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Everything posted by Occasionally

  1. If you haven't done any Jules Verne, like Around the World in Eighty Days, each chapter ends with a cliffhanger--my two oldest really enjoyed that one.
  2. If you want to make your own hat or mittens, you could felt them to make them more windproof.
  3. Yeah, we didn't like it either. We tried the chemistry. My kids apparently don't like their stuff to be too conversational, and I (as a chemist) wasn't thrilled with how it was all presented. I wish I could remember the details on that, but I'd have to pull it out and read through it again to do that.
  4. Nobody in a jail cell has a hacksaw to use, so they'd better get working on an alternative. Creativity is important. In fact, maybe I'll give them a list of all the items they would have access to in a cell, and let them go at it. And if they can mock up (a la Mythbusters) a limb on which to attempt amputation, well, they may find I'm more generous with the hand tools than they think. And Jackass? I got nothin'. They don't even know what that is. :eek: ZOMG. I AM a fascist.
  5. That's it! Spin it in a more positive, affirming way! Then they'll *have* to fix the likes, because we intend to use them to uplift our fellow homeschoolers' spirits. "Okay, you can take the hacksaw, but only because you're going to use it to build your brother a treehouse."
  6. It looks really good! Thanks for posting. I'm checking out 5th grade now...
  7. I'll agree with the "more bang for your buck" idea. We have a 2006 Sedona bought used, now almost 60k miles. No big problems, and if I'd get off my rear and take it in for the recall work then one minor issue would be resolved. I'd probably buy another one.
  8. I visited freerice.com this evening, and found that it has Latin, French, German and Italian vocab, English vocab and grammar, multiplication tables, chemical symbols, and other things I'm forgetting. My bigger two really liked watching the rice grains pile up with each correct answer.
  9. Frontier House episodes are on youtube. Here's a link to the first one.
  10. This is more extreme, but can you carry an empty bottle or jar for him to go in if absolutely necessary? Try Post-its first, but if he absolutely won't go, you can have him use the jar and empty it when he's out of the stall. I've also explained to the kids (this is all four of them now!) that the automatic toilets are trying to help, but sometimes they make mistakes, like anybody does. Sometimes they flush too early, sometimes you have to tell them when to flush. They're trying their best, though. There's nothing like anthropomorphizing the toilets.
  11. Oh, I hope for your sake it's just bruised and not broken. Like Kalmia said upthread, mine hurt for more than a year, and the doctor told me there was nothing that he could do except write a script for 800mg ibuprofen. I used a heating pad at the worst of times, but other than that just had to get through it. Take it easy and I hope you're better very very soon!
  12. My brother lived in Scarborough for a while--I don't know why they left, but they moved to Florida, if that gives a clue. I've enjoyed Maine every time I've been there. The people have always been so nice and--it sounds funny to say it--every car stops when it looks like a pedestrian is about to cross a road. That isn't something that happens here, but it makes me feel like the people there care about other people a little bit more.
  13. We lived in FL when I was a kid. The taught us in school how to run away from an alligator. ETA: I forgot that I had a substitute teacher for my first week or so of school there. The regular teacher had been bitten by a black widow spider. And we had a scorpion in the laundry room. My mom was unhappy in FL, to say the least. We lasted about 2.5 years.
  14. Hope you've got some answers by now, KK!
  15. I prefer not to live my life in fear. I don't wish to fear that I might be the wrong type of person, or do the wrong thing, be caught up in the wrong form of Christianity or whatever. Then I might be denied the Eternal Reward. Pah. That's no way for me to live my life. And like I posted upthread: Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but...will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones
  16. I'm hoping things are going smoothly for you and recovery is swift! Take care of yourself!
  17. So you're telling me that I wasn't Christian anyway, right? So really I didn't "turn away" from it, no matter how religious I was. What a comfort. I was damned from the start because I didn't conform to what you say a real Christian is. :angelsad2: I'm so sorry that you feel you need to speak this way to other people. :(
  18. It's not so much that I turned away, it's that I realized I was running towards...nothing. Religion gave me nothing that I needed, no matter how fast and how far I ran towards it. When I stopped all the striving, it was far more peaceful than religion had ever been.
  19. We got a gold minivan and I wasn't thrilled with the color, but it's just a color. It's just a car. It does what we need. A paint job probably isn't too expensive, relatively speaking. It could be worth looking into, if it's that rough on your eyes.
  20. Is this what you were thinking of? It was wrongly attributed to Marcus Aurelius: “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.â€
  21. What a good idea! My DS8 isn't quite at an age where he's going off for ages without me or DH, but when he's had camps or activities, he carries a small string backpack with his epipens and benadryl in it, along with emergency contact info for me and DH. Definitely ask for two twin-packs, so you get four epipens.
  22. I had mine pulled on a Saturday morning and spent the rest of the day getting ready for my now-DS4's first birthday party. Never took the Vicodin they prescribed, I think maybe a dose of ibuprofen once? No swelling, no problems. Sure, everybody is different, but that's what happened to me.
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