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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. The OPs mom lives nearby it seems.....I would just go stay with my mom until the guy leaves town. And yes, start working on getting out of that house.
  2. I also found out who my then husband was having an affair with and tracked down her then husband. I found the husband's mother first and she had her son call me. I am actually a pretty good detective on line. :)
  3. I have found people by looking at the people who lived in the same house with them at various times. Then search two names together to see what pops up. I found all sorts of stuff out about my stepson's step dad this way. (and failed to find info he claimed was true which makes me really suspicious of him)
  4. Well, it is something that crossed my mind too, but I lean toward over cautious in these things so I was trying to keep it under control...but yeah, I don't trust people....especially with my own kid.
  5. Did you express to your friend that you didn't like it? It sounds like something my XH would do....one time when we were separated ds told me that his dad had put a slice of watermelon down a young woman's pants. She was a neighbor in his apartment complex..years later they briefly dated. Weird. Inappropriate. Probably flirting.
  6. It is possible that he did nothing to your dh. 13 ish is moving into puberty and many child predators have an age preference from what I have read about it. And I know it is difficult for your dh to believe this to be true. Does he believe it to be true? Do you think he will stand behind you?
  7. Then don't. Text her. Tell her you are upset too and don't want to talk and use your words above in bold. And add that your children are your top priority and you do not want to give your son the impression that you a) didn't believe him or b) what was done to him is of no consequence. Another red flag that she doesn't want him to know what he has been accused of. That is insane.
  8. Am I understanding that your MIL is not coming on this trip? And he is staying with his XW? Without his wife there? Weird on so many levels. I can't remember how far he lives from you, but if the distance is significant to limit visits to your area to a few times a year, I MIGHT consider not moving. If he begins insisting on coming to 'his' property very often I would definitely be looking for a new place to live.
  9. Understandable but not acceptable. When we know better we do better. Your son has already received the mixed message that we keep being friendly to people who have harmed us. Set that record straight with your son TODAY. Tell him you were wrong in the past to 'go along to get along' and you will never do that again.
  10. Danger Will Robins. HUGE red flag for me. Have you talked to your dh about how this man treated him when he moved in with him and his mom? If the man is a molester there is a HUGE chance he did something to your dh. And your dh may not be able to deal with it which may in turn be keeping him from dealing with it now in regards to his own son. Please please please keep this man out of your family's life. He would never lay eyes on any of my children.
  11. The OPs mom already knows. She has known since the then 4 year old reported it to the OP. It is the MIL (spouse of the molester) who just found out when the OP sent the MIL a text meant for the OPs mom.
  12. Exactly. And further, although I know you hate to keep discussing it with the 8 year old, I would tell (your son) that this man will never be around your son because you believe him (your son) and you are doing what is necessary to protect him. And thank him for his honesty and courage to tell you what happened.
  13. Maybe I am jaded but if my DIL told me my husband inappropriately touched a grandchild my reaction would NOT be to deny it could possibly ever have happened. How does she know? How can anyone know FOR SURE their husband didn't do something like this. I would believe the kid. My marriage would probably end over it. And yes I realize the kid, especially at age 4 MIGHT have misunderstood....but I doubt it.
  14. If you stick with it you will b so happy. My dog is 12 now and she sleeps in hers even though we no longer shut the door. And if I ever need to crate her she gives us no problem. When she was a young energetic dog she was suppose to be an outside dog, but she MUCH preferred to be inside with her humans. So she would run to her crate and sit inside with the door open.....eventually she would come out of the crate but stay right by it.
  15. I crate trained my dog as soon as we brought her home at 8 weeks. She never cried. I know that is no help....have you tried crating the dog overnight?
  16. Substitute teacher is a good idea. I am a personal assistant of sorts. :). The flexibility is the greatest part. I generally work Mondays and Thursdays, but my boss is fine with me changing it as needed.
  17. I vote for Elizabeth. It is a beautiful name. If a nick name emerges as she grows so be it. Until then, Elizabeth.
  18. Yes I like tunics! Thank you!
  19. You are charged when you spend it. Sales tax.
  20. We just aren't speaking the same language . You could have said at the very beginning, "I don't mind Bill Gates being super wealthy and I choose to give to charity how I see fit". Which is almost exactly what I said a few posts back. Instead you have gone on and on educating us about accounting terms and attempting to prove that the video is all wrong somehow. Is it really that difficult to admit that there is a huge disparity of income/wealth/both?
  21. And I said "you just" as if it is super simple! It isn't. Lol..but it can be done. Loan officers are used to doing it and will walk you through it.
  22. You just have the purchase contingent upon your sale and ask for the closings to happen on the same day.
  23. It has everything to do with it. And the problems aren't just with addiction. My question to you was where is your compassion for people who are suffering.
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