably go through it for my own child but how long would it take to make sure 30 kids can do all of it? And I only looked at kindergarten...
  21. :lurk5: I'm interested in hearing this because I bought Phonics Road for DD but I've actually been USING Webster's, and I'm not sure if I should switch now that she's picked up the basics of reading... I love Webster's, but I spent money on Phonics Road, LOL.
  22. I know this probably sounds really dumb, but whenever I am feeling that way I clean one room. I get it super clean and organized, and I feel more under control after that. Usually by the time I start feeling that way the house has completely fallen apart, so it's good therapy to have just one clean room. If you dread the thought just start with ONE drawer or ONE load of laundry. Then do one more... Hope it helps! We've all been there and we all will be again. I bet there's a lot of ladies on this board right now who are feeling frazzled and worn out (I am on the computer right now because I am just dreading the thought of cleaning up tonight's dinner dishes after such a long day, LOL). You're not alone! Make a list of all those things you said you have to get done- the act of crossing them off the list might help you feel a bit better. Now, I'd better go do the dishes so they're not sitting there staring me in the face when I get up in the morning- that is just a depressing sight! P.S. Is there any way you can get that run in? I always get depressed if I go more than three or four days without running. I think it does something to your brain...
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