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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Need a system, being burried alive! Sister you need a shovel!!! Forget the system! Just dig!
  2. hehehehe It was a really interesting look behind the scenes at fashion shows and those red carpet events. That part was interesting to me and I liked Whitney and Laura, but Heidi when she is with Spencer has got to be one of the most frustrating things to witness ever. I would scream and throw things at the t.v. Yeah, it was awful, but I still watched the whole thing! lol :blushing:
  3. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: Too funny! I was thinking the same thing. hehehe To the OP, I don't have cable and also barely watch t.v so that significantly narrows the field for me, but I did check the entire series of The Hills out of the library TWICE! hehehehe It was the first and I guess the only, reality show I've ever seen. I remember when I first checked it out (because I had read Lauren Conrad's style book and liked it and got curious about her show) I remember watching it thinking, "Ugh this is so stupid! I can't believe people actually watch this garbage!" and then I got totally hooked and just kept watching show after show after show. lol I think I got every single piece of clothes that I had piled up for ironing done watching it! lol Then I checked it out a second time. Yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment! lol I don't know if it's considered reality tv or not, but I started watching Fashion Star on NBC (just finished tonight) and got really into that show as well. :)
  4. How to keep 2 year old in bed? rope and velcro straps should do the trick! :)
  5. Woo Hoo!!!! Looking real good mama! :hurray: Feel better! :grouphug::grouphug:
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Oh sweetie, I"m sorry you're in so much pain and going through all of this! That stinks. I hope the meds the doc gave you works soon and you can get some relief. I hope you're able to get some rest. My thoughts and prayers are with you! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  7. That's cool that you have the same one. :) I had some problems with the tension too when I first got it, but my husband helped me sort it out and now it's perfect! IIRC there was a screw that he adjusted that got it just right. :)
  8. Awww that's nice! Happy Mother's Day to you too and all the lovely ladies here! :)
  9. LOL apparently the seller of the image was convinced it was the same man and started the rumors/controversy. hehehehe So strange!
  10. I don't know if he did or not. I know he is related to Francis Ford Coppola so their family may not have even been in the is country during the time of the Civil War. Apparently the soldier in the picture was from Tennessee. The person who discovered the photo became convinced that it truly was Nicolas Cage and that he was a real-life vampire! LOL Nicolas Cage apparently had to defend himself and convince people that he wasn't really a vampire and that although the image did look like him that there were obvious differences as well. LOL Can you imagine being accused of being a vampire? I swear, weirdness just follows Nicolas Cage around. hehehehehe
  11. I know right! They all look exactly like them! I was amazed. I never knew Paul Revere looked like Jack Black! hehehehhehe
  12. I was checking my email on Yahoo and saw this article. I have to say it was pretty uncanny so I went in search of the other pictures that were mentioned in the arcticle and they cracked me up. I figured someone might enjoy it here. :) The Jack Black one is my favorite! hehehehe Here are the image URL's. :) Rocky Civil War Soldier Paul Revere
  13. LOL You're a better woman than me. hehehehe I wish I could say something like that, but I would wind up feeding them anyway. hehehe I actually just ate my first meal of the day and it's going on 6pm! I've done dishes, cleaned the living room and cooked 3 different things for everyone else though. It's weird because everyone is upstairs and I'm down here by myself cooking. I feel like I"m all alone. DH is sleeping, dd is drawing and ds is watching videos upstairs. Oh well, I guess I'll see them when they come down to eat. lol btw, happy birthday! I hope it's wonderful. :)
  14. I use it to chat with Rosie. I love talking with her in real time versus PM's. :)
  15. ooooh have fun! We had some manatees in the water just a few days ago here on the east coast. :) That would be so cool if you saw something like that. :)
  16. That's so cool! I have yet to meet anyone IRL that I've met online. Maybe someday I'll fly to Australia and visit Rosie. :)
  17. Oh how awful! I'm so sorry Amber. I hope he makes a full recovery poor thing! :grouphug: :grouphug:
  18. Congratulations!! How exciting! You go girl! :hurray: :cheers2: :thumbup:
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