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Everything posted by Loesje22000

  1. I reread 'Au Bonheur des Dames' in Dutch. It is written by Emile Zola. I should look if there is more translated into Dutch. I love books of Dumas: Monte Christo, Musketeers: these are good friends :) I don't have the Iron Mask, I can try that one :)
  2. We buy a lot of clothes online. We measure always before ordering ( dd is growing fast!) And order exactly as the size tables says, even the size seems te be odd to me. So far so good :)
  3. I have an American kindle app. (= linked to my American Amazon account) When I read an English book I can touch a word and the linked dictionary gives a definition of that word. Can I, in the same account, realise this option for French books? So linked to a French-French dictionary? Anybody have a link with instructions how to do that? That would be fabolous for next schoolyear :)!
  4. In Belgium we have seperate Geography besides History and just 2 hours history per week.I think we can do SCM in that timeslot. (And most of their readings are translated in Dutch so that helps :) )
  5. What I liked in the 6th grade history AM and miss in the 7th grade are the essay prompts ( compare / contrast essays about world religions), dd learned a lot while doing it. I would have loved to continue her writing to a next level. And the new 7th grade history start over again at the creation and is not a continuation of grade 6 ( in our case a con, but in your case probably a pro) So we did Heritage Studies 6 last year and will 'continue' with SCM middle ages, renaissance, Reformation. No idea if that will work.
  6. How do you measure the temperature of a solid object?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosie_0801


      Oh, you wanted a sensible answer. Sorry. :p


    3. Dicentra


      You could use thermodynamics and a simple styrofoam cup calorimeter and calculate it. It would have to be an object made of something you knew the specific heat for, though. An infrared thermometer is probably easier. :)

    4. Loesje22000


      That is good to know! The whole practicum had a different goal then exact measuring, but it made us wondering how one could measure it. I will share it with dd. This our first chapter of Physical Science, Thermodynamica is one of the latter chapters.

  7. Donna young is inspiring. I think I will make a template in Dutch for DD
  8. This seems helpful to me: https://www.training.nih.gov/assets/Lab_Notebook_508_%28new%29.pdf
  9. :faint: I've never seen such a thing! But at the other hand 8 years ago I'd also never heard about Physical Science :) I like the idea of sampling
  10. I know I tagged several threads about writing Lab Reports, but the new search options are not capable any longer to search on tags. Dd started Physical Science Last week, and has to write a Lab report this week about her practicum this day. I got a very funny story in my mailbox but not a report ;) Anybody links to older threads or links to examples / templates or other 'must know' topics? I've done highschool exam in chemistry but I can't remember I've ever written a lab report. So I can't teach her what to do. We don't have lab requirements here in Belgium neither for 8th grade or 12th grade exam, but I can't Imagine doing Physics and Chemistry without labs/demonstrations...
  11. I like: http://www.amazon.com/Life-Beautiful-Blu-ray-Roberto-Benigni/dp/B0033AI48Y/ref=sr_1_2?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1432230319&sr=1-2&keywords=la+vita+e+bella http://www.amazon.com/Silver-Sword-Ian-Serraillier-ebook/dp/B00702LTMY/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432230391&sr=1-2&keywords=silver+sword http://www.amazon.com/Piper-Vintage-Classics-Nevil-Shute-ebook/dp/B0035OC7OA/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432230562&sr=1-1&keywords=pied+piper+shute And as I have a daughter: http://www.amazon.com/War-Stories-Girls-Story-Collections/dp/1407114824/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432230455&sr=1-7&keywords=War+stories+girls+scholastic As we live in Europe we visited some of the WWII spots. That impressed most, but we started with the above.
  12. Still not sure were I 'belong', With one leg in grade 8 (still 3 subjects by exam) and another in grade 9 ( all the rest) I feel very 'in between'. Grade 9 and 10 are almost the same here, and without required exams, so starting Highschool feel very relaxed to me after so many 8th grade exams. :)
  13. I don't know the book yet, But found this one this afternoon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1608981819/ref=ox_sc_act_title_8?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Maybe someone has a review?
  14. The Story of Science / Joy Hakim ? And are you only looking for natural sciences or also subjects like Philosophy? Just asking as I'm planning 17th century European history and I am researching several scientists an philosophers but according to dh philosophers are scientists... ;)
  15. I read 'Christy' this week, And I finished Inferno last night. I don't like or enjoy the book, but I don't dislike it either. It is just not interesting. Maybe it is a lack of background, that could be. It has 'beautiful' language though.
  16. I thought CM2 is 5th Grade? So after that I would need Soixieme? Wallonie (French speaking Belgium) counts differently, according to the Belgian schoolsystem, so that doesn't help with orders in France...
  17. Not very ''typical' - bible camp - pony camp (first time) - adventure camp ( catch your own fish, and grill it above a campfire type of camp) - two weeks at a seashore - continuing French, Science and Technical Education as those are the last 8th grade exams to pass.
  18. http://www.amazon.com/Tea-Lords-Hella-S-Haasse-ebook/dp/B0060JEGM8/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1431961464&sr=1-1&keywords=hella+haasse About the Dutch Indies (Dutch Colonial Times) http://www.amazon.com/Twins-Tessa-Loo/dp/1569472610/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1431961579&sr=1-1&keywords=Tessa+de+loo About WWII Congo, an epic history, Is not literature but a great book about the history of Congo. I wished 'de Thuiskomst' from Anna Enquist had been translated. It is about the wife of James Cook :)
  19. In the Netherlands / Belgium it is something you do the week before you start the new schoolyear. But when my new books arrive, I have a lack of space on my shelves :) So the last month we reorganize the shelves, wrap the new books, and set everything ready for the next year. It is also a last check if I 'got' everthing :)
  20. Wrapping the new schoolbooks with 'school wrapping paper' ( in America it seems to be brown paper, but here we have fancy wrapping paper special for schoolbooks). Sending our letter to the government with the announcement that we will homeschool next year (again) with the long list of books we plan to use. It is one of the last acts of our schoolyear (that ends June 30).
  21. As you asked for what other Countries do: In the Netherlands Literature is combined with languages. So British and American Literature are part of English, French literature is part of French, German literature is part of German, etc. As not everybody has 'all' languages, not everybody reads books from other cultures then Dutch and English. Flanders read more in translation. So Romeo and Julia, Tristan und Iseult, Animal Farm, Le Petit Prince are all read in Dutch in Flanders. Dutch recommendations... As I suppose you can't read Dutch I have a problem. Great works as Daens or Multatuli are not translated into English. The Diary of Anne Frank is translated, is important for its Historian Value, but not because it is great Literature...
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