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Everything posted by Dana

  1. You've got the right idea! With Grammar Island, if at any point you guys get stuck, just pause there and spend some more time. There were some natural stopping points. Some days we'd only cover 1 or 2 pages. Other days we'd do 15 or 20. MoH and BL can be done at any time. After you finish Grammar Island, start Sentence Island and Practice Island (one sentence a day works well). We do some diagramming with the Practice Island sentences as well using Rex Barks (can get at amazon). The forums are at: http://rfwpsupport.com/forum.php I think you need to be registered. The yahoo group is MCTLA. Good luck!
  2. When we started it, I used base 10 blocks to show the place value and after doing the division with the blocks, I showed the algorithm. We did the blocks for a problem, then the writing. After a few days (yup), my son preferred the algorithm :) So for 892 / 3, you'd first divide the hundreds by 3 (show with blocks). We get 2 hundreds and have 2 hundreds left over. So we break the left over hundreds into tens. We have 29 tens. Dividing them by 3, we have 9 tens with 2 left over. We break those into ones. We have 22 ones. Dividing them by 3, we have 7 ones and 1 left over. Thus, 892 / 3 is 297 1/3. Showing with the blocks first really helped make the concept clearer.
  3. My husband went to two or three or his sessions at Greenville. He says Pudewa was entertaining and the sessions were okay. He gets the Christian vibe, but there was nothing he found offensive (he walked out of a Kern session).
  4. Third option is cheapest and gives me most freedom. SCAIHS (2nd option) is good and has resources... But it's expensive. I'm unsure if I'll use them for high school, but I'll stick to third option definitely until h.s.
  5. Community is one of my favorites now. The Halloween episodes are wonderful. I think I've heard this season will end with a paintball sequel too :D Modern Family is also good. And we watch House.
  6. Xkcd is also fun since if you go to the original comic and hold your mouse over the comic, there's additional text.
  7. :lol: I won't link, but South Park had a fun bit along the same lines.
  8. Looks like there's a 7th edition of Wheelock's coming out this summer too. :glare:
  9. You can do the ITBS alone. I think it's a different test that requires multiple testers... Stanford?
  10. I used mine a couple of times last month (trying to wean myself from instant). I'm not aware of any way to speed things up. Heating water is where the time comes in. It does smell nice though! I don't think you can do speedy with a French press.
  11. I think the descriptions and reviews on Rainbow Resource's site do a good job of warning about any content that would be questionable to anyone. There's also Homeschool Reviews and reading reviews on Amazon. I don't know if Cathy Duffy's reviews mention questionable content, but I do know that Rainbow generally does. There are some resources if you weren't already aware of them.
  12. Looks like a fun film... tossed in the Netflix queue.
  13. Unfortunately I don't have a camera for my computer, so I won't be able to use Gmail motion. I loved how one sign gave "Barbados" in the email :)
  14. One easy fix is that the PS gets taken away for a while. Not with yelling; just with a "You know you're not supposed to use this, so it'll be in my room now." Unfortunately, you may need to be up when your husband leaves for a while. :grouphug:
  15. The key here is that Joseph doesn't have 4 times as many stamps as Matthew (like in your dog example); it's that J has 4 times more stamps than Matthew. With a poorly drawn bar model.... :) M = [9 ] J = [M][M][M][M][M] The difference b/t M and J is 4M (4 times more stamps).
  16. Yes, this is correct. What's really going on with the conversion between mixed numbers and rational numbers is you're doing addition. 3 1/2 means 3 + 1/2 (a useful thing to be aware of when dividing polynomials). So 3 + 1/2 requires a common denominator: 2 (3/1)(2/2) + (1/2) [getting the common den] and this is what leads you to your final note: (3*2 + 1) / 2 I think I'll be having my son really work the conversion as addition until he's begging for the shortcut. It's how we did long division (pull out the manipulatives and work it... now you can write it). :D
  17. This is going to be very important to remember! And it is so true. I appreciate these threads and I hope that I won't end up completely shocked when we're looking at colleges. Thanks for sharing your story.
  18. Every so often the boards go down. It generally doesn't last too long (I think the lengthiest was about 12 hours once?). A lot of housework or teaching gets done during those times :D But they do a great job keeping servers running - just sometimes traffic may be too heavy briefly. And welcome to the boards. Lots of good knowledge here - and unfortunately reasons to try new curriculum. :glare:
  19. I'm just tossing in Rex Barks for the "how to" of diagramming. We do some of the sentences in Practice Island using the 4-level analysis and then diagram them.
  20. I bought the Discovering Music program after seeing Carol Reynolds at the Greenville conference. We're not going to use the program in the way it's intended at my son's age, but we will listen to the music and watch the videos. It'll also be just a good reference. Her presentations aren't a hard sell in any way. I just found her fun to listen to. She reminded me of professors I enjoyed in college.
  21. I don't check facebook, so thanks for mentioning this. Saw the note there - and yes, it does mean they won't have refills. I placed a large order this morning!
  22. With your checking, look at Consumer Reports. The library should have a copy & I think it's the March issue that's the car issue. It has "buy" and "avoid" cars with rough estimates of costs. It's probably the best first step in determining a budget and what cars to look at. When you find a car you're interested in, be sure to have a mechanic check it over before you make an offer. We bought 3 used cars from individuals this way - and didn't spend over $3500 on any of them. (Of course this was pre-kids, so we weren't concerned about the same issues at the time.) You'll get a better deal buying from an individual rather than a dealer & by having a mechanic check things out you'll feel better about the purchase. Also, give your insurance agent a call when you have an idea of the cars you're looking at & see how the different models will affect rates (and property tax).
  23. I'd sure say that sounds like an allergic reaction. :grouphug: My husband is highly allergic to cats. We got a cat and he was miserable for a couple of weeks. Then he adjusted.... or seemed to. After the cat died, we didn't have any cats for a while. When we got another cat, he had pretty rough allergic reactions. I decided that it was better for our son to have a father who wasn't taking asthma medication regularly, so we don't have cats :( It's your call (along with your doctor) as to whether the allergic response is such that you're okay being miserable for a while until you get adjusted to having the dog. For my husband, I'd never seen him in good health until we didn't have a cat. Seeing the change made it much easier for me to say, "No pets." You will adjust to your dog over time. The question is really whether the pet is worth what you're giving up in health. It may be a minor adjustment and worth it over time. Good luck with the decision. It's a tough one!
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