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  1. Do you like the Kumon workbooks? We just bought the Grade 3 Addition and Subtraction to cement the whole borrowing thingie...
  2. :iagree: Exercise, no more TV/computer and some inspirational organization! Could you guys join a Y? We're doing that next month and I'm soooo excited. We drove past it several times (like dorks). 7 year-old is wanting to take the kids' yoga. :tongue_smilie: Exercise can make everybody feel a LOT better. I'm also looking into buying Managers of their Homes myself... :auto:
  3. Sounds something like...everybody needs a break and change of scenery?? We've gotten to that point before. We took off to Chicago one day and a week later, drove to Texas (Heck, we're in Texas right now). I'm not saying you should drag the 20 kids by yourself to Incan Ruins in Peru or Stonehenge or anything... :lol: But, maybe a wrench thrown in their day would be what they need. Also, have you looked at something of a more permanent fix, like Managers of their Homes (or whatever that book's called). The Duggars (you know, the 19 kid-people) were talking about that book. Good luck! I've been a single parent for the last 8 months, so I hear ya'!!
  4. We also do CLE Reading and Language Arts and I think it is at least a grade level ahead of where we were in public school. We're not in the middle school grades, though.
  5. She needs to get an attorney and file for bankruptcy. As a huge Dave Ramsey fan, I almost never advocate bankruptcy. But, it looks like she might need protection from herself. Bankruptcy will prevent her from getting another credit card, house mortgage, etc. She's going to have to downsize into an affordable apartment. Depending on her exact financial situation, the court trustee will probably force her to relinquish some of her stuff and pay back a percentage of her credit card debt. Good luck with this one - and you're not alone. Our parents' generation were absolute frickin idiots with money. My parents and my in-laws are all massively in debt, in their late 50's, no retirement money, no HEALTH insurance, and just all-around pathetic financially. Our in-laws are always hitting us and my husband's brother up for cash. I don't feel sorry for those people. One set of parents refuses to get a real job and the other set ran up $100,000 in credit card bills and they have 4 cars. How irritating. Good luck to you and your husband, though...
  6. Thank-you for the Info! That is EXACTLY what I was looking for. I'm going to check out these websites this afternoon. Thanks!! :001_smile:
  7. We just went through that nightmare, also. :glare: My husband lost his job and was unemployed for 7 months. It took him that long to find a new job. When he did find a job, it was 800 miles away. Broke and in the housing crash, me and the kids have stayed behind for 8 months. We are finally closing on a new house in 3 weeks and we all will finally be together again. I don't have much advice, but I know that it is a horrible, horrible situation and is very, very scary. I never cried as much as I had during the last year and a half. Stupid that it all takes so long to work it's way out. I hope you guys have "quicker" luck than we had. If it's any consolation, we are MUCH better off financially now than before - when he was working the previous job (how ironic to think that). His new job is a 30 year government contract job, pays more, is in a really nice city and our new house costs 1/3rd of what our old house did. We also still own our old house and are making $300 a month profit off of renting it out. It's horrible, but you guys might be better off next year than you are now. You never know...he might find a job that's even better and pays more than the one he's losing. Oh, yeah, and it took 2 hours to find a tenant for our house and it was for sale for MONTHS and nothing happened. May I suggest renting out your house if you have to move? A *&^ of a lot quicker than trying to sell it in this market. GOOD LUCK!! I hope you guys are OK.
  8. OK, this is really specific - again. Does anyone know of a good co-op, homeschool enrichment, homeschool organization, etc in the Weatherford, TX area? Just fishing for some information... Thanks for any replies!! :D
  9. I am having our 7 year-old read one small passage a day from the NIV Children's Bible (the one written at a 3rd grade reading level, but has complete scriptures). I don't say anything, but I ask her what she understood from the passage. She understands the scriptures that she reads perfectly. I asked her which one was her favorite and she said, "All of them." :glare: Not sure if that is a comprehensive form of Bible study... It's not intense at all...
  10. We're in Core 1 and we're doing all the Read-Alouds and all the history selections. I think we are reading every book... If I encounter a Read-Aloud that looks like it's going to be painful, though (for the 6 yro boy, that is), I won't hesitate to skip it. So far, we've liked them all (except we had a hard time with Detectives in Togas).
  11. I have 4 kids: 7 yod, 6 yos, 4 yod, 2 yod. I'm doing Core 1 and we're almost finished with it (we started in July). You can look in our signature to see what we're supplementing with... We're flying through it, quite honestly. I'm wondering if Core 2 will slow us down, though. We've buzzed through the read-alouds partly because I had several of the Audio Books and we listened to the books as we were driving long distances in the car. I really like Sonlight and probably will continue along with the Cores - at least the Read-Alouds and the History selections. Pssst: we get alot done during 2 year-old's naptime. :D
  12. Don't give up! I think the first few weeks of homeschooling is probably the hardest and I have a 6 year-old BOY (boy, does that come with some baggage). :D He had a meltdown yesterday because I asked him how many quarters equaled 50 cents. He punched me in the stomach, ran out of the room and was hysterical for half an hour. His Grandpa went in there to talk to him (shaking his head, of course). I think it's just the age - and some kids are more headstrong than others. Plus, 6 yro's have that "You're making fun of me complex" and "That's for babies complex" and a slew of other psychological issues. :tongue_smilie: he he... I know for us...my son would still be unable to read if he was in school. He was already being placed in "remedial kindergarten" because of his strong-willed personality. He scores really high on our standardized testing and he's very intelligent, but he likes to take the reigns! He just wants to be a helicopter pilot anyway, reading shmeading... :D Good luck!
  13. I'm using it without the TM and we're fine. I might buy it for the kindergartner next fall, though. But, 7 yro dd is almost finished with their cursive program and really likes it.
  14. Yeah...I have a 4.5 yro girl and she STILL can't sit still long enough to do ANYTHING (not even eat). :D
  15. Geez!!!! :confused: That Canadian census stuff is insanity!!! :auto: I'm coming over... I'll talk to that census lady for you. :tongue_smilie:
  16. We're doing Sonlight Core 1+2 this year and we couldn't fork out the money to buy an entire core. Soooo...every one of the Read-Alouds has been available at our library. So, we bought NO read-alouds. About half of the history books were also at the library (like Greek News). Odd stuff like from Akebu to Zapotec, I bought on Sonlight's website. I have a friend who is also doing Core 1 and we've traded history books to keep the other from having to buy them. I bought enough Readers for both kids to last until December from Sonlight. I'm going to buy the second half pretty soon. If you absolutely have to (and you have a good library system), you can do sonlight on a strict budget. I wholeheartedly love sonlight's book selection and even when we move onto something else, I am going to keep buying/using sonlight's read-alouds and readers. They are wonderful books and I never read anything like this stuff when I was a kid.
  17. This subject always upset me...me and my kids are a mixture of like 5,000 different races and they tell you that you can only "check one". What the &^%$??? Like the previous poster said, until they come up with a box that says, "Korean-Osage-Celtic-German-Castilian-Swiss-Welsh", we're just gonna have to pass on that question. A question like that is straight out of the '40's - back when it was illegal to marry someone from another race. I chuckle when I think about what box our great, great grandchildren would check. :tongue_smilie:
  18. bump...I'd really like to hear suggestions too...
  19. I saw some stuff on the Winterpromise website. It's under the Grade 2 package - customary theme. There are books on the early presidents, along with books about the US government. It says it's Grade 2, but I think it could be used much later than that I think.
  20. Yeah, we've had a lot of cancer in our family too. My husband had a bad stomach ache two years ago at work and ended up being hospitalized. (Of course I rolled my eyes as I was driving him to the hospital -like - What, a stomach ache? Hmmmph...:glare:) Anyway, the doctor ended up doing a colonoscopy and they found 17 cancerous growths in his large intestine. The surgeon removed them right then and there. The doctor was absolutely stunned. My husband was 35 at the time and he said they don't even check for stuff like that at that age. He would've died before anyone even knew what was going on. The doctor said if it wasn't for that mysterious stomach ache... :Angel_anim: Anyway, hubby is just fine now also... :auto: Also, my mom has a close friend who had cancer with a 5% chance of survival...that was about 18 months ago (?)...she's fine now and still selling away on Ebay!
  21. I worked last summer as a home health and hospice caregiver...one of the ladies I took care of twice a week had rectal cancer. She was getting radiation treatment for it and they told me that the tumor had shrank and the surgeons were removing the rest of the cancerous tissue. One of the nurses told us that she was going to be fine - it was awful for her during the radiation treatments, though. She had lost a LOT of weight - a LOT. She also had constant diarrhea and needed someone in the house with her to help. I think the nurse said once the radiation treatments stopped, they do surgery to remove the cancerous tissue and then a lot of those horrible symptoms (which are actually caused by the radiation, not the cancer) go away. Last I heard, she was doing better. I hope that helps you... Sorry to hear someone in your family has to go through that...
  22. My 7 year-old daughter is participating. She is writing a novel about unicorns (of course). I hope she finishes!! :D
  23. We're in this boat. I think they just want "cash at closing" in the form of a cashier's check (or whatever those are called). Our realtor is pushing a short sale, but we just got approved for a mortgage if we rent out our house, soooo...instead of ruining our chances of buying another house, we're going to rent out this house and buy another. You could always sell again in about 3-5 years when the market fully recovers. We actually worked out the numbers and I would make about $5,000 a year profit renting out my house. If you applied that to your prinicple on the mortgage, you could really dwindle away your mortgage debt (and then sell fairly easily).
  24. I'm using this website. http://www.playkidsgames.com/games/mathfact/mathFact.htm We're going throught trying to memorize subtraction facts right now, because both the 7 and 6 yro are really weak on this.
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