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Everything posted by dangermom

  1. It's been a little while, but issue #11 was just sent out. I haven't gotten mine yet.
  2. Record a video of them wishing him well, singing a song, and showing artwork. Send the artwork along in an envelope. Send the video in email or post online.
  3. I really feel that it's an issue between a couple and God, and that prayer is the way to figure out what is best for each family. I don't know that there is a universal rule--for one family, openness might be right, while for another two children is best. For us, I had planned a bunch o' kids, but when I wanted #3 my husband pointed out that my body might not take it too well. After much prayer (mine consisted of "If this is Your plan then You'd better tell me because I'm not happy!") we came to the decision. It was confirmed to me when my desire for children was taken away--one day, I wanted more children terribly, and the next it was gone and never came back. So we have felt very secure that this is the plan for us. I'm not sure you ever get what you want! So I don't think you can just say "Having as many children as possible is God's plan for everyone and what a true Christian will do"--AFAIK it isn't.
  4. My 9yo daughter has a bunch of food allergies, and we have just listed the most serious on her bracelet. It says: Allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, all legumes. Carries Epipen Jr. [acct. number] If you have a MedicAlert bracelet, it lists the account number and emergency personnel know to access that for complete information.
  5. I agree with Tara: "Yep, that's me!" with a big grin. Maybe a t-shirt! :D
  6. I read Death from the skies! by Phil Plait, a great astronomy book--it goes through all the ways the universe could kill us horribly, most of which are extremely unlikely. I finished the Aeneid and read The Red Pyramid, and now I'm reading three heavy non-fiction books at once, so they're all going slowly. Oh, I'm nearly done with Beautiful Girlhood.
  7. IME most guys don't really react that well to P&P. Maybe you could think of something a little more guy-friendly? Horatio Hornblower maybe?
  8. Yes, we have several couples that we like to go out with or get together with. We are trying to be more social, so we're doing it more now.
  9. Oh, it is huge. Of course, a lot of my problem came from years of wearing cheap shoes! We were utterly broke when I first got the pf diagnosed and I just wore sneakers with inserts for about a year, which did help but not much. Now that I've spent big money on shoes, it's really going away. I have two pair and no more. Old shoes are not as good--they wear out. So if your shoes are 4 years old, you should look into getting better ones. It's still cheaper than custom orthotics!
  10. I stretch my feet before I get up in the morning, make sure to keep them warmed up throughout the day, and wear good shoes. It's improving tremendously, is gone in one foot and much less in the other--I think it will go away if I keep it up. I did go see the doctor at first, and his first recommendations were for good shoes. I wear Dansko clogs at home and Keen hiking shoes with inserts when out. I love love love them.
  11. Some kids (like mine!) have the common sense of ice cubes. :001_smile:
  12. I'm not Catholic, but here are my thoughts. I agree that it's a good idea to go even when you aren't in the mood; it can be kind of like a job, where you are committed to go whether you want to or not, and the rewards come from that commitment. I don't know how old your daughter is, but if you keep her home for a while make sure it's quite a short while. Kids get trained for church or not, and even if you don't get a lot out of those days when she is wiggly, you're setting a foundation for her for years to come. I've done a family thing instead of church when we are sick. It's nice, but not the same. :grouphug:
  13. Yeah, that sheet is not worth keeping. Tell your husband to go buy a new one.
  14. I'm not really a country girl, but compared to my husband I am. He has never been to a county fair--we're taking him to his first one tomorrow. (Usually my mom and I take the kids. And he did go to the State Fair once, but that just isn't the same.)
  15. I KNOW! No AC, it was 110 for half the summer, we had vinyl seats in our station wagon, I never wore shoes...we took a lot of swimming lessons and went to the library afterwards, I remember. But how the heck did my mom survive it?
  16. I don't like the heat and I just sort of melt. I've been very grateful for the long, cool spring we've been having! I do enjoy the change of pace, swimming, and all the fruit.
  17. I read another Kage Baker novel and Thomas Sowell's take on the housing bubble. Finally finished the Aeneid, yay! Still working on Hayek. And loving my "In search of London" book--I'm telling you, if you're an Anglophile or history person, this is the book for you.
  18. At the moment, journalism is having a terrible time. Journalists everywhere are being laid off in droves. So I'd encourage her to go for a different degree with a minor in journalism or something.
  19. :bigear: I want to know too, because I don't. Esp. right now as we're winding down--the house gets completely wrecked and now that it's summer I'm climbing back to a liveable house.
  20. I find that FB's format isn't really conducive to deep debate. I don't usually bring up politics or religion or deep issues there. It's much more just for fun, sharing pictures, and playing. (I hide all the games!)
  21. IMO people want to show their thanks, and also they don't want to feel like there's a power imbalance in the relationship. They may not want to feel indebted, like there's nothing they can do to get back 'in balance.' I think you can usually indicate that a plate of cookies sometime would be great (or something similarly small), and they'll feel relieved. It's not the size of the favor that counts necessarily, but the fact of doing it. And hey, sometime you probably could use some babysitting, so why not let them if it makes them happy? I trade favors with friends a lot, but I prefer not to feel like I'm always taking and not giving. Of course, it's something else again when you've just had a baby, or you're very ill, and it's time to just let a lot of people help you out and serve you. That can also be very hard to accept, though.
  22. We use Medic Alert, and it has been great. Happily we've never needed it, though.
  23. Also in elementary school. At least, that's what I remember--I was too young to hear about it right away, I think, and we talked about it a lot at school. It's not like the Challenger, where I remember exactly what I was doing.
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