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Everything posted by iwka

  1. You can easily go to 1A and add as you go in between (i.e. when starting addition, do addition games for drill) and stretch it. I would rather do this then "do" smth in between. My oldest did 1A-2B alternating with Miquon but I did mot do it again with the others...
  2. We've started listening to the Focus on the Family version and the kids are enjoying it, but I wonder how abridged is it? Anyone knows? Which versions (unabridged) are also dramatized?
  3. There is a Petty School Reading Course at the CLAA that teaches Latin and English in that order.
  4. 6th and 4th an 1st http://majorchangeacademy.wordpress.com
  5. If you go in the morning (8am I think) to the Washington Monument, they give free tickets. http://majorchangeacademy.wordpress....gton-monument/ http://majorchangeacademy.wordpress....washington-dc/ http://majorchangeacademy.wordpress....washington-dc/
  6. This might help: (and it's totally Catholic) Why Modern Schools Fail : Philosophy Why Modern School Fail: Culture
  7. Sorry, but I've just seen it. Well, for my dd11, we are signed up for an online course called Classical Vocabulary, but she is also taking another course at the CLAA which corresponds with the Vocab course. My ds 9 is just doing Wordly Wise online, since he is not ready for the same course as his sister.
  8. Thanks for watching it. This story was buried for over 40+ years, because it was so politically incorrect during Communism. But even now Russian government does not want to admit these killings. It's outrageous. In some countries they don't want to even show this movie (like Italy), although people are demanding it. Btw, the director of the movie, Wajda (2000 honorary Oscar winner) , lost his father there...
  9. It still amazes me that people around the globe still don't know when the war started. My mom was born during the war (I am Polish) in Poland. My grandmother (who just died few weeks ago) was sent from her forced labor in Germany to Poland to have my mom. She had to leave her few days after and go back. My mom did not see my grandmother for 7 years. 6 000 000 Poles (half of them Polish Jews, who lived in Poland for generations, being received there after persecutions had them flee for at least four centuries to our country) died during the war. 1/4 of our nation. And that was only after 20 years of freedom we've had as a nation between the world wars, because Poland was partitioned for over 100 years before WWI. After the WWII we were "sold" by our allies to Stalin and only since 1989 we are free again, while Germany was helped right after the war by our allies. This is a good article in The Independent today about what happened 70 years ago. My short entry in my blog: http://iwka.wordpress.com/2009/09/01/70-years-ago/
  10. Union Station in Kansas City (and elsewhere probably too) is showing Van Gogh: Brush with Genius, preview I found this that may go nicely with the movie: http://www.bigmoviezone.com/filmsearch/movies/teacher_guides/pdf/VanGogh_edu_eng.pdf
  11. You may be interested in looking into the CLAA (The Classical Liberal Arts Academy - online), which is very similar to what D. Campbell's book (LCC) is about. They also have a Forum, but you need to register to get a full access. There you can read about families enrolled in the program, their schedules etc.
  12. Raw food for a month. http://www.rawfor30days.com/themovie.html I watched it and it shocked me. Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzdhBo4pbgE&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rawfor30days.com%2Ftrailer.html&feature=player_embedded#t=98
  13. Boil water, add browned beef cubes (like for stew), onions. Boil for 45 min or so. Add cubed beets, sliced carrots, cubed potatoes, root of parsley sliced (or green parsley leaves). Boil until the veggies are soft. Add caraway seeds, salt, pepper, garlic, lemon juice, tomato sauce. Pour to the bowls, top with sour cream and shredded FRESH dill. You may add hard boiled eggs, sliced.
  14. 1. http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/borscht/ 2. Boil them for 30 minutes, peel, slice, sprinkle with mint leaves, sour cream (real yogurt is better, like Greek or Bulgarian), dill, a little salt, lemon juice - heaven...well...almost 3. grate them raw, add to your every day salad 4. Boil them until soft, peel, grate. On a pan: some butter, beets, pressed garlic, salt, sugar, pepper, caraway. End with sour cream and lemon juice (it will look pink and purple!) - extraordinary
  15. Unit 1 completed and available for purchase in DE format NOW! Unit 2 completed and available for purchase in DE format in late summer. Unit 3 completed and available for purchase in DE format soon after Thanksgiving. Unit 4 completed and available for purchase in DE format early in 2010. This was taken from here Unit 1 is ready and the supplements for it are going on sale now:
  16. We did and it was terrible. We bought a laptop for a friend who was visiting from another country, to be exact - he bought it, but we did it for him on our eBay account through PayPal. The seller disappeared, took the money. It was such a hassle that PayPal closed our account because the whole story was to strange for them. The police said they don't have time for such cases (finding the seller that is, who took the money). :001_huh: The bottom line was: our friend lost his money, we lost Pay Pal account.
  17. That looks good, Tracey...I wish it could be for free. There are many more options for Apple users. Even iPhone flash cards are looking ok.
  18. I am looking for a good flash card generator with games etc. I found quizlet, but thought that maybe someone knows about something even better. It would be useful if it would have special fonts and characters. Thanks
  19. Did not read any responses, but if you are a Christian, you believe that Bible is a revealed word of God. The problems occur whenever Christians start to interpret the Bible and form ideas, opinions, doctrines. The question is always: who is the authority?
  20. I wouldn't do it if I was you. We have no TV for few years now, but my kids are watching smth educational daily. I get movies form the library or I find video clips on the internet. For the last year or so for fun we are watching Little house on the prairie. We are on season 7, but it took a year at least to get there. Occasionally we get Mc Donald's $1 movie, but they rarely have smth decent, so it's really seldom thing for us. Sometimes I think that it would be so fun to have an access to an animal planet and national geographic, but with the internet we get what we need. I just think that the time spent watching TV is a waist of time, bc of commercial time (not even saying nothing about the influence of the junky things being promoted) taking 1/4 of the real program's time and just because there are so many things we can do other than that. If I would have $$$ I would subscribe to Discovery home school streaming.
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