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Everything posted by December

  1. Except for when the mom is part of the problem. Sandy Hook and the Umpqaa CC shooting come to mind.
  2. Sometimes you just don't have the time to spend several hours outside everyday, watching your kid play. So the choice would be either letting your four year old play alone outside within seeing/hearing distance or keeping him inside. I have 5 kids, three of which are under the age of three. Do you know how much time my 4 year old (now 5) would have gotten playing outside if she could only be outside when I had the time and energy to bring two toddlers and a baby outside with her? To me, the risk of her getting hurt and me not being right there to scoop her up was worth the trade off of her getting to spend hours and hours of time playing outside.
  3. Dentists wanted to remove mine as a teen/young adult. They said they were impacted and showed me X rays that seemed to show they didn't have room to come in (they were in kind of sideways). I didn't have them removed and guess what? They came in just fine. I found out later that it's normal for them to be sideways in your jaw before they erupt and it doesn't mean there is not room.
  4. I left a bag of groceries once and even though I headed straight back when I realized it, the stuff had already been put back (since it was perishable.) But they kept track of what it was and I was able to go collect it again myself, so it wasn't such a huge deal (besides being 36 weeks pregnant with twins and not wanting to deal with it, but other than that...) So I am sure that even if they don't keep your item at the desk you could get another one or just be refunded.
  5. Just curious, had he ever given you a blood test? I believe you can tell from a blood test if someone has ever had mono.
  6. I don't know if this is exactly the same theology as anti-volunteerism, but I was raised Oneness Pentecostal and I remember the pastor teaching that "the least of these my brethren" meant that we only had to do good deeds for our fellow Oneness Pentecostals. No one else was our brethren, therefore, God did not expect us to do anything for them, beyond telling them they were going to hell, of course.
  7. Maybe SAHM have more time and energy to focus on what they eat, and eat more of foods that help the baby bulk up. A lot of crunchy women follow what is known as the "Brewer's Diet" while pregnant which requires you to eat a huge amount of protein. Just anecdotally, I've heard a lot of midwives say that women who follow this diet often have 9-10 lb babies. I have had three 10lbers myself (at 39 weeks) and I did eat a lot of protein while pregnant, though I was also a 10 lb baby myself.
  8. I wonder what the guy was supposed to do if he didn't have a working cell phone on him.
  9. Hmmm, I don't agree at all. I have a very popular first name and it never hurt my feelings to be the third one in a class with that name. However, it still makes me cringe a little to remember how my last name was made fun of. So I don't agree at all that it is better to be made fun of than to have a too common name.
  10. Just curious, do actually know that the lifeguards will come to a house for $8 an hour? Just because the Y pays them that much doesn't mean they'd come to your house for a couple hours for that much. I mean, around here, a business hiring someone to clean would pay around $9 an hour but if you wanted someone to come to your house and clean, you won't find anyone willing to do that for less than $20 an hour.
  11. You can get insurance that only covers accidental death...suppose that would be better than nothing.
  12. Except this kid wouldn't require expensive nut-free products. All the teacher would have to do is refrain from putting actual peanuts in the recipe. The kid can handle trace amount of nuts. And maybe the mother would rather the teacher NOT alter the recipes and that is why she left the form blank. The kid can still learn how to make foods containing nuts, he just knows he can't eat them and maybe that's the way they prefer it, rather than making the teacher feel like he has to change his recipes.
  13. If you are worried about lawsuits, I really think you need to make sure you are exempt from following the ADA before you make this decision. Being a private entity doesn't exempt you.
  14. I wonder how you know the motivations of the homeschoolers that attend your CC? When I was in high school I mostly took AP classes. Some of my peers that would have otherwise chosen AP, chose to do Running Start at the CC instead. I assume you would have no problems with public school students opting to go to CC instead of high school? So why shouldn't homeschoolers get to make a similar choice, and decide that CC classes are more in line with their educational goals than completing their education entirely at home?
  15. What I was finding online was that the ADA applies to private schools, unless they are directly operated by a religious institution.
  16. I think one difference would be that people who are CC are there because they want to be there. While with high school, you have students who don't want to be there and are forced to be there, leading them to take out their frustrations on everyone else. I mean, do you have problems with students bullying each other at CC? Maybe it happens and I don't hear about it, but I have a hard time imagining that bullying could occur at CC anywhere at the level it does in public schools.
  17. Would not allowing him to take the class open you up to being sued for violating the ADA? A quick Google search is telling me that those with allergies are protected from discrimination by federal law, but I don't understand the specifics.
  18. I use it in stir fries but I don't know if that would be too many ingredients for what you are thinking of. I've also put tofu in soup. I just fry it up with some seasonings and then let it boil in the soup for a little bit (I've done it with lentil soup and butternut squash soup). Is there a dish that you already make with meat in it that you could try replacing the meat with tofu?
  19. Not a Mormon, never have been, so this is just a guess, but I would think that homosexual children could continue living with their parents, but the Church would expect that the parents refuse to let their child's same sex partner live with them. It seems like the living together part is where it crosses the line in their minds from just being another sin to being apostasy and worthy of excommunication.
  20. The verse has it the other way around; people who neglect their children are worse than unbelievers.
  21. It would be nearly impossible to accurately study homeschooled students in high reg states vs. low reg states because how many people in high reg states choose not to homeschool because it just seems like too much trouble? My MIL was like this. For most of my husband's childhood he lived in Pennsylvania. MIL always wanted to homeschool but taking on PA homeschool regulations was more than she could handle. When they moved to a lower regulation state, she started homeschooling. Completely neglected her kids' education. But had she stayed in PA and never homeschooled, then her kids would have been missed by any such study trying to compare high reg states and low reg states.
  22. So how do you approach the study of history then? Historian A says such and such a view of history is correct; Historian B disagrees and says this other view is the correct one. They both use similar methods to reach their conclusions. Do we throw our hands in the air and say, "History is a waste of time. There is no way to even begin to evaluate their claims objectively since they both rely on historical texts to reach their conclusions so they must both be wrong?"
  23. No, they don't all use the same process as the Orthodox do. For instance, the church I grew up in believed that "true" Christianity disappeared from the historical record some time not long after the death of the apostles, not to be discovered again until the twentieth century. So they absolutely would not look to two thousand years of Church teaching, tradition, canons, etc as the Orthodox would do to determine whether Wilson's comments were true or not.
  24. Yes, you will see Orthodox icons with God the Father in it. From what I understand that is something that is due to Catholic influence, but it is not actually approved of by any Orthodox groups. There is a Greek Orthodox church in my hometown that depicts God the Father up on the iconostasis (the wall up at the front of the church) . When I asked the priest about it, he admitted that it was not right, but it was made back in the early twentieth century by Greek immigrants that had been influenced by Catholic styles of paintings and removing the icon now would cause too much controversy because it had been there for decades and the descendants of the man who made it were still going to that church.
  25. I would if it would be worth looking into to see if every bank only will issue temporary stop orders? If there is a bank that will permanently cancel a check for you, I'd switch banks. That is just ridiculous they expect you to pay $30 or something every 6 months. Or cancel your account. Hopefully your tenants will get serious about looking for the check when they realize what a hassle it would be to replace it.
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