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Everything posted by jujsky

  1. I wouldn't kiss DH if he had a beard either. Think of all the body parts we shave as women. Is it really that big of a deal to shave his face? DH has mentioned a couple times he'd like to try a beard, but I've told him, "You stop shaving, I stop shaving." My DH did have a mustache prior to meeting me, but a friend convinced him to shave it off. Thank God! I've seen the pictures. It looks like something crawled onto his upper lip and died a slow, painful, greasy death. There's no way I would have dated him because it made him look sleazy and creepy. Some men look good with facial hair -- my DH doesn't.
  2. If your DS is that scared of dogs, I would take the 6 month old over a new puppy. At 6 months, the dog is probably done or close to being done teething. If you get a new puppy, it will be mouthy and it will have needle-sharp baby-teeth. I still have a small scar on my thigh from when my puppy chewed on me! I would think those sharp little teeth coupled with a puppy's natural desire to chew an boisterous nature would be more traumatic for your son. It sounds like your DS is scared of dogs regardless of size, so I don't see how a newer, smaller puppy will be any less scary than a 6 month old dog. If I were you, I'd get this one. He's available, free, still young enough to train up right, and your DH has experience with the breed. Your idea to crate the dog is good. I think having a dog will help your son get over his fear, but as others have mentioned, he may need therapy in addition to the dog to really conquer it. Poor kid! It sounds like it's a debilitating fear well outside the typical range. Best wishes with your decision.
  3. They're getting quilted throws I made for them this summer, they're both getting legos, gift certificates to a couple places (the movies, a pottery place, and Barnes & Noble), DS is getting a video game. DD might be getting a My Twinn doll, though it depends. I bought a couple used dolls and I'm redoing it myself to make it look like her, so if I have time to do it and I don't ruin the doll when I change out the eyes, she'll get it this year. If not, she'll get it for her birthday next September.
  4. Uncertainty is the worst! I hope things work out for you and you hear first thing tomorrow.
  5. We're happy with our Nook Colors, but there aren't as many educational games available for it as there are for the iPad.
  6. I haven't culled anything yet. Everything is working, though some things aren't working as well as I'd like them to be. I'm not in love with History Odyssey, but I built our literature selections around it, so I feel I'm stuck with it for the year. Besides, if I switch just to SOTW at this point, I'd almost have to go back to the beginning and read it in order. I'm also not in love with REAL Science Odyssey, but I think it's more that the levels I chose are too easy, and we're not getting enough books to read along with the program. I'm on the fence about sticking with it next year for Chemistry, which I've heard is good, or switching to NOEO, which sounds more inclusive. Typing and Russian aren't getting done as much as I'd like them to be, but they ARE getting done at least a couple days/week, so we'll keep plugging away at that. Next year, I intend to add US geography, which I've learned is a weak spot for my kids.
  7. My son had a short attention span at that age, but he liked sticker books (I think DK publishes many of them) and sticky tile mosaics like this. He also likes plastic animals, and now that he's older, he likes lego figures. He can spend a lot of time playing with those. Another thing you can try if he has a short attention span and a hard time staying still is something he can fiddle with in his hands while he listens to stories -- squishy balls, a Jacob's ladder, etc.
  8. I had to look them up too. Here's a link in case you don't want to google it. I bet they'd be easy to make.
  9. http://jujsky.blogspot.com/2012/10/halloween-poems-and-pictures.html I like how they came out. The kids did a good job :001_smile:
  10. Is it related to your cycle? I know when I'm near or having my period, one of the things I crave is meat, but especially beef. I swear it's related to iron levels dropping in me or something.
  11. Could it be a child? Wasn't someone's kid here peeing in the heating vents at one time?
  12. That's what I was going to suggest too, since you already have a Ladybug.
  13. You are under no obligation to bail your sister out. If you readily had the money and wanted to, that would be another matter. The fact is, if you're selling things to pay medical bills for your own child, you don't have it. Don't let anyone else make you feel guilty about it either.
  14. Fine here in NH. We didn't even lose power, which is strange. The houses near us were out, and it's usually the opposite. Our friends on Long Island, NY got hammered though! Fortunately everyone is safe and sound, and all the damage was done to their new fence and yard.
  15. Zoey or Stella. Mackenzie is too trendy if you're looking to stay away from that, and Ever is just....strange. It sounds incomplete. Everly is pretty and unusual though -- a friend named her little girl that.
  16. :iagree: My son has been on 27mg for the last several months. 9 and 18 didn't do anything for him. It's worth it to talk to the doctor. You'll know pretty quickly if they bump her up if the medication is working or not.
  17. We're doing that this year as well, but I haven't looked into places to get it published yet. My friend did a yearbook sort of thing for her kids last year, so I'll probably use whatever company she used.
  18. We usually do the following in the morning: spelling (takes about 10-15 minutes) Math (teaching textbooks -- I run around doing cleaning) Grammar, handwriting, or copywork (workbooks -- they do it on their own) Russian and typing (both on the computer, they each do one then switch -- I'm cleaning during this time) Grammar, handwriting, or copywork (whatever they didn't do before Russian/typing) Literature/silent reading The afternoons vary given the day, but we do history or science (some days we do both), home ec, logic, or art (some days more than one), and Artist's/Writer's Workshop
  19. I called off school for the day (all the area schools are closed & we all need a break!) and I've been tackling housework before the power goes out. I've vacuumed and steam-mopped all the downstairs floors, vacuumed the couch, cleaned the cat box, made sure we all showered, washed 2 loads of laundry & dried one (2nd one is in the dryer) and ran a load of dishes through the dishwasher. I still need to pick up random clutter, unload the dishwasher, clean the bathrooms, and take care of the floors upstairs. I'm relaxing with a cup of tea right now.
  20. Ours says it's going to miss us, but we'll get wind and rain. All the local schools are closed, which is pretty dumb.
  21. Not sure if Laughing Lioness has started the blog thread yet. I did a search and couldn't find it. Apologies if she already has and I missed it. Here's mine: http://jujsky.blogspot.com/2012/10/week-12-parties.html
  22. If my husband had a sibling and that sibling had kids, they would definitely be nieces and nephews! I only have one brother, and his lovely wife has always been an aunt to my children (even before they were married). Anything else would be just strange. In my family, my favorite, favorite uncle who I hero-worshipped as a child and has been like a dad to me for a long time is not a blood relation -- he's my aunt's (mom's sister's) husband. I'm closer to him than to any of my mom's 3 brothers or my dad's 2 brothers. No, OP, I've never, ever heard of referring to kids as, "my husband's niece or nephew" before. I find it odd. The only way I can see it is if you married into the family and the nieces and nephews were older teens and adults. You wouldn't have been an aunt to them as little children, so maybe you wouldn't be comfortable referring to yourself as their aunt.
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