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Everything posted by Elisabet1

  1. LOL...my husband texted asking why I didn't do our daughter's hair before sending her with him for ballet. I texted back something to the effect of (and I let Siri do the typing, I just spoke). If you don't understand why, then tonight, you do not get to eat for 12 hrs, then we will take your blood, make you quickly drink a sugar drink, and then won't beat you for three hours while repeatedly taking your blood" Ummm..he asked if he could go more than 3 hrs without a beating. LOL I NEED to start proofreading Siri before I send anything out!
  2. I was kind of wondering about that too. Is there something to look up about that online? Or would I just give myself yet another worry?
  3. I passed!!! With flying colors!!! I guess stress really can make your blood sugar high which must be what set off that first test. Fasting .... 79 1 hr ....119 2 hr ...134 3 hr.... 48!!! They rechecked the 3 hr three times because it was so low they could't believe it. So I passed!
  4. I take a baby aspirin a day too.
  5. My challenge has been..I am taking a trash bag around and just filling it up. I have a box for charity too so if something looks too good, it goes in to that box. But most is getting thrown. I wish I had a place to send all these crayons. As it stands, they are going to the trash. Too many crayons.
  6. I have felt so lucky to not gain weight this pregnancy. I just passed the 29 week mark. Thing is, I started out obese. I have a thyroid issue and an autoimmune issue that cause weight gain. But I am the opposite of an emotional eater and a lot of the stuff that has gone on lately led to weight loss. My OB keeps telling me I need to GAIN weight. How can that be when I am obese to begin with? Not looking to argue over it..just wondering what I don't know, why weight gain would be good for someone my size. Baby was 3 pounds 4 ounces by sonogram last week. I lost weight and have gained some back now, but not all. So I have gained the 3 pounds 4 ounces back. I tend to find it impossible to control my weight at the end so I am sure it will shoot up soon.
  7. Is he interested? If not, it might just be torture. Believe it or not...dance has helped my gentle son. He gets out there and performs and it is giving him confidence. I think it helps a lot. I started him in martial arts, but he hated getting hit in the head.
  8. I really would like one. I have great algebra skills, but it takes time to work every problem in my head first. Where can I get the answer key? Thanks!
  9. burning And it feels like I am in a constant state of having to potty. But they checked my urine for infection on Friday, so not likely that. I am 29 weeks, so should not be to the point yet where this is due to baby size. But there is a lot of pain.
  10. I have a very embarrassing question. Please do not hold against me that I asked..but...I have no one else to ask. My baby canal really really hurts. The OB started me on Cleocin on Friday, but today, it feels so bad I wish I could jump out of it! I have taken Cleocin before, so I know it is not an allergic reaction. Should I cal now, on Sunday, or wait until Monday? Could this be a sign of something that could hurt the baby and needs to be seen now? Or more likely just something that should wait until tomorrow?
  11. Can you just take a break until high school? We did. And I know my daughter is not a good example, but we did science, CGC, just 3-5th. Then we stopped. She went back to public school for high school and took AP classes and even scored a 5 on the AP Chem exam.
  12. I did. She moved out last month.
  13. My 10 yr old has been blaming the littles for every mess for a while now. There is a two fold problem here. 1) he leaves stuff down low where the littles can reach it. I think when he does that, he should be responsible for cleaning it up 2) he has been caught lying. After he constantly blamed the littles for everything from dumping the Legos to everything, he got his own room for a short while. With no littles in there, he literally trashed the room within an hour. There were shelves with board games and puzzles on them and he pulled them down and dumped them. Then he said the littles did it. We pointed out that not only did we know the littles were not in there, but they cannot reach those shelves. The mess was so severe that he had to give the room back up and I spent the next few days cleaning it. There was no way he could clean that up. Later, when we went to switch the boys room to a different bedroom, as soon as he heard he was getting the new room, before I could clear it out, he went in and trashed it. It was very fast. He wanted to see everything in it and pulled everything from under the bed and out of the closet and it was spread everywhere. He was playing with one thing he found of interest. At least did not blame the littles. Now we know it is not the littles. I have watched and of the two littles, one does play with Legos, but he will put 5 or so Legos together and then be done. The 10 yr old will dump a bunch of Legos looking for the Lego he wants and then walk away. The other little does not play with the Legos at all. I am tired of everything being a huge mess. And I am shocked at his behavior. He is otherwise..he is the one who does ballet. But he is messy in everything he does. He spills when he eats, he leaves messes in the bathrooms, throws his art on the ground as he goes. I do suspect learning disability(yes). But I would love solutions to this. Any suggestions? edited: it is kind of like that movie Yours, Mine, and Ours. He is very artistic and very messy like the mom in that movie. And I would rather have our home more like...clean.
  14. It seems Obama is all about spending more..more more...Heck..our government seems to just be run by a bunch of wealthy imbeciles who just want to spend money. Not to mention the excessive involvement of corporations and whatever other wealthy entities in our government.
  15. Tamiflu is banned in some countries and does not really reduce the symptoms. You are better off with things like tylenol.
  16. I am wondering if anyone has ever woken up during surgery? A few years ago, I had surgery on my knee. I have had surgery many times before, so there was no anxiety going in to it. But, this time, after the surgery, as soon as I could move again, I sat up and was screaming and grabbing my leg. I don't remember the surgery, but this is very odd. And when I looked it up, what I found said that often, there is an amnesia drug so it is possible that I forgot because of the drugs. What do you think? Is it possible? Anyone else have anything like this?
  17. If you think the family is good, you should tell. She is so young. If you think the parents might be abusive, or they just won't react well, then don't. It is hard to make that leap to speak to other parents when something happens. I recently had to do this. My daughter was definitely abusing her boyfriend and he was very depressed. My husband and I tried talking to him, but nothing was getting better, just worse. In this case, he is an adult so we were not going to go to the parents. In the end, we did. I am glad we did. I think I am glad. The poor young man needed help and we couldn't do it.
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