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Everything posted by Marylou

  1. I also am enjoying seeing the variety of sources that have been listed. Great thread. I do not enjoy/appreciate someone saying ALL Christians do or think thus and so. Especially when it comes to thinking rationally about a certain topic. And BTW I am not a not a very delicate flower :). Just would like to know (I'll start a thread perhaps) where folks get their info to make such sweeping generalizations. That's what I find unfortunate.
  2. So what you mean is that all Christians have a hard time looking at the issue of creation/evolution rationally?
  3. Do you mean all Christians? or some? And how do you know this? I think that's what the other poster sees as insulting.
  4. At least Oprah gives stuff away :spam: ETA and if this is our best life now more is better, right?
  5. I agree with what Michael Horton wrote about Osteen in his book Christless Christianity. Guess what the missing part is? :glare:
  6. I just started "Building Our Lives" with my third graders and they love it.
  7. Wow! Thanks so much for your post!
  8. Quality ice cream (any flavor is fine!) Snuggling with kids or dh. Gardening. Homeschooling (made you smile :))
  9. This cracks me up! Our classroom is the formal dining room complete with chandelier! I have to admit, it gives good light!
  10. Rebecca is right. . . this is a wonderful chocolate cake. I frost mine with Seafoam (7 minute boiled frosting) with Maple flavoring. It's delicious!
  11. SWB said it perfectly. And I will add that I've only been here a few months, and my first impressions were (are)-- these folks are pretty juvenile in how they express themselves. I am very intrigued by the thread topics, there are some great discussions here, but the tone which several posters use to convey their thoughts really surprises me. After being here and reading for a while I am a true believer that people will write very differently (tone/adjectives used, etc.) on a forum than they would speak aloud in a public discussion. And I also know that if I don't like what I see (like on the playground years ago) I can go somewhere else. Thanks, OP, for sharing your thoughts.
  12. Scarlett, Maybe instead of telling him where he needs to spend his giving money you should let him come up with some ideas on his own? Or maybe it was his idea? It odesn't sound that way from your OP. This week we are going to visit my folks in FL and honestly, they don't need a thing! I will bring a small candy gift which they will enjoy and which will also fit in our carry-on only luggage. Maybe your DS knows this about his grandparents, too? They don't need, or even want perhaps, another trinket from WDW? Perhaps a good attitude and sincere "thank you" when they purchase something for him will be all the "gift" they desire. Maybe a donation to a local homeless shelter or crisis pregnancy center when you return would mean more to him. Just some thoughts. Have a great vacation!
  13. I have a NordicTrack ski machine. It is easy on the knees and doesn't need electricity! I got it free from someone who was finishing up her yard sale and just wanted it gone. Many folks would love to get rid of one. It gets my heart rate up in less than a minute. Then for strenth training you could use one of those stretchie bands or free weights. I love the stretchie band b/c it fits right into a suitcase and is light as a feather.
  14. I'm sorry your son was treated so rudely. Maybe he could befriend another boy who also isn't allowed to play "mature" video games; they will probably have more in common anyway!
  15. I really hope you are just kidding here :confused: This would be the harder thing to do, but it would definitely be the most gracious and loving. I'm sorry for your hurt :grouphug:
  16. Sue, I'm so sorry you had to experience this heart ache. Maybe tomorrow when she should have been at the park with friends she can spend every moment of that time with your husband? Playing a game (just the two of them), taking a walk, talking, going for a ride, etc. It will show her that she is so important to him. He could use that time to instruct her yet again about how a young lady should behave. He can reinforce the fact that her emotional maturity and self-control are worth much more than a $40 park ticket. Please post again later.
  17. PLEASE, Please, please, will you post pics of where you live now? Would love to see what you bought :001_smile: or are you still looking???????????
  18. Do you want to be smarter than a fifth grader? Then turn off the t.v. and read a book! :001_smile:
  19. "But not all the Israelites accepted the good news. For Isaiah says, "Lord, who has believed our message?" Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Romans 10:16-17 Not just hearing what others say about the message (gospel, Bible), but hearing the message yourself. God will help you if you truly want to understand.
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