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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. I wouldn't let any unmarried people sleep together in my house. I wouldn't be singling out my FIL and the girlfriend. Everyone else might handle their life differently but that is how I would handle it. I too seemed to be the last one to get over stuff. I am working on that. I am still angry at my aunt from a horrible thing she did to my parents and me 13 years ago. My anger is for my mom more than me....but my mom has long ago forgiven her.
  2. My son is soooo conservative in his dress. Oh my. So wish he would get some color in his life. He wants black, or grey or maybe burgundy plain t shirts. Jeans. His dress clothes are a little more fashionable. He wears red, green, white, and black dress shirts and a few bright ties, but he won't wear any floral tie or a tie with much print at all. He did wear a pink tie to the funeral of his close friends mom who died of breast cancer. I thought that was sweet.
  3. their conversations crack me up. ""Mandy's dad isINFP". "Well yeah but can we really trust Mandy to type him?" "Robert is ENTP. He typed himself. I wish these people would let me be there when they take the test" "Oh she is a ISFJ". " Well that explains a lot" I do worry he might miss out on some great girl because he thinks their personality type is a bad match, LOL
  4. The mom calls me last night. They are removing her from public school today. :) She couldn't bring herself to do just reading the rest of the year. She is too afraid. So she is signing her up for some thing similar to K12, called Epic...which has to go by state standards but at least she will have her home with her.
  5. If they aren't married they wouldn't be sleeping together in my home. Beyond that I would try to treat her with kindness in the same way you treat anyone with kindest even if they are living contrary to your morals. My best friend and I were married to our first husbands five weeks apart when we were 18. Her husband was like a brother to me. We were all,very close. I trusted him, I respected him. Then ten years into their marriage he turned into a serial cheater and it devastated me. It has been 18 years since my friend finally left him. He eventually straightened his life out, married the last Other Woman and these days lots of people dont even know the history. It took a long time for me to let go of my anger and bad feelings toward both of them. She is my FB friend now and when I see either of them we are very friendly. I remember one time about 3 years after my friend divorced him, he followed me to the parking lot and told me he missed me and he wished things could go back to how they were between us. I said, "well I have lost the urge to bash your head in with a baseball bat but I doubt things will ever be the same". He laughed and said fair enough. My friend got over the situation before I did and that helped me. How does your MIL feel? Is she still angry and bitter?
  6. I agree the reasons for leaving should not be kept secret.
  7. Oh sorry. I should have added IMO.
  8. I see plenty of it. I am not even part of some modesty culture...but leggings without a top that covers the rear just looks icky. Unless you are 3.
  9. My son and his friends are HUGE into personality types. They have like a spreadsheet of everyone they know.
  10. Since we have been married Dh has done a number of things that have upset me so bad I thought I would have a heart attack. Because they were/are things that affect me. Buying a car without getting a properly signed title. Not following through with legal issues involving his kids that I can't do for him. Not following through on getting another vehicle,title corrected....it shows a lein and should not. Getting the notice for tag renewal out of the mail and keeping it in his truck unto it was expired. If that was my co worker I would just think wow.....but all of those things affect me...... But at the end of the day I try to put them in perspective. When I complain he strives to fix what he can. He doesn't just dismiss me.
  11. When I was a kid....I overheard a friend of my mom's tell this "My father told me that if one marries the wrong person the day will come when there is nothing that can do right in your eyes. The way they hold their fork will irritate you". I think of that often.
  12. Having had a failed long term marriage I have given this a lot of thought. I think sometimes when we begin to view a person in a certain way we are absolutely blind to any changes that person makes. (Good or bad). Relationships take attention. That is not the same thing as work to me....the attention I give my current marriage is a joy. But I absolutely do not ignore or tolerate in silence my Dh.
  13. I think I easily could have turned into contempt if you had not been proactive and found a solution.
  14. No. I haven't seen that no I wouldn't let a boy or girl wear leggings as pants.
  15. I was 11 using a gas stove to cook fried potatoes before my mom got home from work. No way I would trust myn15 yo to do that. He really is quite spacey, bless his heart.
  16. I let my almost 16 year old use our electric stove but boy does it make me nervous. He is so all over the place I really worry he will catch the house on fire. My bonus boy is a year younger and I have trusted him for several years. The difference between the two in the kitchen in just unbelievable.
  17. True. I had a ten year term for 250k for just $17 a month.
  18. Yes you said what I was thinking but I had already irritated people....
  19. Life insurance is untaxed. I guess the gains on it would be income but probably not much. But I do t know for sure either.
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