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Everything posted by Pegasus

  1. I'm pretty sure that you can sign up for regular insurance and then, if you find a health share that works better for you, just not pay your insurance premiums.
  2. I will pass this recommendation along to DD. I assumed the department would get to see the full evaluation including comments. DD ended up satisfied with her final grade but she should do what she can to help future students. This instructor, at the very least, needs some coaching. The grade on the one project within the course. Not 50% of the student's final grade. I agree that it makes no sense. Yep, your interpretation is correct. The entire class was the group for the project.
  3. This particular instructor was a mess organizationally all semester. She did not provide a syllabus covering the entire course (HUGE red flag, I know) but instead just passed out assignment/project sheets as she assigned them. DD wrote a very detailed course/instructor review at the end of the semester. The saddest aspect is that she was teaching the course on how to be a success in college (study skills, etc.)
  4. Ask for a bite block. This is a little wedge of rubber/plastic that they can put between your teeth on the opposite side. You rest your jaw on the block rather than straining to keep it open. I have no idea why this nifty little device is not standard as it has made major dental work so much easier for me. I ask for it every time my mouth needs to be open longer than a minute or so.
  5. Hmmm. . .my spouse has not been employed for the last 21 years but it sounds like you are actually asking about when neither spouse is employed.
  6. DD16 recently finished her first two dual enrollment courses. One of her instructors assigned a project to the class as a whole as the last project of the semester. A student's grade was based 50% on their individual contributions to the project. The other 50% was based on the class average. DD was not amused. What is the purpose of these sorts of assignments?!? I guess if your purpose is to pull the grade distribution towards the mean, objective accomplished!
  7. Just curious how the cost of going to a matinee movie varies. If we spring for the cost of going to the movies, we drive to a near-by smaller town because their theater charges $5.25 for the first matinee showing. A theater closer to our house runs $9 for matinees. Normally we just stay home and find something on Netflix.
  8. DD had a good advisor session at the university she is transferring to. He pointed out that a math minor is relatively easy to add to the comp sci major. Looks like an additional 4 courses, 12 credits, would be needed. I am not sure how to advise her. What is the value of having a math minor? Worth loading up the course schedule with an extra math class each semester? My gut tells me that she will be better off focusing doing well in her core courses. On the other hand, calculus 3 was her favorite class this semester.
  9. Eggs. Very cheap and just about the perfect LCHF whole food. They aren't just for breakfast! I prefer fresh produce so end up eating a lot of cabbage. Cheap. And tasty either oven roasted or made into slaw.
  10. The university DD is transferring to charges extra tuition for every credit hour taken in business, engineering, and nursing. I found an article from years ago when they were first considering this and a head administrator was justifying it as follows: “...graduates in business, engineering and nursing are among the most employable college graduates in the state; these areas are where there are jobs – well-paying jobs...†I got a bit annoyed recently as DD was looking at the courses she wanted to take next semester. One is a required probability and statistics course. However, they've created a special course within the college of engineering so that the additional fee applies.
  11. Stick blender to mix/whip eggs/cream before cooking in a cool pan over low heat, stir constantly, remove from heat when still wet.
  12. Why not pick and choose the books from Lightning Lit that you want her to actually read the full book and then use Spark Notes or equivalent and let her just read the chapter summaries. This way, she becomes familiar with the plot,characters, setting, etc. and can still gain something from the LL lessons related to that book. We did this for Moby Dick and my DDs are eternally grateful. I may be totally off-base, but could the issue be less with reading speed and more with getting distracted when she should be reading? We were starting to work towards independence in ninth but it sounds like she maybe has more than she can handle at this point.
  13. Definitely sufficient. DD took 3 dual enrollment courses per semester her senior year and no additional courses at home.
  14. You are very welcome. I think this is a very common issue. I've seen it come up again and again on College Confidential.
  15. Did you use the IRS retrieval tool to carry your information into the FAFSA? If so, did you have any HSA and/or pre-tax retirement contributions? If so, those amounts will need to be added back in to get an accurate EFC. The retrieval tool won't already account for those since they aren't taxed. Still considered income by FAFSA.
  16. I'm having more difficulty swallowing the large calcium citrate supplements. Do you know of any brands that provide a smaller pill/tablet? I wouldn't mind needing to take 2 or 3 of them to make a dose.
  17. So, DD applied for admission as a transfer student when the application opened in August. The website stated that the admission decision could be expected in 2 to 3 weeks. It's now been 8 weeks. DD emailed the transfer coordinator to confirm that the admission package was complete and that they didn't need anything else from her. She also asked when she could expect a decision. Coordinator responded promptly that they had everything they needed and that, since she is applying to a competitive major, some departments are slow in getting the decision to the admissions office. Timing is important because there are only two transfer orientation sessions scheduled (one in late November and the other not until just before classes start in January). Transfer students can only register for classes at these orientation sessions. If DD is to have any chance of getting into any of the major courses she needs the first semester, she needs to be at the November orientation. She can't register for the orientation until she is admitted and the sessions have been known to fill up. So, now I'm wondering if there is anything to be gained by having DD contact the major department directly. . .and I'm not sure quite how that inquiry should be worded. I doubt this would go over very well: "Are you sitting on my admission application? Can you please evaluate it post-haste and provide the final admit decision already?"
  18. Great information. Thank you for sharing. I am leaning towards the new phone. I'm not sure how you know that this particular DD has zero sense of direction but that is excellent advice. I'm not familiar with Waze but we'll look into it. Great to hear that the G4 will work for Pokemon Go.
  19. Younger DD is almost 17 and as she is now driving and taking classes at a college campus, we have decided to get her a cellphone. Hanging head in embarrassment but one consideration in phone choice is so that we can all play Pokemon Go. We definitely hang behind the curve in cellphone technology so the phones already owned by me, DH, and DD19 are all too old tech to play the game! The refurbished IPhone5 is priced about the same as a new Moto G4. I'm leaning towards the new phone but wanted to seek other opinions. Also considering waiting another month or two since the new IPhone came out, will the older iPhone prices drop more?
  20. Am I the only one with memories from when I was three, including our only trip to Magic Kingdom? Now with my own family, went to WDW for the first time when the kids were 2 and 5 because I wanted the oldest to buy into the magic. It was awesome and younger also had a great time. Trying to do it all is a huge mistake. Rethink that strategy or consider an adult only trip first and then scale way back for a trip with young ones.
  21. Agave is no healthier and some say even worse because it is even higher in fructose than high-fructose-corn-syrup.
  22. LCHF- low carb high fat Very similar to the foods and meals advocated for on the website Diet Doctor. 85 pounds. Actually trying to put a couple pounds back on. Did not increase my exercise.
  23. Oh no. Dry scrambled eggs?? Inedible. Love runny but slightly thickened yolks cooked by any method.
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