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Everything posted by grace'smom

  1. We used the basic kit for level A and it had all we needed. There is a homeschhol buyers co op special right now where you can get free shipping. Also, they have the manipulatives at twenty percent off I think...
  2. :iagree:Nice board! I'd answer your question if I had used that curriculum, but I haven't heard of it before!
  3. I really like Rightstart too... Yesterday all the neighborhood kids were in the yard and they were playing "school." My DD is the only homeschooled one in the bunch, and she got the answers right for all the math questions the 4th grader was throwing out. The third graders couldn't answer these questions, but my kindergartener could answer them. I didn't think they were that hard, but you have to understand place value to answer them (what's 500 plus 500, what's 60 plus 30, what's 1000 plus 3000, what's 50 plus 50, etc.). It was pretty cool, and really helped me with my "februaries" that have drug into March.
  4. BTDT! Here is the order I would go in... SM earlybird a and b combined with miquon When sm is done go to rs a combined with miquon- (combining these is actually a good idea so that you don't finish a too early... We have just completed rs a and we started in sept. Now i am trying to figure out what to do next.) Mep reception- if you use it - might work before all of the above... We tried sm earlybird and ended up only doing 1 semester. It seemed young for dd... But I think the earlybird is a different bird than the rest of Singapore.
  5. Someone mentioned a free program online called Salsa the other day. We watched it yesterday morning and followed the teachers guide to practice. I thought it was cute and DD learned some new words. We'll stick with it for a while and see where it goes.
  6. Ok, barring the mental illness or abuse possibilities, she really should have been nicer to someone who is watching her kids. This is like being rude to the waiter who handles your food. You should NEVER be rude to someone handling your food or your children! Not that the OP would be like this, but I am ALWAYS super nice to anyone watching my daughter, because I would hate to have any negative feelings toward me possibly influence their thoughts about my daughter. BTW- now every time I use commas I wonder if I am using them correctly. this board is going to force me to review my old grammar books from high school ;)
  7. I have the teachers guide and I have only used it to help my daughter correct her pencil grip, which is something you could probably find info on in other places if you need help. Other than that I found it to be geared more toward classroom use.
  8. I don't really care about wrinkles or anything like that. The only thing I would ever want is what I would term as "reconstructive" ;) surgery on my BooKs. They fell apart after breastfeeding. I just want them back the way they were- no more, no less. Well, I kind of think they would end up being "less" because once they pull off all the hanging skin I am sure I would be much smaller. :lol: HOWEVER- I would never actually do this because if we had that kind of money I would end up spending it on something related to homeschooling. Piano lessons, art, REAL books. There would always be something I would see as more of a priority.
  9. We have a Kirby, which is very heavy, but it has a motor that pushes it along for me so I don't have to work so hard. I like it because it really gets the floors clean, but I HATE carrying it up the stairs. I guess it really depends on whether your house has two floors. I would not recommend it for anyone who has back problems and might have to carry it somewhere.
  10. Is there any way you could express your concerns and allow the parents to make the decision? I'm not sure how that would fly but they would probably be more comfortable with a decision they made on their own. It sounds like your school is prepared to assist in any way no matter what the outcome might be.
  11. If you look on the Amazon page for Liping Ma's book you can click "other editions" in the formats box, and there is a copy of her 1999 edition for 3.00 (plus 3.99 shipping). That's the one I purchased and I'm fairly certain the basic info is the same...
  12. Is it Math Mammoth 1A and 1B? We have that as a supplement and it seems to go along well with RS level A. I have RS B but haven't started it yet, so I can't speak to that, but if we're using MM 1A and B with RS level A then I guess it would be logical to follow what you are doing with RS B. Is the MM not working for you? It sounds like you have a good system going with what you are doing now... P.S. Usually I wouldn't answer this because I'm not a math person so I feel hesitant to give advice, but I figured since you hadn't had any bites on your question yet I might as well :D
  13. BTW- I meant that your idea sounds reasonable and logical, not theirs.
  14. yeah, but it still saves it in your archives. i'm not sure how to permanently delete it.
  15. I literally felt sick when that poor girl said a boy at her school told her to get down and tie his shoes. Made me want to throw up.
  16. Did anyone watch the Dateline segment on school bullying tonight? It was interesting... I'm signing off for the night but wanted to see if anyone else watched it.
  17. Raggedy Ann is free at Amazon. Old Fashioned Education has a bunch of stuff listed for each grade level that might be helpful for you.
  18. :iagree::iagree: That's a big hit at our house!
  19. I got the flashcards and never used them. PM me your addy and I'll send them to you. They're printed on cardstock but not laminated.
  20. Many of you have mentioned HOD/Sonlight as helpful for your children with anxiety. Would Ambleside Online be similar to those in nature?
  21. I have the 3rd grade manual and I haven't needed it at all. I wish I hadn't spent the money on it.
  22. Oh boy! I hope your daughter is feeling better again soon too!
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