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Everything posted by dangermom

  1. I'm halfway through Warriors of God, a double biography of Richard I and Saladin. At the moment, Richard is being particularly greedy, which is destroying the cohesion of the Crusader forces and will land him in prison on his way home. I'm hoping to have that finished for next week's post. So I read a short, light book on the side this week, and it's The Bad Book Affair[/i] by Ian Sansom. It's a Mobile Library mystery!
  2. We used to keep our GPs outside as long as the weather was warm enough. They'll freeze in cold weather.
  3. I want to scrub my bathroom walls and trade some books in my kids' room (we have too many books so we cycle them like a lot of people do with toys). I've already super-cleaned the laundry room, gotten a big bag of clothes to donate, and done some organizing.
  4. Mulan's parents live! But yeah, on the whole you have to get rid of the parents in order to have an adventure.
  5. Some of that really does sound illegal. I'd tell the police the content of the messages. If they're quite horrible, you might also let the school principal know, and mention that sad recent case about the girl who killed herself from this type of thing. You can point out that your son is handling this just fine, but who else are they doing this to? And also, get a new cell phone. Keep the old one for proof. You might like to read "The Gift of Fear," which has a whole section on phone harassment. That guy oughta write an essay about texting harassment and post it online...
  6. I think it unlikely in the extreme that the cupcakes would be poisoned.
  7. I'd also wait until the end of the semester and the A, and be sure to participate a lot and generally do great. But I think (if it was me) that while doing a zinger would be very tempting, it might be better to approach it more gently.
  8. See, I'm pretty sure that in 10 years or so, I will be writing this about my in-laws. They lost their house a couple of years back, and my husband went over there to help them move. Of course they were totally unprepared and hadn't packed, and he was horrified. When he was little they weren't like that, it was messy (6 kids) but totally livable and within the range of normal. It isn't anymore. I also kind of agree with Impish--I watch this show and feel like I'm being a voyeur into other people's mental illnesses, and it's kind of awful. At the same time, I use it, because of my in-laws and my worries about myself.
  9. I live in fear that I will become one of them. I like to get rid of stuff, and my house is fine, but I certainly have cluttery tendencies. We have not been to my in-laws' in years because they are cluttery and hoardery. Not to TV-show levels, but I worry that it will get worse and we'll have to deal with it.
  10. Drink a glass of water and go for a 2-mile walk.
  11. I'd sew it to a new blanket by carefully zigzagging around the edges and using some anti-fray stuff on the twiddly bits. Only you probably shouldn't do that if it goes in her mouth. It's a lot like glue and dries invisibly.
  12. I think that would be a super-bad idea. Eggs explode under pressure in a microwave. That often ruins the microwave. If there's some way to hard-boil eggs in a microwave, I do not know about it.
  13. It's that mothers are supposed to give their entire lives to their children, obliterating themselves in the process, and not expect anything back. Nope, not less disturbing now.
  14. They left off this one. It's worse. Here's a second post about it. Don't click if you're easily upset.
  15. Meh. I'm also a raving anglophile, but still...meh.
  16. Is she maybe planning to discuss the whole controversy/fighting thing? She's a social studies teacher, not a science teacher, so that is what I would think. "Issues of the day" type of discussion.
  17. I wouldn't take that as a request for presents, just a 'we're excited!' thing. A reply saying "Happy Birthday!" or no reply at all is fine.
  18. Ha! Margery Kempe is on my to-read pile too. But I just started Warriors of God, a double biography of Richard I and Saladin. Really interesting. It's no wonder Saladin is still such a hero. OK, I read The Children's Book and The Last Days of Socrates.
  19. For those wondering, here is a plot summary of New Moon. OK, it's a hilarious lolcats version. Even if you don't like lolcats, which I don't, you must read it. Because it's funny.
  20. Sure, they can, but I don't think they do mostly. Not for the last 800 years or so.
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