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Everything posted by Eos

  1. Cabbage, celery, cilantro, and zucchini an avocado cranberries Beets, carrots, red cabbage, onions, garlic, celery This challenge is really working for me, thanks for starting it @Soror! When I went shopping yesterday I had to really focus on getting the veggies on hand.
  2. I'm so sorry, that must be terrifying for you both. Hugs.
  3. Yay!! Congratulations @Kalmia So glad you were able to make it @MEmama. I'm sure it was lovely, can't wait to read it too.
  4. It's happening. Today is the day. Today I am home for the first time in 34 years with no kids, no homeschooling, no job, no plan. I've already walked 5 miles, put compost on the garden, vacuumed the downstairs, and did the dishes. Instead of rushing into town to mail two things, I'm about to curl up on the couch with some mint tea and a very large book I've been wanting to read for months. Three days since I wrote this and yes, I've managed to do all these things each day, woohoo 🙂. Shouldn't seem like such an accomplishment but it is.
  5. Cabbage and zucchini walnuts and almonds pinto beans, greens, a whole kubocha squash, kale I'm getting the hang of it, but man that's a lot of veg - I have very little appetite for anything else which might be the point. Editing: I just read the original link and nuts don't count. And leafy greens are on top of it all! I'm a little slow.
  6. Ugh, dd is not coming home for Thanksgiving, but I guess it makes sense. They only have the weekend and the travel takes almost a whole day each way. The Sunday is her birthday and she won't be here/we won't be there. I'm sad but I'm planning a nice box to send with birthday/harvest themes.
  7. I love going to very old graveyards and picking out the rhyming epitaphs. Quakers will only use totally plain, simple stones so I can't go there with anything else but I love to see interesting ones. I once saw a gravestone that had a poker hand - a royal flush - carved into it. Around here there are lots of ones with a sinking ship meaning the person was lost at sea. Yours? I don't know why but I assumed you meant those of your kids when I read this.
  8. Yesterday was greens, a salad of kale, garbanzos, tofu, cabbge, and carrots then roasted cauliflower, celery, and salad. Lots of veggies but nowhere near 800 g.
  9. I'm so sorry. I'm grieving with my ddil when I think that 0 is the hardest number.
  10. I usually give wine, unscented candles, and/or food items I've made like jam or syrup. I know I learned that from my mother and I love it when my kids ask me for hostess gift suggestions.
  11. Arugula and kale Cabbage and salsa Garbanzos, greens, tabouli, roasted zucchini, cabbage, apple
  12. We love this harvest day. The best turkey in the world with boatloads of gravy, stuffing made from dh's bread, kale salad from the garden, cranberries from the bog, pies from our apples and berries. Delicata squash and brussel sprouts though our sprouts are tiny this year from lack of sun. Homemade pickles and cheeses and homemade jam for apps. I didn't grow any spuds this year so will buy those for garlicky mashed. Sauerkraut for dh and creamy balsamic boiling onions for dd. Wine, cider, mint tea.
  13. Holding you and your family in the Light. I'm so sorry.
  14. Narrator: "In fact, Eos did not complete her life's new chapter outline." Instead I've been traveling and visiting my sister whose terminal cancer diagnosis and subsequent stabilization has now shifted to progression. We've had a really good week of hiking and hanging out. She's begun a new chemo regimen that either will or will not show results in a few weeks but the research holds nothing good. I supported her as she hit send on an email telling her boss she would be taking leave and I felt like I had done one thing right. I'm heading home today. My November goals are to call my sister, hike, eat 800 g of veg, and be kind to myself every day. Anything else is optional.
  15. I'm getting dd a pair of these this year and decided I would like one too. The shearlings are so soft and cozy! Is that what you bought?
  16. Closer to 2 cups yesterday and I noticed I was hungrier. Today was easy with many bowls of a thick soup of onions, carrots, celery, acorn squash plus a panful of greens for breakfast. I'm not on track to achieve the thirty days but it's a great challenge.
  17. Same, and I like it better than potluck which I don't like as a word. To carry in is nice!
  18. I have two situations like this, around both daughters. One is my oldest dd's longtime and current bestie who totally ditched my daughter when friend left homeschool for high school, and on the mom level, the moms of the kids who hurt my younger dd (we were happy when they left our world for high school.) The mama bear is real. I've wondered why this depth of anger and hurt resonates so hard and at the risk of sounding horribly new age, I'll venture that it triggered old stuff inside myself around losing my bestie at a vulnerable time (7 th grade) and never really "fitting in" after that. I try to forgive my younger self for being vulnerable, give myself compassion for having no adults that noticed or helped me grieve, and I try to untangle my own hurt from that of my daughters'. All that said, I can still easily imagine myself verbally tearing into this young woman and these moms so I need to start all over again with examining my own triggers and summoning grace.
  19. This is perfect for a family we know. Yum to all these.
  20. Besides cookies? I need some inspiration! Homemade items I've received include eggnog and spice mixes.
  21. The city I'm visiting has its giant tree up. On the one hand I could be a curmudgeon and think it's "too commercial" a la Charlie Brown but maybe the holiday feelings will calm folks down a bit...myself included I guess. Icelandic Christmas is sounding better and better.
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