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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. It exhausts my brain and keeps my thoughts from wandering to things that I'm worried about. Insomnia has been a real problem for me over the years.
  2. Such a funny episode. I *heart* The Office. As for gross things, my dh is a very neat and clean guy, but he has one awful habit. Recently he taught my ds how to blow snot rockets when there isn't tissue around :( Ds 5, loves using his new skill indoors :eek: I could kill my husband.
  3. Most strangers don't really want to know why we homeschool. If you do explain your reasons, most people are going to feel defensive. If I am asked why, my answer depends on what I sense from the person. If I sense genuine interest, I may go into detail. If I sense that they want me to prove something to them, then I give them a generic, "My husband and I feel that it's the best choice for our family." And leave it at that. There will always be critics.
  4. Which is very fluid, and sometimes I think hard to measure progress. I would focus on the 3 Rs and do something like CLE or ACE. Those programs come in very little, bite sized chunks. It seems like she needs to build some momentum and feel like she's gaining ground. The paces (that's what ACE calls each packet) are short and with each one, she can feel like she's accomplishing something. I would ditch history and science, with the exception of some read alouds or library books geared to her reading level. If she loves the arts, I would continue to pursue that in your school time, so she has something that she can really look forward to each day. Have you gone back to re teach phonics? If her early education at school didn't cover that enough, that could explain her reading and spelling difficulties. I'm just thinking out loud here, so feel free to chuck anything that doesn't apply : ) As the others suggested, I would have her evaluated. It never hurts to cover all of the bases. Hugs,
  5. I love MUS. I don't have a bad thing to say about it. It sounds like it may be a good option for your 6yo. I don't think it'll help your 9yo. MUS will have you stay on the same chapter until the facts are memorized. They don't use any unique method for memorizing facts, just going step by step through each set of facts. For your 9yo, I would be working on memorization every day. It's a critical step. If he doesn't have his math facts down, every single thing he learns from here on out will be hampered by that. Believe me, I can relate. My 5th grader took a LOOOOONG time to get her facts down. We used memory songs, and just constant drill. Even now, every once in a while she'll forget a set of facts, and we will drill them the rest of the day. Funny thing is, this is a kid who can memorize entire chapters of the bible. hth,
  6. As for involvement, he doesn't do any of the homeschooling. His involvement is in supporting me. He backs me up with everything and has never criticized me or "followed up" on me. He also has zero to do with curriculum choices. While he'll hear me through, he has no real interest in methods or other nitty gritty hs topics. It's really the perfect balance for us.
  7. I'm planning out our first grade year and I'm using a lot of new materials. If I use FLL and WWE along with LHFHG, is that going to be overkill? I want to eventually use FLL and WWE, but I'm not sure if I should start next year. It seems like it would be a good idea, but I don't want to overdo pencil time for my ds. I was originally heading toward using MFW 1st grade, but there was a lot of substituting that I was going to do. Then I found LHFHG and it seems like it would be a good fit. I am not a check all the boxes type of person, so if you think it can be done with a little modification, I'm open to that. Thanks,
  8. We just moved TO Santa Cruz! I've also lived in New Orleans, so we've done the big drive. I'm really not sure about between you and Cali, because we've only ever driven it straight, with no sight seeing. Once you're here, I think Yosemite is a can't miss. It's literally at the top of my list. If you aim for Santa Cruz, you can visit Henry Cowell State Park. There are redwoods here that are over 1000 years old. Henry Cowell is right next to a railroad (I'm totally blanking on the name of it right now) that does tours through the mountain. They also have a train that brings you right down to the boardwalk in Santa Cruz. The boardwalk is a beach side amusement park. In Monterey (about 45 min from here), there is a wonderful aquarium. You can also hit San Francisco in a little over an hour drive. I grew up in So Cal. If I were visiting, I think Nor Cal is the place to go. Southern Cali has plenty of amusement parks, but it's a concrete jungle. Nor Cal is just BEAUTIFUL. hth,
  9. I had a neighbor who was a school teacher and VERY anti homeschool. After telling me of a "hs failure" kid who got put into her classroom, I explained it to her this way. "If I went to the high school and picked out the kid who was failing everything, would you allow me to hold him up as a representative of ALL public schooled children? Well, that's how I feel about this child you are talking about. He isn't any more a representative of homeschooling, than a failing public school student is a representative of public schooling." That was pretty much the last I heard about it from her. I use the same argument for "socialization." If a kid is socially awkward as a hser, he would be so as a ps. And vise versa. It's been an effective response for me.
  10. Here's what I did- I took a great black and white picture of our dd, and then photoshopped in her birth stats. I printed off a bunch of 4 x 6's and bought pink envelopes. That's it. I know people who have put together gorgeous, elaborate home made announcements, complete with card stock, ribbon and velum, but that is a lot of work. Especially if you are not crafty to begin with. Especially with a newborn. I felt like our announcement was beautiful and simple. I'll try to post it for you. hth,
  11. It's not so much that Core 3 is too hard for a 3rd grader, it's throwing the 1st grader in as well. As for just a 3rd grader by themselves, I think it's totally doable, but some parts of it (like Landmark) may be harder to get through. I think it's all about how much a kid is going to absorb. I feel, that at least for my kids, it would be a lot of work, for not as much return. For example, my last 2 are 2 years apart. I still haven't decided when I'm going to start Sonlight with them. I really want my youngest to get just as much as the oldest, but I know that's not going to happen. So the happy middle would be to choose a core that lands right between the 2. It could also be that when we did core 3, we did 5 day/advanced, with a 4th grader. So our workload was very heavy. That may be clouding my view of doing it with a 3rd grader. I guess the bottom line is what is the goal for the youngest? If the goal is to keep them together, all the way through elementary school, then I would choose a core that's lower. If the goal is just to go through a couple of years of SL and then split them into different cores, then you could just have the first grader tag along for Core 3 and 4, then pop back to Core 1 and 2, or do something different. I would not want to head into cores 5 + with a child that's 2 years under the Core. That's just my personal preference.hth,
  12. I would not do Core 3 with a 3rd and 1st grader. So far, we've always done a core that's a step behind grade level and that really seems perfect. If you really want to do American history next year, I would look at other programs. But if you want to do Sonlight, I would start with core 1 or core 1+2. hth,
  13. We've done this. Tell the people you are close with individually. Do not give any details as to why, other than God is calling you out of that ministry. Write a letter to the elders and pastor, explaining the why. Those are things that need to be shared with them. Unless you've already gone to them about it, then I wouldn't bother with the letter. And that's it. hth,
  14. Sending him off would not even be an option for me. Obviously, you're talking to a homeschooler, so that is exactly what I would do. Now, if you really don't want to bring him home, I would consider looking into other schooling options. Are there charter or private schools in your area? Are there any non traditional private school programs available to you, that would involve a classroom setting 1-3 days a week, and a homeschool setting the rest?
  15. My 10dd just doesn't like taking showers. I just don't understand it. We make her, of course, but she moans about it. Then she takes forever to get out. She's like that about brushing her teeth too. I have to check that she's done it, or she'll "forget." She's actually a pretty image conscious girl. She pays attention to her clothes, her accessories, ect. That's the weird part. A child that wants to look cute, but doesn't want to be bothered with keeping clean.
  16. Coffee was my thought too. :D Yeah, that's what I was thinking. My 10yo actually makes my coffee for me in the morning. She knows that she really can't start school till then. For us, it's SL read alouds, hands down. That's where our real joy in school happens.
  17. I was just poking around on homeschoolestore and I saw a few ebooks for covering the election. Have you used any of these downloads or other sources? This would be for my 5th grader. I really don't want to put together my own study of the elections. I'd like something that explains the process, but won't take a lot of time or effort. We're already playing catch up after a cross country move, so keeping it simple is the name of the game for me. It just dawned on me that here we are in our second year of US history and I don't want to miss this chance for her to learn and observe the whole process. Any input would be appreciated!
  18. We use SL, and we generally stick to their plan. We cover a lesson of MUS a week, unless something needs more practice. We do a lesson of Abeka Language a day. We do a chapter of science every other week, a lesson of spelling a week, ect. I don't really feel the need to plan out anything, because everything we use pretty much breaks down into the school year anyways. If I was an uber-mom like some of the ladies here and I designed my own lessons and modified all of my curriculum, I could see how that would require planning. That's why I could never make my millions being like the people who designed TOG, or SL, or any of the other curriculums. I just hand over my money and kindly take their hard work : ) I do have to look ahead to get library books for my Ker, but that really takes almost no effort. So far, it's worked for us.
  19. That was very helpful. Much appreciated,
  20. We're doing mfw K this year, and I'm debating whether or not to do it for 1st grade. Part of me wants to piece meal things and do FLL, ETC, HWT, and fill in science/history just with library books. But, I really have enjoyed MFW K, and if their 1st grade is as good, I think that would be nice too. Does anyone have any experience with it? Thanks,
  21. key statement being "who has ties to NO." There are a whole lot of people who don't have ties, that love to give Bush total blame for Katrina. Ignoarance seems to foster creativity when looking back on history. That applies equally in both directions- left or right. As for Reagan, my homeschool education hasn't reached the twentieth century yet, and Lord knows my public school education isn't going to help, LOL. I love the scope of things we get to discuss on these boards.
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