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Everything posted by UCF612

  1. Tell them. I was blindsided by a few things as an adult that if I'd just been raised with it being truly common knowledge it would have been a million times easier to deal with.
  2. I don't generally care for treats like that personally. There are already so many treats this time of year and I have no willpower! I also have a food allergy kid and would prefer to keep some things out of the house. Of course I'd be appreciative if I got them. But I'd most enjoy a Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts gift card, even just $5 cause I can save those and use them when I really truly want a treat.
  3. I didn't know until a few years ago. I always thought the signs were specific to that place, like they had old pipes or something. My husband went on tour of the sewer plant with our kids. He came home and immediately told me they said not to flush tampons. I already knew at that point but he had no idea I'd already been putting them well wrapped in the trash.
  4. Mine never grew in but I believe they exist in my gums.
  5. I know it means two but admittedly am a terrible person who uses it to mean a small number.
  6. Let me add that my niece is peanut allergic only whereas my son is peanut plus dairy, egg, and tree nut. I do ensure everything I fix is peanut free and would even if my son weren't allergic. But I know they also don't assume others will do the same and bring her safe food.
  7. My son has multiple food allergies and I never expect people to fix food for him. Quite frankly I wouldn't trust it even if they said it was safe! We ALWAYS bring him his own food. It is a lot to handle if you aren't used to it.
  8. I make a dairy, egg, peanut, tree nut free apple pie. I got the recipe from The Food Allergy Mama Baking book.
  9. We do pumpkin pie, apple pie and chocolate cake. The adults all want all of them hehe. My oldest has multiple food allergies but I make a safe apple pie for him that we all love. It is his favorite thing in the whole world and what he requests at his birthday too. My youngest doesn't like the pies, he asks for chocolate cake. I just buy a boxed mix so it is simple enough to just whip one up for him.
  10. They are fun. My son got one in his Easter basket.
  11. We have an IKEA relatively close, I'll check out their chairs. Thanks! Thank cjzimmer, I'm checking out that site. I'd love to get a really good quality chair. Hopefully they have something I can afford!
  12. I've noticed this a lot. Cyclists who don't follow the rules of the road AT ALL. It is scary!
  13. My office chair is super comfy but I guess during our move the heat in the U Haul must have done something to it since it was totally fine before we moved. Now it is peeling all over. The fake leather is just coming off in chunks which is both really ugly and insanely annoying since now there are black pieces all over the floor. So I need a new chair. I have a few parameters. Not too expensive Comfortable enough for home office use. Not hot - so a mesh type back is preferred. Not fabric (my last chair was fabric and it made me itch constantly) Doesn't need to have wheels (room is carpeted and nothing underneath) but I do like swivel. Thanks!
  14. Where I live pedestrians do have the right of way and you are required to stop to let them pass even if you're the only car driving down the road. BUT it is on BOTH parties to do the right thing. Drivers should stop but pedestrians need to protect themselves and LOOK first! Make sure the car sees you and is stopping. Sometimes you don't realize there is a person waiting to cross until you're right up on them because of cars/signs/trees/whatever. No person should just assume that the driver is paying attention, or knows the law, or sees the person, or or or. Pretty much a universal rule is to never assume a driver is going to do the legal or expected thing.
  15. My youngest was jaundiced, we had to stay 3-4 extra days in the hospital. He was my bigger baby (over 8lbs vs my 6lber) but they said it was due to us having different blood types I think. We did the lights plus formula. I was breastfeeding but we supplemented to get him moving. Definitely better to be safe than sorry.
  16. Yay! That's great. I wish I'd learned to love math as a kid.
  17. Roominate? I've never owned them but just saw an ad (or a post here?) for them the other day.
  18. I get jealous of large families sometimes! Most days I'm content with just having 2 but when I see big families I always get a twinge of jealousy that I don't have more. I think I'd like to have 4 but we're done (for a multitude of reasons) at 2 so I have to learn to love that! We did get accidentally pregnant with a #3 but lost the baby, I was made to feel badly about having 3 kids while pregnant. When I lost the baby I think some people were actually relieved. I don't get it at all.
  19. In your shoes I'd just go ahead and call it done for now. Come back to it fresh after Thanksgiving. I had originally planned to continue until next Tues but have so much house work to do before family arrives I'm calling today it.
  20. First edition then. Thanks! I'll look at first edition level C.
  21. I apologize then, I didn't realize. I know I had Cervadil for my first son. I'm not 100% on what they used the second time, it was something to soften the cervix. Though after reading that last post I assume it was also Cervidil as it was removed when I started hypercontracting.
  22. That's really good to know. I don't remember if I'm using 1st or 2nd edition currently. The book is blue but I didn't see an edition number.
  23. I hadn't thought about planning for if he didn't succeed with BA...that's a good point. He does desperately want to do it because his brother does but that doesn't mean anything about the reality of it. Thanks all! I've got a lot to ponder and research.
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