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Everything posted by UCF612

  1. I can do 3d movies (I've only watched kid's movies in 3d) but I close my eyes during most IMAX stuff.
  2. We were alternating writing with grammar (Fix It). It didn't take the whole year but at the pace we went it took a good chunk. We definitely could have finished in half a year. He also worked on writing a story. He worked on that a little every day.
  3. We love AAR but I picked it, loved it, and never tried any other programs listed here.(we tried Sonlight but didn't like it for phonics).
  4. We do homemade costumes but I need to get started soon to ensure I find what I need.
  5. We did Fable last year. This year we skipped to Narrative 2. I stood in their expo booth with a consultant and went over everything covered in the first three books. Ultimately I decided Narrative 1 was unnecessary for my son. I don't remember much about what exactly lead to that conclusion but the consultant agreed with my choice (she easily could have convinced me I had to do them all). Anyhow, we've only just begun so I can't say it was the right choice.
  6. I enjoyed the show...hated the every five minute commercial breaks on NBC! Rio spent their money well on that projection screen. My kids loved the people jumping/climbing on the buildings.
  7. Thanks! I've never heard of Lucy so I'm definitely going to check that out. Guess I'll be driving to the next town over as they have a lot of theses recommended stores.
  8. We've joined the YMCA because my son is now swimming on their competitive team. So my husband and I are going to start working out there 5 days a week. I've usually been one to work out at home so I wear old race shirts. But now that I'll be in public regularly I NEED more decent clothing. I'm about a size 14 give or give, right now. I'm 5'3" and carry my weight in my midsection. So...what are some great places I should look for workout clothing? I prefer short sleeves, but sleeveless which is what I seem to find most often in regular store athletic sections.
  9. I check everything as soon as possible after they've finished the work. I only have 2 kids so that makes it easier. I check math and writing. For science and history we do oral narrations immediately after our lesson and written ones they bring me when they're done. Spelling is done with me. Reading is done with me for my youngest who is still learning to read.
  10. Awesome! I'm going to compile a container of activity choices. I never would have thought of some of these.
  11. We are doing read aloud intensive curriculum this year. My oldest would happily lay on the couch beside me listening all day. My youngest I'm quickly learning is going to need something to do while we read. I don't want to do Legos. Right now all I can think of ... coloring, playdoh, hand sewing/hand crocheting. He's not too into drawing but I'll make that an option. Any other ideas?
  12. YES! But only on my Kindle. On the computer it is working fine.
  13. I have the Garmin Vivofit 2. It does go in water. I've had people freak out at me when in the pool that I still have my tracker on! Sometimes it doesn't count my movement if my arm is stationary but other times I get credit for things that aren't actually me moving (like the other day I got points during monopoly every time I rolled the dice!). BUT I wear my tracker on my dominant hand so that probably confuses it. I've never tried to track on a stationary bike so I don't know...I'd guess if you strapped it to your foot it would track.
  14. http://loiter.co/v/stranger-things-and-the-80s-movies-that-inspired-i/ Comparison video
  15. Oh man, I'm so sorry. :( I'm glad he got to know such love in the last few days of his life.
  16. Have you seen the comparison video floating around FB ? It shows clips of Stranger Things next to the 80s inspiration clips. Pretty interesting.
  17. In the past we've read whatever strikes my fancy. Books I already own, books from the library, books I find at Goodwill/wherever. I might seek out books I see recommended here, by friends, or on read aloud revival. This year we are doing ELTL and Wayfarers so I'll be using the books in those as read alouds. Plus whatever we discover for audiobooks in the car. In other words I'm not at all organized!
  18. August 1st. This is the first year ever that I'm ready to start back to a daily routine. My kids are not too happy about it but I'm feeling ready to get going. I had planned to start in July but my kids ended up doing a few camps in July. This summer didn't feel relaxed or care free so I'd rather get back to school and then take a break when we need it. We are trying a lot of new things this year. Math is staying the same for both, same cursive for youngest, same W&R for oldest, same reading for youngest, same spelling for both. Everything else is new. I hope we love it and can stick to the same curriculum in the future.
  19. I had a friend in college who frequently bombed tests. We studied together, she knew her stuff as well as I did, and she'd over think every test. I tried to help her go with her first instinct but tests just freaked her out. I am not a fan of tests, they do not always accurately portray knowledge or ability. I've passed tests I should have failed based on good test guessing.
  20. What do you consider married young? We met when I was 19, dated at 20 or 21? Married at 23. Is that young? I sometimes wish we'd waited on having kids and had spent more years saving money and travelling more. I probably should have spent years working but we got pregnant with our oldest when I was in my last semester of grad school and subsequently stayed at home after his birth. My son was born a week after I turned 25.
  21. I circle the problem number of incorrect answers to indicate it needs to be looked at again. When it is corrected I sometimes put a check over the number to indicate it had been rechecked.
  22. I got the printed book. I need hard copy, I don't do well with digital stuff. We start it next week!
  23. We had no trouble the one time we ordered. The glasses were more durable than the pair we got at the eye doctor. I hope your case is just a fluke and they get then shipped asap!
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