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Everything posted by Beetkvass

  1. I think they are pretty easy. We've had them for many years. At this point all it requires is giving them fresh food and water and gathering the eggs. It was a lot more work at first building a coop and fencing in a run. We've also built several chicken tractors that we use to separate chickens. The real danger is usually in our hawks, raccoons and fox. It's why we get them pinned up pretty much exclusively. They've got to be really fast and smart to survive long outside at night. We have one that does that now. No matter how much we put her up she gets out. She just lays in a nest she's made on the side of our house. We've got about 2.5 dozen young chicks in our basement right now waiting to get big enough to be outside and then moved to the big coop.
  2. That's very odd. I've used them several times with no problems.
  3. My son is 9yo, almost 10, and he's on the spectrum. He has no problem understanding and grasping things. But his execution is just painful to watch. He is horribly slow at everything. Writing takes forever, reading is way better but still slowish, Math seems to take all time and eternity. It's not that he doesn't understand. He picks up things very well and remembers them very well but I feel like it will take till he's 25 to finish highschool because of the length of time it takes to do everything. And it's very hard to find the right curriculum because it seems the writing expecting along with the level of his understanding is just so much more than he can possibly do. What can I do? I just need some suggestions here. I'm tired and frustrated and have a lot on my plate. And it's really hard to balance his needs. If I sit and basically hold his hand through everything it goes so much faster. But I can't do that for everything. And he otherwise seems incapable of focusing and paying attention for any real length of time on his own. Any BTDT experiences and suggestions? Thanks!
  4. FWIW Growing up I knew a lot of women who actually used this as an excuse. It had nothing to do with their husbands controlling them but a way for them to get out of bearing responsibility for choices made. They just got to use their husbands as scapegoats because they didn't want to do something.
  5. I've really never heard "first among equals" used to describe these things in the Orthodox Church. I've only heard it to describe the primacy of the Bishop of Rome.
  6. The Long Winter is my favorite Ingall's book! I don't find it depressing at all. But I do think it's rather silly to be saying Pa could have done better by his family if only he'd made different choices. We really don't know all the circumstances. The books are hardly presented from his point of view either and don't give us the thought processes of why he made his choices. They are meant to be from the point of view of his daughter as a child. I'd hate to have my life choices judged decades after my death based on books my daughter wrote to entertain children. It's very to look at someone's life after the fact and say that if only they'd done X, Y or Z their life would be better. That said, I did have a totally different view of those choices reading the books as an adult versus reading them as a child. I no longer thought Ma was a stick in the mud and that Pa was so exciting! I'm no 19th century pioneer. I sure wanted to be one as a kid. Now? No thanks. I like the grocery store being 2 min down the road even if I do choose to garden for pleasure as well.
  7. I'm just going to offer my sympathy. My 3rd child is like this. He was a super easy baby. He hit 18 mo and became so stubborn and strong willed I thought I'd lose my mind. Everything that worked on his two older brothers was meaningless with him. We don't have the exact same problems you are having with you daughter. He never tantrumed. But he just no matter what does what he wants to do on the sly. He's 7 now. I thought I was an excellent parent till I had him and I was never lax with discipline like you talk about. It just flat didn't work! I wish I could say it got better. I'm still searching for some answers as to how to motivate him to want to do what he's told.
  8. I eat traditional foods and just happen to love beet kvass!
  9. :grouphug: I'm so sorry. If I can make a suggestion, do not move out of the house and give him possession of it like that. If he wants to separate I'd expect him to move out. Asking you to move in with your parents sounds like a way to avoid the financial responsibility of providing for you and your child while still keeping his home. It strikes me as very odd that he would ask y'all to move out rather than find a way to move out himself if he wants to separate.
  10. I've had my Excalibur for 11 years and love it. I recommend the fruit leather sheets as well. It's also what we make our yoghurt in. With 6 kids I can make a ton of yoghurt in it using quart jars. Love it!
  11. I'm three years behind you. I have 6 children but the youngest is a newborn and my oldest is in 5th. I feel absolutely positive that homeschooling is best for our family and what we want. However my ability to pull it off is lacking. It's been hard being pregnant 6 times and never an easy pregnancy in the group. I survive honestly on the idea that it CAN be done, others do it. But personally I'm going to need to not get pregnant again and work a lot harder to pull it all off. Sorry I don't have any advice, just empathizing.
  12. I was told I was hyperglycemic and prediabetic a year ago. I can bring my blood sugars down to a normal range just so long as I eat right. However it will go right back up to bad numbers eating anything I shouldn't. So basically my pancreas is still shot. :/ But I'm glad I can control it as well as I can with diet. I exercise but it's diet that has the strongest effect for me.
  13. I am sure you can just season it again. I think it's almost impossible to actually ruin cast iron!
  14. I had BH's with #'s 3-5. It was miserable and being well hydrated and rested never helped. Though any activity did make them much worse. I would have them for hours at a time only a few min apart and they were truly uncomfortable. I really feel for you. I hated it. Thankfully they never affected my cervix with all the contractions I was having. I didn't have them this time with #6. It was odd but great to not have them. I'd joked that maybe my uterus died. Unfortunately it sort of did. I had a uterus that was totally ineffective without help for labor and postpartum. At least with the BH you know your uterus can still do it's job well!
  15. That's incredible! I can't imagine that being done in our district. I have a friend in KS though who has a similar situation.
  16. Adelynn makes the most sense to me if you want it to look like it's pronounced. If you don't care then I'd just go with whatever spelling you like best. It doesn't really matter what the rest of the family thinks.
  17. I prefer them but it's not a rule. I don't always wear a dress myself. My girls mostly own dresses and they always wear them to church. My 4yog was born without a behind. JK. But she barely has enough of one to keep pants up. She passes her dresses down to her sister. They just don't even have much in the way of pants or shorts and those they have are not Sunday material.
  18. Thanks. No, it wasn't Plato Science. I got if from someone's sig and I probably have it saved in my favorites but my laptop died today. :( He's pretty good at learning independently so I wanted something a little more formal but we can always resort to documentaries when we need to for sure!
  19. I thought I read something on here of a science program that looked pretty good for my 4th grader. I wish I could remember what. It was a program done on the computer and would require little on my part. I'm pregnant. It's high risk and I am looking at bedrest and I want him to be able to not fall behind without me also having to spend a lot of time on it. Any suggestions? Any idea of curriculum that was done with a CD?
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