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Everything posted by grace'smom

  1. Nevermind- I found my answer in an ElizabethB post. She's awesome!
  2. If you blog do you have to leave it open for everyone or can you set it up so only your family can see it? Like a family updater?
  3. I did that once for a friend who was trying to start a professional website and has dyslexia, and she did not appreciate it. I think she would have rather had the errors. You need to know the person very well to know how they'd react.
  4. I thought the fire marshal said it was illegal to burn the books or any other paper items. Can't they stand there and arrest him when he lights it? At least then it would look like his actions weren't acceptable to us either...
  5. Well, we were hoping to avoid the cost of braces but it sounds like we're in for it anyway? I guess we should just leave it be then... Makes thing easier on this side anyway.
  6. My daughter has a lot of anxiety and a diagnosis with sensory processing disorder. She's got a lot of little quirky things she does to help with anxiety, including pulling her hair and sucking her thumb in order to get to sleep. Actually, she has a little regimen of things that will get her to sleep and they must all be there in order to sleep: she gets a melatonin sleep spray (or she wouldn't sleep at all), she needs some ice water (which is why she still wets the bed), she needs a book, some snuggle time, and about 15-20 minutes of sucking her thumb while systematically pulling her hair (not out, just tucking on it). She has a huge gap between her front teeth now (she's 5 1/2) and her 6 year molars are starting to come in. We're afraid she's going to need braces if we don't get her to stop thumb sucking. Does anyone have any tips on how to help her stop sucking her thumb? She only does it when she's tired or anxious, but that's the worst time to try to get her to stop, KWIM? I'm not sure of how to go about this... She struggles so much already, how do we take away a coping method? Thanks for any tips in advance! I'm SURE there's someone here who's BTDT! Hailey
  7. I know someone from Missouri who does that, but that's the only person I know who does... I'm in Virginia.
  8. For those of you who used Webster's speller for your K students, do you remember how far along you got by the end of K? What's the average length of time it takes to memorize the initial two letter syllables? Just wondering. I think we're going to use this because my daughter just does not get blending, and this would be a more natural route to help her understand. However, I did wonder how long it would take to get through that whole first page! Thanks! Hailey
  9. These can also be signs of lactose intolerance. Also, antibiotics can deplete the good bacteria in your gut, causing issues as well.
  10. I see them but I am wondering why they are better than the other kind. It seems like being flexible would make it harder to flip the pages? Can you tell me a bit more? They look good but I'm just not sure yet. Thanks so much!
  11. I would take the money order, along with copies of the emails, down to the police station. I wouldn't want that money order anywhere NEAR my bank!
  12. Hey guys, I can't find book binder rings in my town so I am going to order them online from Amazon. What size book binder rings do you recommend for a set of Veritas Press cards? Thanks! Hailey
  13. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I will never think of that term in the same way again!
  14. The one thing I wanted to point out is that your son is 19... In the next ten years he may marry and have children. The dog will be old and less able to handle stress right about the time that it will probably have toddlers pulling it's tail. We had a 12 year old rescue lab/collie mix that we had to keep outside EVERY minute we could not strictly supervise it for that exact reason. It was old and cranky, and didn't want to be climbed, crawled or tugged on... I felt the dog didn't have the relaxing senior years that it deserved, and my daughter didn't have the toddler years that she deserved either because I was always hovering over the dog. I've never understood why it seems that people who have the most limited experience with dogs tend to be attracted to the most controversial breeds. We've got so many people in our neighborhood who have never had a dog before, don't know how to train them, but still go out and get pit bulls. Now there are pit bulls chained up in people's backyards getting (understandably) angry and dangerous because the owners don't want to deal with a dog (that they chose and brought home) that needs stricter training. My friend works at the animal shelter and says people turn in pits all the time because they can't handle them. There are bunches of pits getting euthanized every day because of a strange trendy desire by people to get this particular breed that they may not be experienced enough to handle. It's sad all around.
  15. Supercool! How long has she had it? Does she say it works well? Do her cats like it?
  16. I'm catholic and I really can't see that argument flying with my local priest. You are lying as a method of saving a marriage, which is not only wrong, but seems short sighted. If he really wanted to save his marriage he'd confess what he'd done to his wife and work on his issues together with her help. The doctor lying for him just spreads his sin into more people. JMHO...
  17. I am from the south and my parents are from the deep south. I do use the word "yall" in conversation with good friends, but I do not use it in written form. I think if you're going to write out the word at all you have broken far enough from proper grammar usage that it really doesn't matter how you write it. :lol:
  18. Yeah, that's going to need a good scrubbing and some primer. We used KILZ primer and ours turned out fine. But we tried to go over it with plain paint first and it did not work. It had to have primer... If your kids are prone to that I'd wait until they grow out of that phase to do the work. You might have a few more spots.
  19. :grouphug::grouphug:My daughter is five, and my husband seems to have gotten much closer to her as she has aged and been able to participate more in the activities he enjoyed (building, outdoor stuff, etc.). When she was younger he did not bond as well with her and he felt like he was on the outside looking in a lot. It also did not help at all that he had to stand aside so often as I was completely focused on her care... In a way it's like he is a kid too, and he was watching what was once his love alone become completely focused on someone else and expecting him to just deal with it and be a grown up about it. As Grace has gotten more independent and needed less actual caretaking time (diapers, spoon feeding, dressing, etc.) from me, I have been able to give some of that attention back to him and he can see her as a person and not an interloper. Does that make sense? It does in my mind but I am not sure I can put it into the right words. It's not as if he doesn't LOVE her, just that he felt a bit (childish I know) cheated of his time with me. Now, he gets time with me AND gets to do things he perceives as fun with her, and can have great conversations with her, etc., so the family dynamic is completely different. Maybe as your little ones get older and more able to do some of those fun things your husband enjoys, he might be able to bond with them a little more?
  20. What if your urine color is only darker 2 hours after you take a vitamin? Then it goes back to normal. Is that bad? Sorry if that's TMI.
  21. I heard from a doctor to aim for 1/3 to 1/2 your body weight in ounces, depending on activity level.
  22. Make sure you check the label because mine says use within 3 months. We used to get the 16 oz but we couldn't use it all in the 3 months so we switched to the 8 oz. I guess we would probably be able to smell it if it went bad though, right?
  23. Just wanted to put this out there. It's a free 40 week reading curriculum complete with videos to show you how to teach each lesson.:D I'm not advertising. I just found it this morning and thought I'd pass it along for the moms here. I might use it for some enrichment but we're doing PRTR in the fall.
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