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Everything posted by Beetkvass

  1. I am in sweet tea Georgia. LOL Though I drink kvass and my husband drinks sweet tea.
  2. I'd love to see that! I did a search and didn't come up with much. BH&G stands for Better Homes and Gardens?
  3. I read about this yesterday. I'm so glad to see at least a some what positive update. I have nothing nice to say about this man. There is no excuse to toss aside your spouse like garbage. Of course it would be hard to take care of her and the 3 kids. Life deals some hard blows to people but people are also just not disposable. My cousin is a quadriplegic with severe neurological damage and in a worse state than this mother. He was in a drowning accident. So I'm not unfamiliar with the difficulties. He's been this way for 16 years now. But I can't even imagine this happening to my husband and me just deciding to walk away from him and let his parents take care of him so I could move on and have a life without a severely handicapped spouse. It's just revolting to me.
  4. Thanks, I checked hulu and the learning channel and they only have clips. I assume Netflix has no plans to carry it at this time because they give the option to add something in a "save" queue for when it becomes available. Oh well! Thanks though.
  5. So does anyone know how I can watch this if I don't have cable? I didn't see it listed on Netflix.
  6. Blue. It's always been blue. Though now it's more a robin's egg blue. And brown comes a close second. I have way too much blue and brown in my closet and all over my house.
  7. Well, our plans totally changed. I forgot to check the weather channel. No gardening! It's pouring rain and will be raining all weekend. We might do something really cool like clean and declutter.:tongue_smilie:
  8. So maybe I just need to make more modifications myself for him and expect less in regards to writing? I'd prefer not to try meds. I've had bad experiences with that. He is on a special diet though and that really helps a lot. But lately some days are just worse than others. I'm having a hard time figuring out the cause. I have not tried caffeine. I'll have to try that. He loves coffee. LOL I do believe there is an issue with processing. There has almost always been a delay in his processing. I'm just not sure what to do or where to go.
  9. I am absolutely terrified of heights for some reason ever since I had children. I would not want them to and would be a complete and total wreck. However my husband would be ok with it and probably want to go with them. I'd prefer he wait till I'm dead and gone though. LOL
  10. Veronica Mars. I like most of what you suggest and I thought I was not going to like Veronica Mars but I loved it! I don't see The Office listed. It seems sort of obvious. But it's great.
  11. We don't have any hard or fast rules yet but we plan on having strict rules about dating. Right now my oldest is only 10. But obviously you have waited too long to discuss it if your child is dating someone and holding hands and hugging already etc. I think a situation that is presumed benign, because it's just groups of kids having fun, is often not. My sil, the priest's kid, managed to lose her virginity at the age of 12 yo! I'm sure her parents were not letting her out on actual grown up dates. But it seems to me the church youth group was obviously very poorly supervised.
  12. I think she's being ridiculous and you weren't at all unreasonable. I think it's important for kids to not be picky and demanding, including about food. I'd probably expect her to start buying some of the foods she insists she HAS to have herself.
  13. I have 6 and this is the first time I have had a Bumbo (with a tray too). I love it!
  14. Are we supposed to do something cool? We'll be gardening and finishing up the goat shed for our new goats.
  15. Boy, my mind went all kinds of places but I didn't guess the right one!
  16. You're not. Only my parents and my sister are allowed to watch my kids. I've had people offer but I just feel really uncomfortable about it. I can not even imagine hiring people like I was hired as a teen. People that simply didn't know me at all would welcome me into their home to watch their kids. That just seems so weird to me now. I also can't imagine me trusting strange dads to drive my girls home. :/
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