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Everything posted by Elisabet1

  1. Use a yahoo group or something. I cannot stand when places try to force FB. And it goes against their rules to use a fake name.
  2. Tell your daughter how you feel so she comes to you first next time.
  3. I would also drop the studies to a bare minimum. Do math for sure. But, probably skip much of the rest. They can free read about stuff they are seeing or doing. Maybe have them keep a journal.
  4. Yeah, pretty much the public schoolers go by the wayside by that age too. I no longer really want to mess with public schooled friends anymore. It is better to find home schoolers who will still be around in a few years.
  5. Sometimes, you have to just accept that the neighbor kids won't make great friends.
  6. Kids are not typically worried about another child's education. So I am guessing the parents are the ones telling the kids that and encouraging the bullying. You will have to deal with the parents on this one.
  7. It was a dance shop. But, the owner's wife usually fitted the shoes and she had just died. His face was red from crying. Maybe I should take him to a different dance shop tomorrow during the day and just get different ones. Oh yeah, and they are canvas.
  8. My son always had really wide feet. I used to have to special order his shoes because his feet were so wide. In recent years, I buy wide shoes, and they might be a little long on him to get wide enough. I bought him new ballet shoes yesterday. He says they hurt his feet so bad. He thinks they are not wide enough, even though I don't think he realizes he actually wears wide shoes. So this is not a hang up of his. I don't want him to give up dance over hurting shoes. Is there such a thing as wide dance shoes? These are ballet shoes.
  9. Well, what she said seems to be something you do not need to bother to repeat. But it also just sounds a little like gossip. I would just ignore it. And if you don't like your parents visiting, give your kids a new video game every time they come if they continue to come anyway! LOL
  10. Person B wanted to vent, then expects you to stay quiet and hold it in yourself. It is like the person who has an affair and spills the beans. They feel better, but then suddenly expect the spouse to forget about it. Doesn't work that way. I don't know if you should repeat to person A. What was person B's objective in telling you? To warn you about something, like you should keep a distance or something? And perhaps person A should be allowed to defend themselves.
  11. Looked for it last night, but think we have too much light pollution right now.
  12. The last period I wrote down was Oct 2013. I am due End March 2015. Even though it was less than a year before I conceived, I would give it more than a year with protection if you really don't want to get pregnant again.
  13. One thing I tried that helped was make a list of every meal I could think of that we could make. Then, when I did the meal planning, it was like picking from a menu instead of having to just think stuff up.
  14. My children can play for hours in the old small bedroom we have not finished clearing out. It is full of Legos. That is what they are playing with. There is still a book shelf in there. They are making stop motion videos with the Legos too. Even the 3 yr old has been playing for a long time. It is tempting to put 3 yr old in the large bedroom with the boys, and just leave the small room as a Lego room. I haven't wanted to do it because they already have a game room and a media room. BUT, Legos around the house and mixed in with everything is a pain. Would that just be a totally crazy idea?
  15. You should go to the doctor for a complete workup first. When I had trouble with overeating, I thought I could just fight it with self control. It never worked. Even when I took diet pills and reduced my calories to 500 a day or less, I still gained. I finally went to the endocrinologist and found out I had hypothyroid and low blood sugar. That was 20 yrs ago. Other than when pregnant or on fertility treatments, I have not gained since. I am 28.5 weeks pregnant now and weigh 10 pounds less than I did 20 yrs ago.
  16. LOL..they broke stuff in the bathroom..once! And they did not actually break..they turned on the water and left the room while with a babysitter. Now, when I have sitters, I lock them out of the bedroom completely. You have to go through the bedroom to get to the bathroom. The only thing that got broken was the child safety lock I later ordered for the handle to the closet. I also very sternly repeat....do NOT ignore them for even a minute! I pay $10 an hour, I would think I could have a good sitter. I tell each sitter about what happened to the bathroom that one time. Oh, and I have only been hiring this one sitter now and she is older. I have another to hire, but I have not needed her as a back up yet. Both are/were home schooled so available during the day. But on that note, my husband can take care of them. I will check exempt though. It would drive them nuts when I have to potty at least every hour.
  17. My periods stopped in 2013. I went to the doctor in January 2014. Blood work showed I had no ovarian reserve and such. Sonogram showed my ovaries were smaller and no follicles. I had not ovulated in a good year I am sure at that point. I am 44 yrs old. I had hot flashes. I would be turning off the heat in the house basically I was so hot. I was wearing short sleeves outside when others had long sleeves and jackets. And I was a little bit tired and gaining weight. I gained 20 pounds. And my periods were not coming. On a rare occasion, I would get a little spotting, not enough to use a pad. ummmm.....then I guess I ovulated in July anyway.
  18. Don't forget about the perennium massage. I know I spelled that wrong.
  19. I got a jury duty notice...which I always thought it would be neat! I have never done jury duty before! But, I am called for February. I am due in March. I qualify for en exemption. It says if you are full-time caretaker of a child under 12 yrs old. I am. (you can also check that you are not morally sound, LOL...but nah!) As it stands, I potty every hour, and sneeze and cough. And my toosh hurts still. Should I just check exempt and send the form back in?
  20. I see there are 16 lessons and 3 activities per lesson. Do you have additional activities? How do you do this? It does not actually look straight forward. Thank you!
  21. Ok..I said something beyond stupid recently. Two funerals in a month..so deaths around here. I was visiting the kids whose dad just died. They were playing a video game on some sort of game system, maybe an xbox 360 or playstation of sorts. The one girl put down her controller and went to the kitchen to eat or something. Her brother started telling her to come back, her character was dying. She did not answer her brother. Remember, her dad died just a few days earlier. I stupidly turned to her and said "do you like death? your character is going to die!" and then I was thinking OMG...I did NOT just say that!!!! I quickly said "hurry back! You need to save your character" No one commented. Either they realized I was so stupid and could not comment on something so dumb. Or no one caught it. I am hoping for no one caught it. Everyone else in the room was 13 yrs old or younger. Their mom was near by, but not right there, working on the obituary. I am hoping she did not hear. That is one of those moments where you should slap yourself and slap yourself again.
  22. One time, I was on an elevator...in the education building at the state university, and two older women got on the elevator. I had my 2 oldest and they were the same size, but a boy and a girl. First they asked me if they were twins. And I said no. Then they were "are you sure?" and kept asking and then continued to converse amongst themselves that I must be wrong and they looked like identical twins. Ummm..they were obviously a boy and girl.
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