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Everything posted by grace'smom

  1. I asked a friend about this and she told me that the IPAD apps are thoroughly checked for viruses and the Android ones were free and made by whoever wanted to make them, thus not checked. I do not know if I actually believe her, but it gave me pause enough to ask if any of you have heard something along those lines. It sounds like a line someone told her to get her to buy an IPAD, but could it be true?
  2. I'm working on this with my daughter right now at a kindergarten level. I've been trying to come up with an idea or experiment to help her "get" the big bang theory. So far the only thing I've been able to think of is to get a water balloon and keep filling it until it explodes. Any other ideas? We read "Older than the Stars" and "Our Family Tree" and those were both good if you are looking for cute children's books- fluffy, fun edutainment, KWIM? http://www.amazon.com/Our-Family-Tree-Evolution-Story/dp/0152017720/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297205924&sr=1-1 http://www.amazon.com/Older-Than-Stars-Karen-Fox/dp/1570917876/ref=sr_1_10?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297205877&sr=1-10 Great idea to share info! There seems to be a lack of resources available for this subject so I'll be watching to see what everyone posts... Thanks!!! Hailey
  3. :lurk5: We're in the same spot. Almost done with A and wondering what to do now... To answer some of your questions, I have Grace doing Math Mammoth 1A and she's not counting any fingers or anything along those lines. She actually does it very well, and gets out her abacus when she needs it. She was just introduced to the number line and took to it very easily. I think her concept of place value is a little shaky. She struggles with things like 26 + 2 (sometimes she might answer that it's ten b/c she adds 2+6+2). Oddly, using the abacus doesn't help her much with place value, but if I get out our little blocks that click together into sets of ten (base 10 blocks?) then it will click right away. She totally understands when we use the blocks as our tool. I guess different kids respond to different things. My plan for now was to slow down and play some games to stretch things out, and possibly to do some Math Mammoth for a while before moving on to B.... Or perhaps do MM and RS on alternating days. Needless to say, I will be watching this thread.:D
  4. Did anyone mention that there is a file on the BFSU support group page that has all the required resources for each lab? That thing is awesome! Someone has already done all the labor involved in this book. I just printed out the kindergarten spreadsheet, then the one Suji made (I like Suji's better) and the resources list.
  5. Just wanted to chime in and say that it wasn't clicking for my daughter either until I tried the ElizabethB kindergarten Webster's lessons. The two letter syllables really helped. Webster's is great- and free so it can't hurt to try it. Just print out her directions and the first couple Webster's pages and give it a shot.
  6. We got this from Amazon and have it hanging in the school room so Grace can swing while she learns... otherwise she couldn't focus long enough to learn anything, LOL. http://www.amazon.com/Cotton-Padded-Swing-Chair-34302/dp/B00158PGJQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1296583662&sr=8-2 My husband hung it with industrial looking hangers (from Lowes) that allow it to spin in a circle.
  7. My husband got that same sort of tool from Lowes for much, much less. It's not called a "safety" device but it looks just the same and does the same thing...
  8. Thanks so much! I knew someone on the board would have been there and done that!
  9. Hey guys, We're on lesson 52 or 53 I think, I don't have the book right in front of me but we're on the section where the lessons are focusing on counting by twos. My daughter is having trouble counting by twos the rightstart way. She keeps wanting to count the standard American way (twelve, fourteen, sixteen, etc) and she gets confused when I ask her to count by twos the Rightstart way. Would it be a major mistake to just let her count the way she knows? She learned the "2s" skip counting song in Classical Conversations and now asking her to count by twos the rightstart way just confuses her. I'm not sure what to do... We could stop and play games for a while to reinforce counting by twos the rightstart way- but which games would help with that? Thanks for any advice! Hailey
  10. Mmmm... didn't think about the magnetic thing. We don't do AAS so that wasn't on my mind.
  11. Can you tell us more about what weightshifting is?
  12. Someone was saying you can use some sort of bathroom board from Lowes as a whiteboard, and that you can get huge boards very cheaply that way. I don't remember who was talking about it, but we got one today and I hope it works! It was $17 for a 4x8. I have to go test it with a dry erase to make sure we got the right thing...
  13. Maybe it just feels harder to me since this is my first time teaching a child to read. Actually, it's my first time homeschooling at all so I think anything more than a guided workbook is a bit scary for me right now, LOL. But I'm not letting that stop me. The first mile is always the hardest, right? I've got a goal and I'm going to reach it. :D Sorry that was completely off topic but I wanted to respond and make sure no one thought I was knocking the program. I like the program and I can already see how well it's going to work out in the long run, otherwise I wouldn't do it.
  14. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=226118 There was a great series on here that we ended up using. Very nice.
  15. We had a good quality laminate in our last house and I miss it. In our new house we have the shiny wood floors, and they can take some damage but they still look pretty good. There are hardwoods out there that actually look better as they get beaten up. Our friends have a hardwood floor that lays completely flat and is not finished with that "shiny" stuff on top. The aging of these floors actually makes them look more distinguished. Maybe you could look into different types of hardwood.
  16. Phonics Road has you tell them that B is the "tall letter with the short part" and D is a "short letter with a tall part." This hasn't really sunk in with my daughter but thought I'd share it.
  17. Amazon 2 day free prime expires? Bummer!!! How long do you get it for free? I've loved having that, although I have to say I use it mostly for books. But they're books for my daughter so it's OK right, LOL?
  18. Well, I am sold. I purchased BFSU last night on Amazon- on sale for 22.00 BTW. Thanks so much for all the helpful info. This is the best thread I've seen in a long time. Glad someone pulled it back up. It sounds like BFSU will take some effort on my part, but I have to remember why I got into this homeschool game in the first place, LOL. You can't give your kids the best education you possibly can without a LITTLE bit of work, right? I'll just glob the prep time into my Phonics Road video watching time... Seems like I have managed to decide on all the teacher intensive programs, LOL. Phonics Road, Rightstart, BFSU. But if Phonics Road and BFSU reward us like Rightstart has it will all be worth it!
  19. http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10834 http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/18790 The first is "The History of Insects" and the second is "The Insect Folk." I haven't looked at either but I'm planning to look them over next week b/c I'm trying to figure out what to do for science as well...
  20. Old Fashioned Education has a link to The Insect Folk on it's kindergarten curriculum page. You might look into that- it's on Gutenburg as a free download so it's worth it to check it out. Also, there are some other older elementary science books on Gutenburg that could be helpful.
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